
Chapter 1243: Og Dreamy Shadow

On the way back from the Angola prison to Baton Rouge, the pickup truck was quiet. Joseph did not try to speak any more, Hugo just closed his mouth, and even the radio was not turned on, except for the scattered wind and noise outside the window. The sound of rolling tires made the hot summer even more dull, and even breathing became difficult.

Hugo's mind is constructing Matthew's life bit by bit. In a trance, he only feels that he is Matthew, and Matthew is him. The two characters overlap completely, and all memories are intertwined. Together, they couldn't distinguish each other, and even made Hugo an illusion that "this is what I experienced personally".

Matthew's family is very simple, a typical American blue-collar family. His father is a carpenter and his mother is a female textile factory worker. They were married because of an unexpected pregnancy, and they lived together before they even had time to obtain a marriage certificate.

My father is an alcoholic and has a serious problem with alcoholism. Every time he gets drunk, he complains about the unfairness of the world, and the government's partiality and independence. He complained that the wealthy controlled the rules of society, complained that he lacked a platform to show his abilities, complained that his parents were not well-born, complained that the appearance of Matthew ruined his future, complained that his wife became a drag on him... …

In Matthew's memory, although his father complained a lot, but fortunately he didn't hit anyone. He just lay on the sofa and complained about everything. Matthew does not know whether he should be thankful that at least he has not become a victim of domestic violence.

Mother is a weak woman. In Matthew’s memory, she always seemed to cry. She would cry when her father raised her voice slightly, and she would cry when she saw that she was not full, and worried that she would cry if there was no heating in winter. Even if the finger is accidentally punctured by a needle, he will cry. At this time, his mother held him tightly in her arms, crying heartily, and he could clearly remember the feeling of tears flowing on his back.

Matthew feels that his mother is very pitiful, because she is so weak, she needs a strong arm to protect her, but unfortunately neither father nor herself can provide it; but Matthew also thinks his mother is very annoying and always crying endlessly. It will complicate everything, how much he hopes she can shut up, but every time he sees her tears, he can't help but feel soft.

Later Craig was born, then Sony, and finally Troy, which made their home crowded and the original poverty life was plunged into a quagmire.

Matthew didn't like the atmosphere at home. His father's complaints and mother's tears always filled the house with a depressive atmosphere, making him breathless, and he wanted to escape here. But his weak mother and younger brother in need of care, including his poor father, are his fetters, and he feels that he will be trapped here for the rest of his life.

School days are always hard. The children from rich people always laugh at him and tease him. He tries to fight back, but his thin body is hard to succeed. The strong kids on the football team are very keen on throwing him into the trash can because they like to watch him struggle to crawl out of it.

He also didn't do well in reading, because he couldn't concentrate, which made him feel frustrated. He wants to achieve outstanding academic results. He knows that this is one of the best ways to leave this ghost place, but every effort ends in failure. He wants to read, and he also tries to read, but he has nowhere. Make him angry with himself.

He knows that he must be strong, not only because other people will continue to bully and humiliate him, and he can't leave this ghost place, then this is fatal. He doesn't want to go on like this for the rest of his life, at least he doesn't want to be like his father, all day long. Drinking at home is a coward; and because he wants to protect his mother and brothers, he needs to protect them. If he doesn't even stand up, his mother and brothers will be eaten by this damned place. There are no bones left.

Matthew met Carl Witlow (carl.).

Carl is from the town next door. He was expelled from the school for committing a crime, but his father was a rich man, so he was transferred to their school. Carl rescued him from the football team on the first day he came to school, and then they became friends.

Matthew felt that Carl was very good, and he could always settle things with him. Although Carl always ordered him to do this and that, he didn't care, because many people in the school envied him and wanted to be like him.

When he saw that the star quarterback of the football team was peeing his pants with a pistol pointed at by Karl, he felt that life had finally begun to be better; when he saw Karl lingering with the school’s most popular beauty, May, He can finally see women in his life; when Karl threatened his classmates with the best grades to help them with their homework, the teacher did not realize that he found that his future finally appeared...

Following Carl, Matthew started to learn to enjoy life for the first time. He learned to drink and smoke. Poison, learned to gamble, learned to hang out with women, even if he is not tall, even if he is not strong, so what? Karl gave him a revolver, which made him invincible. Matthew felt that he was extremely strong. Even when facing the players of the rugby team, he was extremely strong and could easily make the opponent kneel down in front of him.

