
Chapter 733: Proof of existence

"Maybe I'm a lunatic." Hugo stared and said with a serious face, but made Sandra laugh haha, because it reminded her of Hugo's recent situation in the crew, but laughed. When it sounded, Sandra realized that it was very impolite for them to make a loud noise in the high-end restaurant at the moment.

So Sandra quickly turned around and nodded to apologize, and then turned her head to look at Hugo, covering her mouth. The two of them looked at each other and laughed, but this time they both remembered to control the volume of laughter and not to disturb others.

At this moment, the sushi was served like running water. Hugo and Sandra stepped aside. After the food was on the table, both of them picked up the chopsticks-this is completely familiar to Hugo. But the tableware was too much, but Sandra was sitting there and tangled abnormally. For Sandra, who was used to using knives and forks, the control of chopsticks was too difficult.

Sandra complained with a gloomy expression, "Every time I eat. It is the same in Chinese cuisine. The chopsticks are really irritating. If the food is not really delicious, I would have given up long ago. I hope tonight. Food can satisfy me."

Seeing Sandra's gritted teeth, Hugo chuckled and said, "Actually, I don't mind using my hands directly."

Sandra cast her gaze dumbfounded, and paused for a while before suffocating a word, "Good idea!"

The mountain city not only has the wonderful scenery second to none in Los Angeles, but Japanese cuisine can also be among the top. Both the ingredients and the taste are top-notch, and it is indeed a treat.

After Sandra squeezed a piece of sushi into her mouth with difficulty and swallowed it, she showed a satisfied expression, and looked at Hugo again, "You haven't answered my question."

Hugo's eating is obviously much simpler. He put down his chopsticks leisurely and thought for a while, "I have a band myself, do you know?"

Although Sandra didn???t know why Hugo didn???t answer her question, but brought up the band, she nodded, ???Honor to death, even if I, someone who doesn???t have much interest in rock and roll, has heard of it. ."

"I thought you would say that you are a loyal audience of the'Oprah Talk Show'." This sentence suddenly made Sandra roll her eyes, and Hugo laughed hehe-"Oprah blurted out The main audience for "Show" is housewives. "In fact, the band hasn't really been established for a year, and our performance started around June last year."

Hugo simply said, "At that time,'Sleepless in Seattle' was in theaters, and the number of people who could recognize me began to increase. You know, chick movies are always infinitely attractive to women." Sandra Naturally, he nodded in recognition, "After that, I participated in street performances with the band, and we crossed the United States from the West Coast to the East Coast, and then came back from a road trip performance."

Sandra's eyes widened unexpectedly, and the movements on her hands couldn't help but pause. "After becoming an actor everyone knows, and still performing on the street, wouldn't you be... awkward?" As a result, a chopstick was a chopstick. Unsteady, she dropped the sushi on the plate, annoying Sandra. Hugo smiled and picked up the chopsticks, sorted the scattered sushi lightly and put it in Sandra's plate before putting the chopsticks down again.

Street performance has never been a glamorous profession, because it is not fixed, and it is the simplest and most primitive way to perform. It returns to the street from the top stage where the spotlights gather and the cheers gather. On this simple platform, it can be said that it has fallen from the bottom of the cloud, and few people can accept it normally.

In the 21st century singing talent show, "Voice of America (the. attracted many professional singers to attend. Although this is also a talent show, it focuses on professional cards, and many albums have been released. The singers, the solo singers who used to be the lead singer of the band, and the members of the former idol team will all appear on the show.

They have all experienced such ups and downs: they once stood on the stage and were admired by thousands of people, but after their career slipped, they could only go to the streets and bars to lonely and stubbornly guarding their dreams. This huge gap almost made them lose their lives. hope. The reason why they participated in the "Voice of America" ??????draft is to return to the spotlight, win a record contract, and re-enter the peak of their careers.

Therefore, it is indeed incredible that, like Hugo, after "Sleepless in Seattle" created its glory, he was willing to return to the streets.

"No, why should I be awkward?" Hugo chuckled and shook his head. "Did you know? The performance standing on the street is actually very different. It is a cruel performance without any disguise. When we stand On the stage, or on the red carpet, the reporters are all pressing the shutter at you, the fans are all screaming at you, and the lighting engineers are all rushing to shine the lights on you, but on the streets, none of this."

