Zhang Jiwen's performance was the first stage tonight, a pop song that made people feel a little aging, and successfully brought the atmosphere of the scene.

Although the song feels a bit old, I have to say that the style at that time still sounds very comfortable.

Song Yubai liked it.

After Zhang Jiwen stepped off the stage, Song Yubai also seriously expressed his love for the song she just performed before stepping onto the stage.

After all, Xiaoyue did not choose Zhang Jiwen as his pk opponent this time, which means that no matter if Zhang Jiwen wins or loses, the next two shows will be Zhang Jiwen.

So it is necessary to get to know it.

After talking with Zhang Jiwen, Song Yubai stepped onto the stage.

After Song Yubai stepped onto the stage, the audience suddenly cheered.

Song Yubai has become accustomed to such cheers.

Calmly greeted the audience, and then stood in the center of the stage.

Song Yubai prepared a hip-hop song carefully selected this time.

It is Zhou Dong's "Compendium of Materia Medica", so Song Yubai's outfit this time is more national style, it is a black gown.

It was the first time Song Yubai wore this type of costume on stage, but the effect was surprisingly good.

In order to coordinate the overall shape, Song Yubai also wore a hat to cover his hair.

It's mainly because of this hair color. Song Yubai has just dyed it for a while, so he doesn't want to dye it back so soon.

Song Yubai held the microphone, stood in the middle of the stage and gestured to the sound teacher. The lights on the stage dimmed instantly.

Then a simple book appeared on the screen behind Song Yubai, with the four characters "Compendium of Materia Medica" written on it.

At the same time, the prelude to the song rang.

Song Yubai's body gently shook and beat to the rhythm of the song.

While Song Yubai was counting the beats, the books on the big screen at the back were slowly opened, and the song's lyrics, composition, and arrangement began to be marked on it.

Most of the work was basically contracted by Song Yubai alone, but some of the later work was left to Lin Yang to complete.

After the label in front of the song flashed, Song Yubai got into the rhythm and started singing.

"If Hua Tuo is alive,

Chongyang was healed,

Foreign nations come to learn Chinese characters,

Stimulate my national consciousness..."

After Song Yubai began to sing, the lyrics flashed line by line on the big screen behind Song Yubai in brush lettering, which looked very atmospheric.

As soon as Song Yubai spoke, the audience immediately cheered.

Everyone is still looking forward to Song Yubai's rap, because after Song Yubai participated in the show, there are not many hip-hop style works.

But as long as it is released, it is basically a boutique.

Including the two stages that have been presented on the "Singer Composer" stage are of very high quality.

For ordinary singers, it can be called Fengshen Stage.

So after hearing that Song Yubai’s song was rap this time, the audience on the spot had already begun to agitate.

In the background, Zhao Shan was already excited by Song Yubai's songs.

When singing the demo yesterday, Song Yubai also sang the beginning.

But because yesterday’s demo sang Akabella, Zhao Shan didn’t feel so good.

But after changing to the accompaniment today, Zhao Shan immediately became excited.

Because Zhao Shan likes this type of rap performance, and especially likes this kind of national style rap.

Song Yubai's stage this time happened to be a perfect match for Zhao Shan's preferences.

So just as Song Yubai sang a few words, Zhao Shan got up from his seat.

"Maqianzi Cassia cocklebur, and lotus seeds

Huang Yaozi, bitter beans and Chuan Neem, I want face."

Song Yubai sang clearly word by word from Song Yubai's mouth, although the singing was very clear.

But Song Yubai's rap is inexplicable with a tone that makes it sound very comfortable.

Every word is stuck on the accompaniment, just like drumbeats hammering in the hearts of the audience.

As Song Yubai sang, Zhao Shan slowed down. This was the beginning of Song Yubai’s song, so he thought about it and sat down again.

"In my way, rewrite a history,

Nothing else,

Follow me to say a few words

Chinese yam angelica wolfberry, GO

Yam, Angelica, Wolfberry, GO


But with Song Yubai's singing, Zhao Shan couldn't help but stand up directly from his seat again.

The scene had been blasted by Song Yubai's rap and the whole audience stood up.

Because the arrangement of this song was played by Song Yubai himself, the version presented on stage will be a bit more explosive than the original accompaniment.

This is what Song Yubai did deliberately for the stage effect.

Moreover, this song was not only performed by Song Yubai, but also made the audience feel very explosive.

If you taste it carefully, you will find that the lyrics of the entire song are also very good.

"Watch me grab a handful of Chinese medicine and take the next post proudly!"

After singing this sentence, the song paused for a while, and then went directly to the chorus part.

Such a small pause immediately caused the scene to explode after the chorus came out.

Moreover, the lighting effects on the stage are also in place, giving the audience a sense of shock, as if they were directly hit by a punch.

Song Yubai's chorus just had such an effect, it was the kind that hit the heart directly.

"I have a leisurely look on my face,

You can’t learn to move easily,

The neon signs are adjusted in good condition,

Waiting to wake up in the gorgeous city..."

A good chorus can raise the song to a new level in an instant.

The chorus of Song Yubai obviously had such an effect.

While singing the chorus, Song Yubai also sang while moving on the stage, with some waves on his body while singing.

Although Song Yubai was a bit stiff when he danced, he seemed to jump randomly to the melody of the song while singing.

At this point, Song Yubai is still quite talented, basically all of this kind of blind jump is quite swag.

And the most important thing is to make the audience feel that Song Yubai is playing on stage.

In fact, Song Yubai is indeed playing on the stage now, in a state of enjoying the stage.

Because this song is not difficult for Song Yubai, it is easy to control.

Similarly, Song Yubai appeared very relaxed on the stage.

One chorus ended quickly, and after a short pause, Song Yubai immediately began the next one.

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