
Chapter 704: Fist out of control

Compared to the busyness of Joseph and Henry and the liveliness of the media, the crew of "Life and Death Hour" was quiet. Although producer Ian Bryce responded to the media, the accusation of the "National Inquirer" was It's nothing, but other than that, as far as the crew itself is concerned, they did not choose to open the interview, but refused to interrupt any form, and devoted themselves to the shooting wholeheartedly.

For the "Life and Death Hour" crew, they are already not favored by the media, so they have time to argue with the media and waste their tongue. It is better to really calm down and shoot. Only when they have completed their work can they have enough Capital attracts the audience to enter the cinema. Therefore, the plight of the "New York Post" and the "National Inquirer" has no real meaning to them.

This is especially true for Hugo. After returning from the hospital, he left the media's remarks behind him and entered the world of "speed of life and death" wholeheartedly. After all, this movie does not allow Hugo to have any room for relaxation. If one is not paying attention, it may be injured.

Hugo stood in place and kept doing a simple warm-up. Sandra Bullock sat in the bus next to him and said with a smile, "The warm-up is not over yet?"

Hugo raised his head and looked at Sandra in the silver bus. While jumping on the spot, he smiled and said, "I don't want to go to the hospital again, you know, I'm a pacifist." Hugo is this. After ridiculing the recent hospital incident, he went to the hospital once, and it caused such a big controversy. If he goes again, he still doesn't know what will happen.

Sandra immediately understood Hugo's ridicule and couldn't help laughing. This laugh immediately attracted the attention of other actors on the bus, and they turned their attention.

This scene is quite special, it is Jack played by Hugo trying to catch up with the bus.

Due to a car accident on the highway and a traffic jam on the road, the bus had to be stopped temporarily. Jack drove up to here, and then he had to get out of the car and catch up, trying to trigger the trigger when the bus speed increased to fifty miles. Before the bomb, stop the bus so that the matter is resolved.

But the bus driver did not understand this situation. He thought Jack was just an ordinary passenger who wanted to take a ride. This is very common for bus drivers. Of course, he would not stop, and he could only stop when the bus stopped. So the bus driver started the car again, which made Jack had to rush to catch up. The passengers on the bus naturally did not want to stop, so they urged the driver to accelerate, which also made the gap between Jack and the bus more and more. big.

Because Hugo needs to run long distances, in order to avoid muscle strain, Hugo needs to warm up sufficiently. After Hugo finished his warm-up, he conducted a rehearsal to see how fast his running speed is. This is also conducive to the control of the bus speed, and will not stretch the distance between the two at the beginning.

"Hugo, are you ready?" After two rehearsals, Jane asked with a loudspeaker. Since the filming location of this scene is relatively large, Jane must use the loudspeaker to control the situation.

Hugo adjusted his breathing, raised his right hand and made an "ok" gesture, and then took the lead to run, also in order to connect with the previous scene. After seeing Hugo running, Jane's "start" sound came from the horn.

"Stop!" Hugo ran up quickly. Since the bus had just started at this time, the speed was not fast. Hugo quickly caught up and ran to the front door of the bus. Hugo glanced at the driver, then raised his left hand and knocked on the bus door. He wanted to attract the driver's attention, but he didn't want to. The glass of the door broke and turned into a giant spider web. Everyone was stunned, including the other actors on the bus, each with his eyes wide open and showing an incredible expression.

In fact, Hugo did not notice the first reaction. He was completely involved in the role, and shouted in accordance with the action, "Open the door! Open the door!" Due to the sound of the bus engine and the noise on the road, Hugo wanted to be able to For the camera to pick up the sound on the spot smoothly, he must make a strong voice from his dantian, constantly roaring.

After Hugo finished roaring, the driver responded, and the echo came, "Don't go near the door! This is not a bus stop!"

At this time Hugo realized why the driver seemed to have so many cracks on his body, and the huge spider web on the glass entered Hugo’s sight, but he did not have the energy to pay attention to these details, and immediately went on to shout loudly. , "Stop! Open the door! Stop!"

However, the speed of the bus began to increase gradually, and Hugo's feet speed was naturally incomparable. This forced Hugo to shout, "Stop, lapd!" But the speed continued to increase, and the driver could not hear the rain. Hugo’s voice made Hugo very annoyed, "Stop this **** bus! Lapd!" Then Hugo ran while trying to take out the police badge on his waist and showed it to the driver directly, hoping that the driver would be able to Stop the car.

