
Chapter 1381: New script

Cameron sat cross-legged across from Hugo, quietly looking at Hugo. Hugo was reading a large book with his head down. Cameron could clearly see the shadow cast by his straight nose. His facial features look deeper, and those eyes that are shining slightly in the shadows are like a river bathed in the moonlight and flowing quietly. Looking down slightly, you can see the cherry-colored lips, with green scum around them, making the lips look so soft, with a thin layer of halo on them, which makes people bear. I can't help but want to touch it.

Cameron sat up slightly, raised his hand and touched the corner of Hugo's mouth lightly, and hit the hard stubble. Hugo's head was slightly deflected, but there was no other reaction, which made Cameron I couldn't help but chuckled, raised my index finger again, and slowly climbed up along the scum, gently stroking Hugo’s cheek, feeling the temperature of the skin with his fingertips, and finally stopped at Hugo’s sideburns. Playing with each other one after another.

"Sweetheart, I'll be itchy like this." Hugo raised his hand and grabbed Cameron's right hand, with a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth, then raised his eyes and glared at Cameron. He became mischievous and jumped suddenly, and the whole person was nestled in Hugo’s arms and wrapped Hugo’s neck with both hands. “You can wait and see the script. You accompany me out for a walk, or...or go golfing. ."

"Again?" Hugo laughed blankly. He only went to golf with Cameron yesterday, and went shopping the day before yesterday. Now Cameron seems to be completely addicted, "I will have lunch later, okay?" Yu Guo Xiaohe said, "I have finished reading the script now."

A disappointed expression on Cameron's face emerged, he curled his lips, sat up again with a look of sorrow, and then lay on Hugo's shoulder, "Can't you wait to come back to see it again at night?"

Hugo choked involuntarily, and patiently explained, "Rick asked me to reply to him yesterday, have you forgotten? I am already late, I have finished reading now, give Rick a reply at noon, and then it will be fine. "Yesterday Hugo was also reading the script, but Cameron took him out to play golf, but he didn't finish reading the script in time.

Thinking of this, Cameron pouted and didn't speak any more, lying down on Hugo's shoulder with a downcast face. Because she was behind, Hugo couldn't see Cameron's expression. Hugo thought for a while. Instead of talking empty words now, it is better to finish reading the script and go to lunch together. Therefore, Hugo lowered his head and quickly read the script.

This is the third version of the "End of the World" script, but it is actually a far cry from the "Independence Day" in Hugo's memory.

In this version of the script, the entire branch of David, the computer expert who played a vital role, was directly cancelled, including his ex-wife and his father, and he added a female character Jia Siming. She is the assistant to the first secretary of the president. At the beginning of the story, Jia Siming was on a business trip in Los Angeles. It was she who interpreted the countdown signal of the aliens and realized that the aliens came over the major cities to destroy these cities. This allowed the president and others to leave the White House in time.

And Jia Siming is the actor Steve's girlfriend. Although Jia Siming asked the president to leave the White House in time, due to the time difference, she and Steve missed out. As the pilot captain, Steve had already responded to an emergency call to the base. Jia Siming found the son of Steve and his ex-girlfriend, rescued him, and then took him to the base to find Steve.

At the same time, Steve and the aliens launched the first round of duel. Unfortunately, all his teammates were wiped out. He was the only one who survived and destroyed an alien combat aircraft. Steve captured one. The prisoner of war came to the 51st district where the president and others were.

Since Steve is currently the only person who fought against aliens and survived, he had a conversation with the president. Steve encouraged the president not to lose his faith. This made the president muster the courage and decide to use all his power to attack the aliens. -Including nuclear weapons. At the same time, Steve returned to his original base and rescued Jia Siming.

After returning to Area 51, Steve accidentally discovered the secret of the spacecraft. He can use a computer virus to paralyze the spacecraft’s protective system, which can open the alien spacecraft’s protective cover and let their weapons really work. . But the only requirement is that he must personally enter the alien's spaceship mother ship to implant the virus. Since Steve is the only one who understands computer viruses and he is also a pilot, he must go into battle.

Before setting off, Steve gave an exciting speech and asked everyone to take up arms and join the battle, including the greatly encouraged President-he was a pilot, but after entering politics, he has not been flying for many years. In the end, Steve broke into the spacecraft single-handedly and implanted the virus, while inside the earth, the pilots led by the president gave a severe blow to the alien spacecraft and won the final victory.