He was scared, and he regretted it, but every time he saw his mother sitting in a chair and crying silently, especially after his father died of alcoholism, this family fell on his shoulders. Above, he knew he could not be afraid or weak, he needed to stand up for this family.

So Matthew started to enjoy it all. Gradually, he became one of the most famous powerful figures in the town. Many ordinary residents had to take a detour when seeing him, which made him feel that he had supreme power.

Matthew started to raise the whole family, he even got married and found his wife, her name is Helen. Although he got a job repairing a car, he was obviously happier with Carl’s extortion and extortion than his job. He was enthusiastic about this kind of life, because Carl was often the one who led him. He only You just need to go forward and collect money. All this is so easy, it's not a lot of effort at all.

That day, he and Carl went to a motorcycle speeding party party, where they participated in a gambling game. Unfortunately, he lost. He lost all of his two hundred dollars, and Carl was also penniless. Two people tried to rob the speeding party directly, but they were surrounded by a group of people with submachine guns and had to flee.

In the bushes, they saw an old-fashioned second-hand car in which there was a young couple who was dating. Later he learned that the woman was called Hope and the man was called Walter.

There was nowhere to vent their anger, so Karl took him to find him-they had guns in their hands.

Carl took Hope and walked in front. He dragged Walter to follow. He thought they were just trying to teach the couple a lesson, and then robbed their car and left. Unexpectedly, things were out of control. Karl was trying to violent Hope, and Karl enthusiastically invited him to enjoy Hope with him.

He originally wanted to refuse, but he couldn't refuse Carl, he couldn't help it, so he went to enjoy Hope, and then it was Carl's turn.

The matter should be over here, right? But he saw Carl completely lose control, picked up the dagger and stabbed it madly at Hope, like a lunatic. He wanted to escape, he wanted to leave, but Carl's ferocious eyes made him scared. His footsteps couldn't move at all. Carl ordered him to catch Walter. Is it because Hope is dead?

He could not refuse, he could not refuse Karl's order, he really could not... So he caught Walter, and then he heard Karl pull the trigger.

All this was instructed by Carl, and Carl forced him, so he should be innocent, right? He is innocent. Even if he is guilty, he is just because he obeyed Carl's orders. Is that so? So how should the law be sentenced? Shouldn't he be acquitted? He still has his mother and younger brothers to take care of...

As soon as Hugo lowered his head, he saw that his hands were stained with blood. It was Walter's blood. He wanted to wipe it clean, but no matter how he wiped it on his body, he couldn't wipe it clean. This made him feel infinite panic. Then when he raised his head, he saw Derek's **** corpse lying next to it. It was Derek, not Walter, and he put this blood-stained dagger at his feet, Derek's hideous face. As if smiling triumphantly, "I lost, but you didn't win either..."

Hugo was taken aback. He crawled back desperately, trying to avoid Derek’s eyes, but those eyes were always there anyway. He looked around and realized that this was actually a patch. There was endless darkness, no coordinates and no lighting, only a corpse of Derek accompanied him.

Hugo had to stand up, and then ran forward with all his I don’t know how long after running, there is still eternal darkness around, but the deathly silence has a sound, he Hearing a cry that seemed like nothing, it made him stop, and kept looking at it in fear.

Suddenly, a figure appeared not far away. The figure curled up on a chair, whimpering in a low voice, and the stern cry was gently floating along with the sound of the wind. Is that Matthew's mother...or his mother? The black surroundings faded like the tide, and in a blink of an eye it became Matthew’s home. Matthew’s mother curled up on the chair and wept sadly. The tears continued to overflow like a flood, as if it could be done in the next second. Submerge the whole house in general.

How is this going? Is he Hugo or Matthew? He looked down at his hands, but it was still Matthew's blood-filled hands, and his soul was looking at these hands. He was Matthew, and Matthew was him.

Suddenly, Hugo was frightened awake. He sat up suddenly, panting heavily, and his wet sweat made him look like he was fished out of the water. His heart hit his chest violently. The temple seemed to burst open. He blindly looked at the surrounding scene and turned his head several times before discovering that this was not Matthew's house, but a hotel room in Baton Rouge.

It was just a dream, just a dream.

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