Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 173 A Case Without a Script

When Song Yubai was shaken awake, the plane had reached Shacheng. After getting off the car, Song Yubai was picked up by the show crew.

The personnel of the last phase gathered together in a conference room, and Song Yubai was familiar with the personnel.

They are Teacher He, Teacher Sa, Guigui, Wang Li, and Teacher Da.

As usual, there are a total of six people. The director sits at the center and explains some matters related to this recording to Song Yubai and others.

"This recording is very different from what we did before, so I have to tell you in advance." said the director.

Everyone also nodded their heads to express their understanding, and at the same time they were a little curious, because although it was said before that the recording of the final episode would be live broadcast, it became different.

However, some of the details are still not well understood by everyone. At the moment, they are listening carefully to the guide speech.

"For this recording, we will go abroad for recording. The time is uncertain. It will be determined according to your progress in solving the case. The whole process will be live broadcast, using more advanced shooting methods."

"Moreover, this time there is no script at all. All clues, including your identity, need to be searched for by yourself. With a completely free-style gameplay, you have a lot of room to play."

Said the director.

Everyone is also a little surprised, after all, it seems that this is the first variety show in China.

More importantly, there is no script, and at the same time, even the identity and who you are need to be found by yourself. This is completely testing the guests' ability to play games.

However, the people who looked at the scene seemed to be okay. Everyone was very capable, so there shouldn't be the kind of collapse of the game. This is what the director has considered.

Another point is the issue of time. The director actually said just now that time is when he waits for someone to solve the case and the recording ends. This is quite surprising.

However, what followed was a feeling of excitement, some inexplicable blood boiling, this unknown thing is the most anticipated.

After playing so many episodes before, Song Yubai and others have a certain immunity to the scripts given by the program group if they are not very amazing, so when the script is very good, it will inevitably be worse.

It's different now. Everything is unknown. It will be more interesting for the audience to rely solely on the performance of the guests.

"This is a very new variety show, I don't know if the public can accept it, so we still need to work harder and cooperate well." The director finally explained.

After the meeting, Song Yubai went to dinner with Mr. He and others, and only got on the plane in the evening, so there was still another afternoon to make some preparations.

After having dinner with Teacher He and others, Song Yubai first went to the bank to withdraw some money, and then went to buy some things.

Although Song Yubai thinks that he might think too much, it doesn't hurt to bring more things. After all, this recording is completely different from before, and there will be some unexpected situations.

After he was ready, Song Yubai returned to the gathering place. Teacher He and others were the same as Song Yubai. Each of them brought a box and didn't know what was inside.

After everyone was ready, they headed to the airport together.

After a period of flying, I finally arrived at the destination. After getting off the plane, I arrived at a small town abroad.

A staff member of the program group gave Song Yubai and others tips.

"Now that the live broadcast has started, you won't have a PD to follow in charge of shooting. The drone that is floating around you is responsible for shooting."

Song Yubai and others curiously glanced at the drone in front of him. This drone is really a bit small, just like a small ball.

"This is the latest AI technology developed by the Scientific Research Institute, and our program group is the first to apply it." The staff added.

"So has the live broadcast already started?" Song Yubai asked curiously at the drone in front of him.




This is a barrage response from the live broadcast room. Song Yubai naturally couldn't see it, but Song Yubai saw the staff nodded to him.

So he immediately put away the curious expression, said to accept it, and listened to the staff's explanation in a serious manner.

"We are here with you. Each of you will receive an envelope with the address of your house. You will be resting there today. You can also search for information about your identity in the house." After speaking, an envelope was handed to everyone.

Then I looked at Song Yubai and the others, with an expression that you can go and we won't follow anymore.

Weird!Song Yubai felt this way, and it was the first time he encountered such a program. After throwing a drone and envelope to everyone, he didn't care about anything. Song Yubai encountered it for the first time.

Soon, the staff all packed up and left the scene, leaving six people each carrying a suitcase and staying in place.

It was a bleak scene, and there was almost no autumn leaves blowing.

"Hahahahaha, this picture is so funny."

"It feels so bleak."

"Is it exciting to me? It feels very interesting."

"The program group is too strong, I really don't care about anything."

Everyone was stunned for a while, but Teacher He stood up.

"Let's first think about how to get to our respective houses. Let's take a look at your address first."

Everyone opened their envelopes, which contained only one address and a key.

The address is the same, but the room number is different. If you guessed it correctly, it should be a manor.

"Then how are we going now?" Song Yubai asked, raising his hand.

"Go?" The big teacher said wanderingly.

"But how can we know where this manor is?" This is another question.

"Are everyone's phones taken away?" Teacher Sa asked.

Everyone nodded, and then Teacher Sa showed a smile.

"Hey, I secretly hid a mobile phone with the show crew on my back, and they didn't even find it. Let's use the map to navigate to it!" Teacher Sa suddenly felt that he was not too witty at this moment.

There was even a feeling that he saved everyone. Holding the phone aloft, Teacher Sa almost didn't say a word, "Iamahero."

But gradually, Teacher Sa felt that everyone's eyes were a little bit wrong, and then his mobile phone was suddenly taken away.

Turning to see, a staff member was holding his mobile phone in his hand.

"Illegal supplies, confiscated."

Teacher Sa wanted to cry without tears.

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