
Chapter 789: Nirvana

The powerful guitar strums were amplified by the sound and sounded over the entire playground, and then the drums cut in. The familiar melody was like a gust of wind and rain showering on the beach, leaving a deep mark on the heart of every audience. Just a prelude easily made the audience boil.

It is "smells...teen." This is the most well-known song of the Nirvana Band, and it can also be said that it is the most outstanding song of the Nirvana Band, whether you like the Nirvana Band or not, more or less. I should have heard this song, and it was this song that turned out to be the pinnacle of grunge rock dynasty belonging to the Nirvana band. It can be said that this song embodies the spirit of Nirvana, and it permeates the soul of Kurt Cobain.

Therefore, it is just a prelude, and only a prelude is enough to make the audience boil, and the scene is still dominated by high school students. This song "Juvenile Spirit" can be said to express their heart and soul vividly and vividly. The crazy attitude at the scene is not surprising.

Hugo was a little surprised. He did not expect that Nirvana would perform "Juvenile Spirit" live, because as far as he knew, due to the great commercial achievements of this song, Nirvana would be required to perform on almost any occasion. For this song, Kurt, who has a youthful rebellious temperament in his bones, did the opposite. He has refused to sing this song in public for more than half a year.

Kurt stood in the center of the stage. Hugo couldn't see his expression from this angle, only one side. Kurt carries the electric guitar on his back and plays it earnestly. With his head down, his shoulder-length hair completely hides his expression. He is like a young eagle immersed in his own world, flying freely, spreading his wings and flying freely. , But doesn't care about the squalls and rains outside at all, but just releases his inner emotions to his heart's content.

This kind of Kurt vaguely overlaps with the man who was unconscious and dismissed Hugo just now. He has never wanted to wrong himself or hide himself. He is just like in this world. A strange, willful, arrogant and unruly. Just like his talent, it's so dazzling that you can't look directly at it.

Although I saw that Kurt seemed to be unsteady while standing, when he was standing on the stage, a hoarse voice came from the microphone. At that moment, his soul seemed to glow with light, and the melody was just like The raging fire burned his soul and released infinite vitality.

This is the real stage!

Hugo originally thought he had enough understanding of the stage, but when he looked at the wanton Kurt on the stage, the shock that came on his face still made his heart tremble slightly, and the depths of his soul couldn't help but utter it. Happy shouting, he also wants to shout loudly, he also wants to jump up in place like all the audience on the scene, using his whole body movements to release the enthusiasm in his body.

The real stage is not staged in the line of sight, but shocked in the space of soul and soul.

When everyone mentions Nirvana, they will habitually use the album "Don't Mind" as a coordinate to measure it, and the name of the album "Don't Mind" comes from a lyrics in "Youth Heart". "Oh, well, leave it alone, don't mind (oh. well, whatever, never.)."

The song "Young Heart" was written by Kurt a few weeks before the recording of the album "Don't Mind". Kurt said, "I tried to write an absolutely popular song. I was basically Trying to get out of the goblin band (the.)."

During an impromptu performance, Kurt played it to Ques, Dave and the others. At that time, only the main improvisation repetitions and chorus melody were the only ones that Ques thought was too nonsense and didn't want this song. But the stubborn and proud Kurt insisted that they play the main improvisational repetition for an hour and a half, which is the paragraph before the chorus "Hello, Hello, Hello, how dirty. Stream (,,, . It's like the origin of the magical melody. Then, a miracle occurred.

When Kwice repeated that segment countless times, he suddenly said, "Hey, wait a minute, why don't we make it slower?" Then Kwice started playing the main song, and Dave started cutting into the drums. , And then, this great song was achieved.

It is precisely because of this that the author of this song is written as three people: Kurt, Quiz and Dave.

The melody of the song "Youth Heart" is certainly brilliant, but it is the lyrics that really raise the song to the classic ranks, which is the reflection of Kurt's soul.

After finishing composing the music, Kurt began to ponder the lyrics. At that time, Kurt thought of his ex-girlfriend Toby Weir (.)—she was the only girl who could get rid of Kurt's good friend. Katherine Hanna (kathleen. hanna), they are both members of the Bikini Killing Band (.). Kurt remembered that Catherine once wrote on the wall of his house a sentence that made Kurt very proud and narcissistic-"Kurt has a young heart (kurt. smmmmells...teen..

This is allusive.

It happened six months before the song was born, when Kurt and Toby were still together, so they often went out to play with Catherine. Kurt likes to graffiti some slogans and slogans on the walls of the streets and alleys. One day when Kurt sprayed "God is gay" on the outer wall of a religious center, Catherine gave him a look.

