Seeing Song Juan’s completely different performance, Li Linghua was happy at first, but then she still had some doubts.

Is this talisman really so magical?

Could it be that some powerful drugs were put on it to suppress Song Juan’s pain and make Song Juan addicted?

Thinking of this, Li Linghua quickly said:

“Mom, let’s go get a checkup quickly.”

After saying that, she pulled Song Juan and ran towards the hospital.

As she ran, Song Juan clasped her palms together and kept chanting the name of Taoist Qingxuan.

Behind them, Xie Dayong, the Shunfeng courier, stared at With his eyes wide open, he finally reacted.

He didn’t care about the remaining express delivery on hand, his heart was pounding, and he quickly followed Song Juan and Li Linghua in front of him and ran to the hospital.

If there is really nothing wrong with this talisman, If he can really suppress the disease, then no matter what the price, he must get one for his daughter. It doesn’t matter if he dies and goes to hell, as long as his lovely daughter can live a normal life!

Inside the hospital, When Song Juan’s attending doctor saw Li Linghua rushing into the office with Song Juan, he felt heavy in his heart.

He also knew something about the situation of Song Juan and Li Linghua’s mother and daughter.

Whether she raised her daughter alone, Song Juan and Li Linghua, who worked hard to save money for their mother to interrupt her studies, both made the medical staff feel distressed. So even though Song Juan was superstitious about ghosts and gods and secretly burned incense in the hospital several times, they were tolerant.

But for Song Juan’s Doctors really feel powerless to deal with the situation.

Liver cancer has always been one of the cancers with the highest mortality rate.

Song Juan’s condition has reached the advanced stage of liver cancer, and modern medicine is really powerless.

What’s more, this is just a city hospital in a small city. , and how good are the treatment conditions?

In their opinion, Song Juan only has one or two months to live at most.

Now Li Linghua dragged Song Juan into the office. In the doctor’s opinion, Song Juan’s symptoms must be another It’s getting worse.

When he saw Song Juan’s face turning rosy, Dr. Sun strengthened his thoughts and an idea came to his mind.

“It’s already this time, and my face is still rosy. I’m afraid it’s a return to my glory.……”

At this time, looking at Li Linghua who was out of breath and wanted to tell the situation, Dr. Sun waved her hand hurriedly.

“Okay, okay, I know what you’re going to say, so don’t say it yet.”

Li Linghua was stunned for a moment.

No, I haven’t even talked about Qingxuan Daojun and the talisman yet. Doctor, what do you know?

Do you also have the ability to predict the future?

Then, Doctor Sun pulled Li Linghua aside and said lowly vocal tract

“I think your mother has regained her luster.”

“If you have anything you want to say, tell her quickly. If it’s too late, it might be too late.”

As soon as Li Linghua heard this, tears came out quickly, and her face was full of panic.

“Doctor, what do you want to say?”

“Impossible, my mother is obviously still fine!”

“You can see that she can run and jump, her complexion has improved, and she said her body no longer hurts. How could this mean she is dying? She is obviously getting better?!”

Dr. Sun sighed softly.

“I know, but these are just appearances”

“You went to high school, right? You must have heard about fruit flies in high school biology.”

“Why can that fruit fly pass on precious genes when it is dying? It is because every living individual has a strong urge to survive, which will make life burst out with its final vitality when it is dying.”

“Your mother is like this now, like a charcoal fire burning until the end, it will be fierce for a while, and then it will fade away quietly.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask your mother if she wants to eat. She hasn’t eaten much for several days. If her physical condition really improves, she should feel hungry.”

“But if she has no appetite at all, it means that these symptoms are just symptoms and are a reflection of the past.……”

After saying that, Dr. Sun also made a call to the relevant departments of the hospital.

“Get ready, I have a cancer patient who is dying.”

When Dr. Sun said this, Li Linghua’s heart sank, and she quickly returned to the doctor’s office while wiping her tears.


She was about to rush over and hug Song Juan, then suddenly smelled a strange smell, and immediately froze there.

Song Juan was holding two buns in her hands, her face was shiny from eating, and she looked delicious.

“Mom, what’s going on with you?”

Li Linghua asked confused questions.

Song Juan’s face was full of embarrassment.

“I don’t know what’s going on. I’m so hungry that I haven’t wanted to eat for several days, but I just became so hungry all of a sudden.”

“I just happened to see the steamed buns on Dr. Sun’s table. I couldn’t help it.”

“My dear daughter, don’t be angry. I will definitely give Dr. Sun the money for the buns. I will apologize to him later.……”

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Sun, who had finished making the phone call, walked in.

But when he saw Song Juan holding the buns in her hands and eating them all, he was confused.

“No, what is going on?”

Li Linghua also asked stupidly.

“I still want to ask you, doctor, didn’t you say that my mother is having a relapse and can’t eat?”

“What’s going on?”

Dr. Sun fell into silence.

At this time, a nurse came over in a hurry.

“Doctor, the morgue has been reserved and ready to receive patients at any time.”

Song Juan’s eyes widened, and Li Linghua also stared at Dr. Sun.

Dr. Sun’s face was full of embarrassment.

“Um, morgue, cancel the morgue first.……”

Then, his eyes revealed a fiery light

“Go make an appointment for a cancer tissue check-up with me, immediately!”

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