"What's on the street? White-collar workers passing by in a hurry, mothers picking up their children from school, little clerks who are overwhelmed by the burden of life, lonely women who quarrel with boyfriends and break up, students who mess around with carefree ???Of course, there are also drugs. The drug addicts who love to drink, the gangsters who are not doing business with the equipment, the police who use their power to vent their anger. Check???" Hugo???s memory has returned to the section of standing on the street. The memories, the vivid bluntnesses are so clear and real, Hugo can recall those pictures without any effort.

Listening to Hugo???s words, Sandra also stopped her movements and looked at Hugo quietly. Hugo in front of him is still very handsome, especially when he is focused on his own world. The serious light makes everything beautiful. But Sandra didn't bump into the deer and didn't have breathing confusion. She just listened intently. She wanted to listen carefully to every word of Hugo. She didn't want to miss it.

"So, standing on the street, no one wants to cheer for you, because they don't owe you anything, they don't need to rely on you for food, and they don't need to chase you. They just need to show their emotions truly. This is the biggest difference between the street and the stage under the spotlight, and it is also the most frightening reality in your mouth. But I don???t think so."

Hugo made a small smile at the corner of his mouth and looked at Sandra. He didn't mean anything. Lai???s thoughts just want to share the inner thoughts with the person in front of him-not a man or a woman but a friend-this kind of sharing feels very good.

"I think that the street and the stage have different charms. It is a real to cruel test. It can most directly show ordinary people's attitudes and opinions on your music and your performance." Hugo's face is light. The shallow smile is full of self-confidence at this moment. It is a kind of light that has settled down and radiated automatically. "When our band was standing on the street, we experienced an embarrassment that an audience did not have. At the same time, we experienced hundreds of audience cheering together. The excitement; I have experienced the expressions of disgust on the faces of middle-aged women or hangovers, and at the same time I have seen the expectations of young teenagers shining with hope..."

"That feeling is really real, it's like their most direct reaction to our music. There is no cover, no hypocrisy, no politeness, everything is so...real." Hugo seems to have some words, but said After that, he still laughed at himself, apparently embarrassed by his over-commitment, "I enjoy the blood when performing on stage, but I also enjoy being close when performing on the street. You know, if I It would be great to be able to conquer those street listeners and attract them to enter the band???s tour and enjoy the joy of music together; but if it doesn???t work, I don???t mind, because music comes from life and it should also be returned to life."

"While standing on the street...what kind of feeling was that?" Sandra became curious suddenly, it was hard for her to imagine this wonderful feeling.

"Remind you, you are no different from others, that's how it feels." Hugo chuckled lightly. Maybe this is the important reason why he can keep his cool thoughts in Vanity Fair, and travel through the previous ten years of underground rock and roll career. Well, even if I still insist on the experience of performing on the street, I can always make Hugo correct his mentality.

Sandra suddenly became a little confused. Hugo didn't seem to answer her question, but he seemed to touch a little bit. This vague feeling made her a little confused.

Hugo seemed to perceive Sandra's feelings, and then explained, "For others, the proof of existence may be the pursuit of the media, the cheers of fans, the convenience of money... But for me," Having said that, Hugo paused, and he once again recalled the night of the Golden Raspberry Award. All of this is so false, as if it were a dream, but the only thing that can let Hugo know that he is not dreaming, all Everything is realistic, that is, "My music and my performance are the proof of my existence."

Hugo thinks of Catherine thinks of Michael Jackson. When people mention them in the future, will they use media comments to prove their greatness? Or use the memory deep in people's minds to prove their greatness. ? Definitely not, but using their works, Catherine Hepburn on the big screen time and time again, Michael Jackson on the stage to sing one after another golden song, this is the best proof of their artistic life.

This simple sentence of Hugo made Sandra fall into contemplation. This is not just a conversation, but an impact.

Hugo saw Sandra's expression and couldn't help but laughed, "Sorry, we seem to start our dinner tonight with a topic that is most unsuitable for the first date. This is really not a good idea."

Sandra also chuckled slightly. Indeed, no one would discuss such a esoteric subject on the first date, "Maybe this also makes our first date special, doesn't it? After all, others have to copy But it's a little difficult."

Hugo smiled and pointed to Sandra's chopstick gesture like chicken feet, "That is also impossible to copy." (The text to be continued is provided by (Dian Dian Han Paper).)


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