Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 898 Music Festival

After the end of the journey of the first stop, there was almost no stop, Song Yanybai was stood in front of the show team with the cloud.

Because the program is prepared for a long time, the program team has arranged the Song Yutao and the clouds and clouds.

What plans have been done early, and Song Yutai has been adapted to this travel mode after the first stop of the first stop.

And in addition to the last road show, there is little additional task outside the program group.

In addition to funding is not very sufficient, for two people, this is a real trip.

The existence of a program group is like a tour group.

In this way, Song Yibai and clouds quickly complete the trip of the three stops, and the record of the program quickly completed half.

Next, the program group will give the Song Yinbai two actions.

The next time I re-departed is the first phase of the program officially broadcast.

The tourist location of the third stop of the two people in Song Ying is San Francisco. The two days before the two days have just completed a roadshow.

This time I have a big difference with the first road show, the biggest difference is the number of viewers.

The number of audiences that Song Yibai road moved is almost two to three times the previous.

But good at the parking place is among the park, so it does not have a problem of traffic blocker.

But some small fragments of the two people are still being treated by PO to the tubing, bringing a lot of playback.

The other main reason for the audience is because Song Yibai is recognized.

How to say that Song Yibai is also a few hot songs in Europe and the United States, and the playback of MV in the oil pipe is also successfully broken.

So when Song Yibai is recognized in the park, the audience at the scene will inevitably increase.

Although it is finally left, it is a bit difficult because there are too many viewers.

But the two still enjoy this atmosphere.

After this scene, the record of the program is temporarily annihilated.

At the same time, this video of this road move because of the high heat, it has also caused a small concern in China.

The final result is that some fans in China have learned that the program has begun to record the news of "Bai Yun Couple".

So this is why the program group suddenly changed the idea to start the delivery in advance.

Of course, the other reason is that Song Yinbai is a bit tired with clouds and sunny.

This tired is not a tired of literal.

It is mainly because the trip to this will belong to the two people in Song Yugue.

So after the time of traveling for a month, Song Yibai and clouds were light and beautiful, and there was no first way to start.

Therefore, the program team simply let Song Yin two people work for a while, and then began to relax, thinking that this effect should be better, and can maximize efficiency, maybe I can inspire the creation of two people.

After taking into account these factors, the program group temporarily stops the journey.

After the recording is over, the program group returns to the country.

Song Yutai is temporarily staying in San Francisco, mainly because the company has received several itinerary for Song Yugue.

Therefore, Song Yanyu is going to go abroad after running these itinerary.

One is a music festival that is a good last year, Song Yibai as the only Asian singer invited to participate in this music festival.

The programs have also come to San Francisco, otherwise, Song Yibai is also specially drawing out time to San Francisco.

This time the music festival is a music festival that has just been held, but the invitation is some of the big wrists.

So even if you just started a few years, it is still very hot, even a ticket is hard to find.

Because it is a platpel-style music festival, every singer's performance is very limited.

Song Yutao has four performances of four songs. In this music festival, it is already a relatively full guest.

For this music festival, Song Yibai is temporarily left in San Francisco to prepare.

This is also a rare performance in Song Yibai.

Therefore, many foreign fans in Song Yibai also bought a ticket to San Francisco to watch Song Yibai's performance.

Of course, this is some news that Song Yibai is retrieved on the network.

After all, this is still the first time I participated in this large music festival for the first time, so I still want to know how many fans I will come to the scene.

Although the music festival has not officially Kashgar, Song Yibai roughly looked at the network on its own discussion.

If there is no accident, there will be many of your own fans.

Therefore, for the upcoming music festival, Song Yibai is still looking forward to.

A few days a few days a few days ago, the songs to sing the music festival.

This music festival, Song Yibai also prepared a new song intended to sing.

After the festival is over, this song will be issued directly in the form of a single.

After all, there is no English song in Song Yumai, there is no such thing as this one.

"In addition to the music festival, what is the trip?"

In the home and sincere in San Francisco, Yunqing asked in Song Yugue.

Unlike Song Yibai, Yun Qingqing did not arrange a good trip in advance, so when I prepared a music festival in Song Yany, it was a rare and uncomfortable.

"Well, it seems to have no other activities."

"Almost is a few brands who want to be with me, so I think about a personal brand." Song Yibai thought after thinking about it.

As for personal brands, it is also a little resource in the two or three years of Song Yutai, and there is also a bit of resources.

Therefore, many brands want to be jointly with Song Yugue, so Song Yutao thinks if it is necessary to set up a personal brand.

"Personal brand?" Yun lightly smashed, "Do you want me to design?"

The cloud is bright and sunny. It is more reasonable for a while, so he also has some little ideas after he heard Song Yibai wants to set up a personal brand.

"Yes, you can see if you have time." Song Yanyi nodded against the clouds.

Although there is an idea of ​​establishing a brand, Song Yibai is actually not put in mind.

Because Song Yibai is still an artist for his position, it is still so long.

The rehearsal of the music festival is basically over, so Song Yibai is still waiting quietly in the two days.

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