Superstars start with hip-hop

Chapter 904 Zhou List

Song Yibai's new single has achieved very good results, and it is also a record of its own record.

Seeing the new single has achieved such a result, Song Yibai is still very happy.

After all, like Song Yibai's popularity, and from the previous achievements, it is very good to achieve better results. It can be said that it is very great achievements.

This also makes the heat recently Song Yibai more high.

"SomethingjustlikeThis" This song is also successfully fired in the world.

The playback of the new single MV has also begun to rise quickly.

Originally, because there is already the relationship between the video version, it is not expected for the MV playback Song Yin.

However, the growth rate of new single MV playback is given a big surprise for Song Yibai.

After the last day, "SomethingjustlikeThis" The MV playback of this song has succeeded at 50 million.

After seeing such results, basically can be said that the new single MV on the board will become a MV of a playback volume.

However, this time Song Yibai is busy with some of the itiners that I have dragged.

After a week, Song Yibai was busy with their own itinerary.

But when I ran these itinerary, Song Yugue is still relatively pleasant.

After all, I took a lot of income, and I also had a good time in the same way, and I have always maintained a good mood when Song Yibai is running.

After the time of the week, "SomethingjustlikeThis" The MV playback of this song has exceeded 100 million.

It can be said that Song Yibai's new single heat is very lasting.

After a week, this song also successfully pressed the artist's song to win the B list.

After seeing such results, even Song Yibai is also a bit excited.

After all, I want to take a crown or more difficult, especially in the rankings.

And this week, Song Yu Bai's new single has always been the first list, just like being stained above, there is no movement.

This wave of waves even let the media on the side of Europe have also reported some of the works before Song Yibai.

After all, like Song Yibai, this singer is still very rare, especially now Song Yibai's song is still very hot.

The news that Song Yibai as the title is generally more readily available.

At the same time, these news also made Song Yibai's popularity.

Because of the songs you came out, everyone found that it was almost all the fire that he had heard.

One is still better, when so many songs are listed together by news.

Suddenly "Music Genius" is crowning in Song Yibai by the media of foreign media.

"Is this a new single actually so fire?" Gu Li's home, Song Yibai brugs is also a bit surprised.

After all, Song Yibai has also issued an English song.

However, the influence of the songs before, and did not let Song Yibai were crowning a title of this music genius.

Therefore, when Song Yibai saw these news, there was no great real.

"So the time is a very important thing." Gu Li Shang sat in the opposite of Song Yibai, and heard the lack of Song Yibai.

"Also." Listening to Gu Li, Song Yibai nodded and said his agreement.

It is really like Gu Li Shang, the timing is very important.

Like this successful success, in addition to the song itself and Song Yibai's singing, the other is some luck.

"Saying that your new song should earn more money?" Gu Li Shang made a song to earn a song, there is no concept.

However, Gu Li Shang saw Song Yibai's new single of this time, and it should not be less right.

"I am not very clear, after all, the income of the song has not started, but according to the current download, it should be broken."

After Song Yibai heard the questions of Gu Li, I carefully wondered it before I replied. After all, I haven't thought about this before Song Yibai.

After hearing Song Yibai's answer, Gu Zhi Shang suddenly worked.

Because he found that the whole family now may only be able to reach a song of Song Yibai.

After being worn, Gu Li Shang did not intend to continue to entangle with Song Yibai on this topic.

"That happen, wait for my room, there are a few of your albums, help sign, I like you very much." After I poured a cup of tea, Gu Li said to Song Yibai.

"OK." After the researcher handed over, Song Yu Bai nodded and said no problem.

"Right, I should have to say something about movie propaganda before." After a while, Gu Li Shang took the topic to the main purpose of each of the two.

"Well, because I am busy, so I will let the assistant to remember it." Song Yu is nod to answer.

"Well, I think so about the promotion of movies, on the one hand, it is to keep the current leather publicity unchanged."

"Then, the whole master team should accept some variety invitation. You will look at the one or two kinds of variety."

Gu Li Shang stated that the film's publicity plan was explained.

Because I know that Song Yibai is relatively busy, I have not intended to let Song Yibai run all kind of variety with the crew, which is obviously not true.

Therefore, Gu Li Shang wants Song Yibai to pick one or two more important variety of comparison with the program group together.

After all, most of the popular movies are all rushing to Song Yumai.

"Okay, if you just participate in one or two variety, I ok." Song Yibai thought about it, as long as it is not always participating in variety, it should be able to take time.

"Well, the other is about the premiere of the movie." Gu Li Shang saw that Song Yu Bai agreed to nodded.

"" Is there a movie in the film? "Song Yibai asked in a curious.

With the problem of movie premiere, he still listened to Search for the first time.

"For the premiere of the movie, I plan to find a time in the next month." Gu Li Shang roughly explained the next plan with Song Yibai.

"Okay, then there is a specific time, then tell me again." Song Yu is nodded, and the first gift is still going on.

Then, Song Yibai talked about the topic about "Tang Power".

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