This matter is very important to Kurt, because Kurt was arrested for graffiti on the wall once. At that time, he used his talent for graffiti in the detention center and painted female bodies for inmates so that the other party could be able to do so. Hit a plane, and then change a few cigarettes to smoke.

Always, Kurt and Catherine went crazy that night. When they finally returned to the apartment where Kurt had rented, Catherine still didn’t know how to make it. She used a marker to scribble all over the wall of Kurt’s bedroom, and then I fell asleep because of being drunk and tired. When I woke up from a hangover the next day, I found that the first case was still holding the marker.

Although Catherine scribbled a lot of things on the wall that day, the sentence "Kurt has a youthful spirit" made Kurt the most memorable, because Kurt thought Catherine was complimenting him, saying that he was carrying a dozen or so The rebellious spirit of a year-old teenager is extremely satisfying for the narcissistic Kurt.

So, when Kurt finished composing the melody and thinking about the lyrics, he thought of this sentence that he was proud of. Then he called Catherine and asked her for her permission, and finally the "young spirit" appeared. Song title. In fact, the lyrics of the entire song vividly interpret the phrase "young spirit".

If this is the case, it would be wonderful, but reality is always cruel and full of irony. Because Catherine wrote on the wall of Kurt’s bedroom, "Kurt has a juvenile spirit". The original intention of this sentence is not to praise Kurt for his youthful spirit, but because Kurt’s girlfriend Toby often used to Use "teen." brand deodorant-this brand is specifically for young girls, and later because of the popularity of the song, the sales rose rapidly.

At that time, Kurt and Toby were dating, so Kurt also carried the scent of this deodorant.

However, Kurt didn't even know the song when he wrote it. It wasn't until a few months after the release of the song "Youth Heart" that Kurt knew the truth, which made Kurt a little frustrated.

In fact, no matter what Catherine’s original intention is, the birth of the song "Young Heart" is an inevitable accident, because Kurt is a narcissistic but extremely confident person. When he saw being praised by others, He would not ask the reason at all, he would only believe that he was living in his own world. And this kind of narcissistic, confident and proud spirit is actually an indispensable trait in the "juvenile spirit."

But it is undeniable that this beautiful misunderstanding between Catherine and Kurt has indeed created a classic.

The song "Youth Heart" is actually Kurt's rejection and contempt of the mainstream, and it expresses the rebellion and revolution of the new generation of young people in the mainstream society. Fate, this is the spirit of Nirvana turned out, and it is also the real reason for the quarrel between Kurt and Hugo just now.

Kurt believes that Hugo is the representative of the mainstream, and the rock and roll advocated by Glory To Death is humbling to the mainstream. This is what Kurt deeply denies.

In Kurt's view, mainstream means sticking to conventions, lack of initiative and innovation, and more importantly, the rules and methods used by those in charge of society to limit social change.

Therefore, the "juvenile spirit" is to tell people not to follow the mainstream blindly, but to challenge the mainstream, question the mainstream, criticize the mainstream and even initiate a revolution. Life. Kurt once said that he wrote this song because he felt "disgusted by the numbness and indifference of our generation, and also disgusted by my own numbness and indifference and lack of backbone." The submission and catering to the mainstream created people's indifference.

In fact, in the later period, Nirvana refused to sing "Juvenile Spirit" in public, which is also a manifestation of Kurt's dissatisfaction with himself. Along with the grunge trend created by "Don't Mind", in Kurt's eyes, Nirvana has also become a part of catering to the mainstream ~ His positioning of the band and his positioning of himself have been shaken.

Kurt sometimes even hates himself like this. "We still feel that we are still teenagers and don’t have to comply with the so-called adult code of conduct." But when Nirvana really became synonymous with grunge rock, Kurt discovered that, The cruelty and irony of the phrase "involuntary".

Hugo suddenly understood why Nirvana was willing to sing the song "Youth Heart" today. It not only evokes the spirit of the young people against the mainstream of society, but also Kurt hopes to awaken himself and awaken the rebellion in the bones of the band members. And resist.

At this moment, Kurt is like a beast trapped in a cage. On the one hand, he wants to get rid of the shackles, but on the other hand he has infinite fear of the outside world. This contradictory mentality makes Kurt at a loss. .

Hugo looked at Kurt on the stage with grief. Although he and Kurt had just had an upset, at this moment, Hugo felt Kurt's roar more deeply than ever before, and that sentence was hidden in the lyrics. With the cry deep in his soul, so helpless, so lonely, so hesitating.

This is the real rock, singing with the soul, people can't help crying. ()

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