Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 558: Women just don't make sense

  Chapter 558 Women are unreasonable

   "This show is quite interesting, I have seen the trailer!"

  After Zhao’s mother sat down, Zhao Xiaoxiao talked endlessly.

   "I'm still talking to the kid, after watching the TV series to share!"

  Xiaotong is Zhao Xiaoxiao’s roommate. Both of them like Chen Mubai very much. They often go in and out of each other together. They also went with her when they bought the album.

   "I see, I still have an impression of this hero and heroine. They played very well before." Mother Zhao said with a smile.

   "The boy is not here this time!" Zhao Xiaoxiao said.

  Mother Zhao was puzzled: "Huh?"

  She immediately asked: "Why?"

   "He went to make a movie, he didn't participate in this TV series!" Zhao Xiaoxiao said: "However, the heroine has not changed. He wrote the script for this drama, and it should be very interesting."

   "It's a pity, a very good pair, I thought I could see them both play afterwards" Mother Zhao was a little sorry.

"it has started!"

  Their TV channel has been on the Southern TV Station, waiting for the TV show to start.

  The last advertisement is finished and it has started to play.

  The opening song began to sound, and the content of the TV series began to flash.

   "This song is not bad." Mother Zhao exclaimed.

  For people her age, she doesn't like pop songs very much, but she likes the lyrics of this song very much, and the melody is not that noisy, so she praised it.

   "Chen Mubai has always been very talented!" Zhao Xiaoxiao said happily.

  Mother Zhao knows that Chen Mubai, who Zhao Xiaoxiao used to popularize her science before, is also her daughter’s idol.

Mother Zhao still supports her daughter who likes this kind of star. She deliberately checked Chen Mubai's information, and she agrees with this person. At least he is not a general traffic star. He is talented and has good personal conduct, which is considered a high-quality person. Idol, worthy of her daughter's love.

  In the eyes of parents, her own children are the best. If the people she likes are surrounded by negative news, Zhao’s mother will not allow Zhao Xiaoxiao to like such idols, for fear that her values ​​will be distorted.

  The thinking of young people nowadays is relatively simple, and they are easily influenced by external events.

   "Carambola." A gentle female voice emerged, her face with a smile.

  "Where is Yang, it is the Yang of Yanghua, and the peach is the Peach of Peach Blossom."

  Then the screen changed, and the name was typed into the computer.

   "What are you doing?" Zhao Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

   "I don't know." Mother Zhao shook her head, saying that she didn't understand.

   "Keep looking down."

  Mother Zhao was a little surprised: "Isn't this the person who played the heroine's mother in the upper drama!?"

   "Yes, I said people who are similar to the previous drama."

  Zhao Xiaoxiao nodded. She had known this information a long time ago. "Let’s Get Married" announced the cast of the cast.

   "I think she can still play a girl's mother." Mother Zhao said.

   "It's her mother!" Zhao Xiaoxiao answered her mother's question.

  The picture is transferred to another scene. A girl is grooming and putting on a set of work clothes. She is not seen, but her figure is already revealed.

  After the narration of the woman just now, everyone guessed that this should be the heroine, who was just called a starfruit.

  Sure enough, I finally gave a shot of Tao Yaoyao's face, which was very beautiful.

  "Occupation is a four-star hotel lobby manager." The female voice continued to introduce.

   "Age is, write thirty."

  The front voice is still very happy and proud, but when it comes to age, the expression and tone become a little helpless.

  "Uh, our membership registration must be of real age, and cannot be falsely reported." The young female voice replied.

   "Thirty-two." A helpless voice sounded.

  Zhao Xiaoxiao and Mother Zhao were still watching. When she saw this, she was surprised and said: "Member registration? Is it a blind date!?"

  Mother Zhao replied: "It is possible, I heard Aunt Wang next door say, for her baby."

  Mother Zhao has heard other people say this kind of thing, so she thinks it is very likely.

   "Sure enough, the fruit of the fruit, suddenly!" Another female voice sounded, and a photo of a lot of money entered the camera.

  Mother Zhao discovered that this old actor is another actor she has seen before. The lineup has indeed not changed. The upper part of the drama is still a bit interesting, and her inner sense of expectation is constantly stretched.

  Last time because of the actor's problem, Mubai Entertainment found a few old drama bones and signed them. Everyone was willing.

  After all, they are not well-known actors, so their popularity is very low. They act in many plays of this kind of supporting roles. Now that an entertainment company is willing to sign them, they are naturally very willing, at least guaranteed.

   "It's really well-deserved." The attitude of this woman is obviously different from that of the woman just now, and her voice is very confident.

  Seeing this, the audience also understands that there is a high probability that men and women will get to know each other through a blind date.

  Everyone also learned the basic information about the male and female leaders, including age and work.

  There is also a point of view based on love between the two parties. They are both very disgusted with blind dates, but the parents of both parties are very keen and take out the information of their son (daughter) privately.

   "You can't be too pretty. Girls who are too pretty are restless."

   "No more than thirty years old, over thirty years old, that's a leftover woman, a leftover guest!" The man's mother was asking.

   "It takes one meter and eight meters to look handsome."

   "There are houses, cars, and tickets." The woman was also telling her request.

  Tao Yaoyao's starfruit appeared.

   "If you want to get married, I want to get married." Carambola said: "It is said that love is the tomb of marriage. If you don't get married, you will die without burial!"

  Qian Duoduo was actually talking, and each of them was questioned.

   "I don't want to get married. Love and marriage are both tombs." Sure enough, he said: "Marriage is a magic mirror. No matter how beautiful you are before marriage, it is all exposed after marriage."

