Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 1241 Double Happiness

When the song stage entered an end, Song Yibai's pure version of the two stage tonight boarded the hot search.

The entry is finally waited until "cowboy is very busy" full version and the whole singing "seven miles".

When Song Yanyu sang "Qi Qiang", it is also a point in time with the highest rate of ratings tonight.

Standing in the center of the stage, the host began to reveal the host of the link.

This part, Song Yibai is more familiar.

As for the host of today, Song Yu Bai is more unfamiliar.

Because Song Yibai came to the song on the scene or the cloud, it has passed a few months.

The moderator has also changed a wave.

The host of the song scene is generally some of the traffic, but there is no very good artist.

When Song Yutao didn't have long, I have also received an invitation, but because I didn't comply with Song Yibai's development route, I was rejected.

Before the last announcement of the host, Song Yibai stationed a little in the center of the stage.

One of the nights of this night is not very suspense.

Although many kinds of artists in the stage are relatively large, the sound source score is also the same as the sales volume of the entity, and even the voter is still said.

But with Song Yibai, the gap is still relatively large.

Therefore, after Song Yantai, after a small party, she has begun to ponder one of yourself.

As the first a trophy of this regression, a testimony is still just some.

However, when Song Yumai returned, a candidate competition is still quite strong.

Although it is a background, there is not much position in this background board.

Soon, the host began to disclose a list of candidates.

When I announced a ready-made, Song Yibai also had a sense of his own feelings in his heart.

It was also a little thought about having a feeling of a sense, so it was still quite fast.

The big screen, the picture of a candidate three artists appeared.

Song Yibai naturally has no doubt that occupy one of them.

The other two alternate, one is Song Yibai to see the performance is also a singer who is familiar with the name, singing is a lyrics.

Another one is a male group, regarding the best artist sold by Song Yibai outside the scene.

After a candidate is unveiled, the scores are also started on the big screen.

The numbers roll quickly on the big screen.

The final result quickly fell into the dust, and the Song Yibai's album was knocked on a crown pattern.

After a revealed, the music sounded while the music was also blown on the stage.

The staff is ready for Song Yibai. The bouquet is with a trophy.

Song Yibai took a bouquet and trophy, and he was held by the host to a more premature position, ready to start a testimony.

Holding a New Flower Award, Song Yibai considers it, starting to express his own feelings.

For a testimory, Song Yibai has also said many times, and it is not easy to say that too many sincere words is also a bit.

However, through a testimony, Song Yibai is also Anti-Idential, and it has been introduced in a state of his own new album.

It is used to maximize this feeling.

After Song Yibai, after a speech, it was the real ending of the song stage tonight.

It is the peace stage of Song Yibai, because "Qi Qiang" is long.

So the reachabitation, Song Yibai chooses "Cowboy is very busy" this song.

And the atmosphere is also more pleasant, just right, suitable for the final end of the song stage.

Then "Cowboy is very busy" this song was staged in the stage. Song Yibai is an end of the recording of the dance stage tonight.

After the end of the Aberdea stage, the audience at the scene had no spread, and Song Yibai simply took out the fans of the mobile phone and the scenes came a big photo.

It is a commemorative chorus tonight.

After taking a photo with the fans, Song Yanye returned to the background.

Xiaoyan and others have helped Song Yanye to receive the flowers and trophy.

When Song Yu is returned to the background, there are still many artists in the background.

After seeing Song Yibai, it was also rapidly got up in front of Song Yibai, it looked like a special Song Yibai.

In fact, it is true.

Basically, they are coming to find Song Yao Yuxian followed.

Because there is too much number, Song Yu Bing is not that the kind of artist is in front of himself.

Slightly slow, Song Yibai began to sign a photo.

Just as the experience of Song Yibai is like, after the performance is over, it will open a signboard.

After signing the name of the sign, Song Yanye returned to the standby room to pack things.

After packing up, Song Yibai took the initiative to say hello to the director, and then he farewell to the scene of the stage of singing.

There are still many fans waiting for Song Yibai.

It is basically unable to enter the scene to watch the fans on the spot before.

Song Yibai also specially opened the car to this side, greeted the fans, and then left the recorded scene.

This is also the tacit approach between Song Yutao and fans.

Every time Song Yin is coming so far.

After waving, Song Yibai fell asleep on the car.

It's not a performance, and Song Ya is only singing for about ten minutes.

It is really difficult.

After sleeping on the car, I woke up again, Lan Bin has driven the car to the Song Yutai's house.

Say goodbye to Xiao Zhao's help, Song Yu Bai returned home.

After half an hour on the road, Song Yibai has returned some spirit.

At the time of the building, Song Yanye brushed the mobile phone for a while, and saw the hot search of his song tonight.

Also, I saw everyone on the evaluation of the stage tonight.

There are still many people who find that Song Yibai is very good at present today, and the performance of the whole song presents a high level.

After the home, Song Yutao washed and ready to sleep.

Tomorrow also has a new album corresponding activities.

In the next few days, Song Yibai also launched a follow-up activity with a new album, like some programs.

There are also a few advertisements that are also completed in recent days.

After all, after another week, Song Yibai will go to New York to start shooting "Tangren Street Principle 2".

The "Bookmark" has been issued for a week. Today is also the time "Qiqi" MV online, and there is also a surprise that is coming at this moment.

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