Even if Hugo no longer remembers the detailed plot, it is obvious that the entire script has been changed drastically. As the two roles of David and his ex-wife were deleted at once, the whole story line has been redistributed. History Steve’s weight has been significantly strengthened, coupled with the weakening of the role of president, Steve has directly become a lone hero who saves mankind and turns the tide-of course, the pilots who have died on earth are indispensable, but because of the role of Steve Very prominent, these supporting roles not only did not divide the protagonist's light, but became the finishing touch, making the story full.

More importantly, after reducing the two roles, Steve’s girlfriend Jia Siming was also given more content outlines, and added some pen and ink to the emotional scene between Steve and Jia Siming, as well as Steve and his birth. The affection between the sons makes the characters three-dimensional.

What also surprises Hugo is that the interaction between Steve and the president has also increased, which completes the flow and connectivity of the entire story, and also highlights the connection between the military and the president-Yu Guo still had to admire Roland and Dean's skill in writing Hollywood mainstream patriotic scripts.

Although the current "Independence Day" is still the frame of the story in memory, due to the reduction of characters, the connections between the characters have become closer, and the plot advancement has become more compact. Of course, the actor Steve will inevitably become the lone hero in the Hollywood genre film again-this is the part that makes people criticize, but in this way, the plot also focuses on Steve, purely from the story. From a perspective, the visibility has increased a lot.

Such a script, although not comparable to the fast pace of "Life and Death", is comparable to "Terminator 2" and "True Lies", and is enough to raise the quality of the entire work of "Independence Day" to a higher level. Of course, the excellent script is only one aspect. In the end, it depends on Roland's directing direction, whether he can stick to the sharp and fast style of the script and maintain his original commercial sense.

Neither Rick nor Joseph told Hugo the details of the entire negotiation process, so Hugo was quite puzzled at this time, "Did Roland and Dean obviously have been prepared? Then why the quality of the previously revised script is still not good enough? "

If Roland and Dean heard Hugo's remarks, they would probably vomit blood directly.

After the meeting that day ended, Kevin and Allen made a decision almost in a few words: they will not give up Hugo, which means that either Roland and Dean compromise and modify the script within three days; or In the 20th century, Fox gave up this project and submitted other projects to cooperate with Hugo. Time is money, and Columbia Pictures, which is waiting for an opportunity, will not miss the opportunity.

As Kevin said, the weight of "Hugo Lancaster" is too heavy, even if Roland wants to say hardly "I don't care about Hugo, I can get any actor to star in my work." "Success", but the words are stuck in the throat and can't be said. Now throughout Hollywood, even directors such as Steve Spielberg and George Lucas can hardly refuse Hugo directly. Perhaps only a talented person like Woody Allen who unswervingly follows the literary line will Hugo dismissed it—but Roland suspected that even Woody would look at Hugo with admiration, and no one would forget the "before sunrise".

As a director, Roland’s goal has always been very clear. He aspires to become a commercial director who can schedule big scenes and create epic shocks. To achieve this goal, he must get the box office. Get the support of major film companies. Actors like Hugo are not only the coveted partners of large film companies, but also an irresistible temptation for Roland. Confused.

Therefore, Roland and Dean compromised. After returning that day, the two began to write the script all night long, and revise it according to Rick's opinion, but this is a very ambitious project. Although the script framework is basically unchanged, several clues must be overturned and rewritten.

After the two people hadn’t slept for 36 hours, Kevin finally couldn’t stand it anymore, and sent two screenwriters to help. As a result, the four people were busy for nearly 30 hours without sleep before announcing a new version. The script is released. This version of the script is completely different from their original idea.

But even Roland and Dean themselves have to admit that after such changes, the whole plot has become compact and the thinking has become much clearer. If you put aside the slot that almost every character is omnipotent, the script The quality really shines.

Of course, Hugo does not know these conditions. It is undeniable that the "Independence Day" script in Hugo's memory is really not very good. In addition to the visual effects, he can't remember too many plots of the year, but now the script in his hand is much more brilliant, even though It can't be said to be excellent, but also not bad, which also made Hugo's interest in the "Independence Day" project directly rise from five points to seven points.

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