Carambola finally said: "Hey, I'm too late at my age, and I don't want to deal with those people anymore. Sometimes I want to shout loudly to them, don't fall in love with me, hypocrisy! Yes! Let's get married if we are capable!"

  The values ​​of marriage and love between the two have come out. One of them hates to marry, and the other does not want to get married. Two people with very different ideas.


   "It’s absolutely fun to meet these two people."

   "Hey, unlike the previous two movies, the characters and ideas of the male and female protagonists are very different. It is absolutely fun to meet together!"

  The audience saw this, and saw that there is a big gap between the concept of male and female leaders, and they became interested.

  In the usual TV series, the male and female protagonists are usually attracted by the characteristics of each other and then get together.

  This drama clarified the personalities of both parties from the beginning, and the things they wanted to chase were completely opposite. How could such people be together?

  Because they are the male and female leaders, everyone knows that they are bound to get married together, so everyone’s expectations are invisibly pulled up, wanting to see what kind of story will happen between the two.

  The front lens explains all the backgrounds of the male and female protagonists, and also talks about some social phenomena.

  It's still about marriage, family, and love

  Older girls are very anxious to get married, and this society has the same requirements for women, because after women reach the age of 30, there will indeed be a gap in childbirth, so the older they are, the less popular they are.

  Males are different, and the male protagonist played by Qian Duoduo is still a male who is afraid of marriage, and there are many such males in the society now.

  Whether it is because of stress or for whatever reason, there are still a lot of boys who don’t want to get married.

  As the plot deepens, Carambola also sees the first blind date, Pete Fan.

  Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they saw the image of this actor. It was so funny. You don't need to look at this blind date to know that it must be a weird thing.

  Then it was here that, as expected, a divorced couple sat there, and it was really handled for both of them.

  As a result, the two quarreled at the time of the divorce, and finally broke up and the marriage was not completed.

  Men have been criticized by women all the time. Men’s clothes are very shabby, while women pay much attention to their own appearance, which is in line with contemporary women’s mentality of focusing on self-maintenance.

  What I said during a quarrel is also very interesting. It is a problem that often arises in marriage, which is thought-provoking.

  "Are you married?" The arguing couple asked with a low tone of voice and disappointment.

  Sure enough, said: "I don't want to get married."

   "Too smart!" the man agreed.

  From this detail, I can see why I am afraid of marriage.

  Because he is the person who handles the marriage registration and is also responsible for the divorce.

  He has seen too many married and divorced couples, so he began to distrust marriage, knowing that after marriage, divorce would happen. Marriage is a horrible thing, which created his outlook on love and marriage.

  The plot is going on. As expected, Duan Xifeng, a good friend, told him that he wanted to help him, and introduced Carambola. She is the cousin of his friend’s wife. He wanted to match up with Carambola.

  Duan Xifeng knows that he really hates blind dates, so the reason used is not the reason for blind dates, but the older sister-in-law, who may be a little bit resistant to the opposite sex...

  Duan Xifeng and his wife went to Carambola’s house, and then introduced the person to Carambola. Sure enough, his purpose is still very obvious, just to bring the two together.

  Under Duan Xifeng's arrangement, the two met for the first time.

  As a result, because of a parking problem, Carambola and Sure enough did not know each other and met.

   And because of this incident, the two were very unhappy, had a very bad impression of each other, and had conflicts.

   "Sure enough, it's you?" Carambola asked slightly surprised and disdainfully.

   "It really is me." As expected, he said with dissatisfaction.

  These are all contradictions arising from a blunder. The two are like a pair of happy friends. This plot made the audience laugh.

   "So interesting!" Zhao Xiaoxiao laughed.

  Mother Zhao also couldn't help but laugh. This coincidence is really funny, and the contradiction between the two is getting deeper and deeper, coupled with each other's personalities, how can two people come together?

  I have to say that the suspense left at the beginning of this has caused many viewers to have the psychology of chasing the drama, wanting to see how the hero and the hero are together.


  Sun Dong had no feelings for Chen Mubai from the beginning, even a little annoying, but now he has a good feeling for Chen Mubai.

  At first, he thought that Chen Mubai was a traffic star. He didn't like listening to music, but occasionally watched TV series.

  He watched two Chen Mubai's TV series and thought it was pretty good, and his impression of him has changed. He is a fan who has been infected by his abilities.

  He knew the premiere time of "Let’s Get Married" early, and he is going to watch it today.

  He also pays attention to "Buried Alive". Unlike the bad news on the Internet, he himself is more supportive of Chen Mubai, and he is also curious about the story told by this movie.

  As for the belief in Chen Mubai, it was purely because he had watched two TV series directed by him. He thought it was very good. He recognized Chen Mubai's ability and felt that he could produce extraordinary works. Therefore, he himself also gave expectations for "Buried Alive.

  For him, it doesn’t matter whether "Buried Alive" relies on hype, as long as the plot is interesting, he values ​​the results.

  Sun Dong will watch "Let’s Get Married" today. After "Buried Alive" is released, he will definitely go to the cinema to support a wave.

  He finished the first episode very quickly, and he also found it very interesting to see what happened when the two of them were parking.

  He doesn’t have a girlfriend, but there are some messages in the show that he agrees with.

   Just like when Carambola and Sure enough had a conflict, the two didn't explain clearly. After Carambola's car was towed away, she instead pushed everything to Sure enough.

  This is in line with the psychology of many girls. It is the fault of men. They don’t think about their own problems or look at their own problems.

   "Sure enough, I still can't reason with women." Sun Dong smiled helplessly.

  At any time, this is the most logical saying!

  Women are not reasonable~

  (End of this chapter)

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