However, the driver gradually began to accelerate under the urging of the passengers. Hugo was distracted by the movements of his hands again, and the speed was a little slower. This is the slight difference. Soon Hugo's position fell from the front door of the bus. In the middle, this made Hugo angry, "Stop! Lapd! Lapd!"

But Hugo still had no way to stop the bus from accelerating. He could only watch the bus drift away, gradually surpass himself completely, and then continue to accelerate.

"Ka!" Jane's voice came over, and then she saw the bus stop, and then slowly backed away, bit by bit towards the starting point of departure. This scene is a sports scene and needs to be shot from different angles. Even if every shot is smooth, Hugo had to run five to six times, not to mention that no one knows whether every shot can be put into use. , It is very possible to run more than a dozen times, this is only the first time.

Hugo stood there, panting heavily, and then watched the bus dangling like an old man in the park in the morning. He walked backwards unhurriedly, and then he watched the passengers on the bus gather to the bus. On the right side, he looked at Hugo in surprise.

At this time, Hugo's brain was a little hypoxic, and the whole person was still immersed in the role. He was upset because he didn't catch up with the bus in time, so he didn't realize what was going on with everyone's surprised gaze.

Then I saw Sandra's bright smile, "Hey, man, it seems that the recent news reports really made you angry."

"What?" Hugo asked subconsciously. Sandra immediately laughed and gestured towards the front door of the bus. Then, Hugo saw the bus driver slowly backing the bus. , When the front door was aimed at him, the car stopped.

Therefore, Hugo saw the exaggerated spider web and stared at himself with teeth and claws. This made Hugo stunned. Then he realized what had happened just now, and couldn't help but laugh, and then thought of Sandra just now. I laughed and laughed.

In fact, Hugo didn’t use much strength just now-he felt so, he just devoted himself to the role, thinking that Jack must be desperate and want to stop the bus before triggering the bomb, which can save all the passengers on the bus. . But who knows, the glass of the bus door is so "fragile", he just shoots the door action, and directly shoots a spider web.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the crew also rushed up, yelling one by one, "Oh, Hugo, don’t be so angry, although we all know that those **** reporters are annoying, but don’t vent your anger. On our props, this is what we rented."

Before Hugo could fight back, another voice rang, "This will show Hugo's bravery. It is estimated that movie audiences will feel very excited."

"We must be fortunate that there is no reporter at the scene at this time, otherwise it is estimated that there will be a lot of fun." Another ridiculous voice said, making everyone burst into laughter.

Hugo originally wanted to explain, but seeing everyone laugh so happily, he gave up. Anyway, it’s good to add a little adjustment to the crew, so Hugo also stood there and laughed with everyone. On the contrary, he also joined the ranks of self-ridicule, "I think if reporters see this scene, they will clearly know that I am not that easy to mess with."

Samora also followed at this time, studied the front door of the bus with interest, and then nodded seriously, "Even if Peter Parker sees this shape, he will be satisfied with your work." Peter Parker It was Spider-Man’s real name, and Samora’s ridicule immediately made the surrounding discussion even more lively-if it were, chasing the bus would not be so hard.

Because of the long distance, Jane came over at a slower speed. As a result, he saw a scene of laughter at the scene. He had to pick up the horn and said, "Hey, hey, we are on the highway now, and we can’t stop traffic all the time. , So why don’t we hurry up and get into the shooting?"

Although the crew of "Life and Death Hour" applied for the right to use this highway, this is not a city street, but a highway. That is to say, there is no way to make a detour by passing cars, so the shooting time is fixed, in order not to affect In normal traffic, the crew must race against time.

After Jane spoke, the staff all smiled and dispersed. Hugo looked at Jane and smiled helplessly. He pointed to the bus door and asked, "What are you going to do with this?"

"Keep it, I think it's good." With a smile hidden in the corner of Jane's mouth, with a satisfied expression, after finishing speaking, she went forward to check Hugo's fist prints and nodded again, "It's quite true. Okay. But you can’t beat it hard next time. If it really breaks, even the show will be troublesome."

"Relax, I'm just an ordinary person, not the Hulk Hulk." Hugo could only respond with a helpless smile.

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