The traffic policeman stared blankly at the direction Bai Wuchang and Liu Qingxuan were leaving, and suddenly shuddered.

The three outlooks shaped by materialism over the years seem to be on the verge of collapse.

Is there really Bai Wuchang in this world?

And these days, Bai Wuchang keeps pace with the times, imitating human beings and wearing white silk?

Not to mention, Bai Wuchang in Black and White Wuchang is so beautiful.

As expected of a fairy, she is much prettier than a human woman, even those big stars are far inferior.

If Bai Wuchang asked for their lives, maybe many people would be willing to do so.

Immediately afterwards, the traffic police’s curiosity shifted to Liu Qingxuan.

If he could barely recognize Bai Wuchang, then who was that handsome man?

Black and impermanent?

It doesn’t look like it.

White Impermanence and Black Impermanence should logically be juxtaposed and have equal status.

But the Bai Wuchang just now seemed to have great respect for that man, and his status was obviously lower than that of him.

The traffic policeman had a look of horror in his eyes

“Could it be said that that is the judge, or simply the King of Hell?!”

“Did the King of Hell come to me just now to ask for directions?”

For a moment, the traffic policeman didn’t know what he was thinking.

Should he feel honored, or should he be afraid?

The king of hell came to ask for directions, which shows that his professionalism has been recognized.

I just hope that the king of hell can Don’t forget yourself, it will be miserable.

Just before he could recover, the roar of motorcycles suddenly sounded at the end of the street, and a group of drag racing gangs riding modified motorcycles roared over. The rumbling engine The sound spread far into the night sky, enough to wake residents in the residential buildings on both sides of the street from their sleep.

This is the so-called street bombing.

The traffic police were stationed at various intersections tonight to catch this gang of speedsters.

This group of racing gangs were also very courageous. They clearly saw the traffic police squatting at this intersection, but they were not afraid at all. Instead, each one of them controlled the motorcycle and raised the front wheel, showing a provocative look. The traffic police roared past.

The young man leading the group still left a provocative laugh in the night sky.

“Uncle, don’t use this old antique of your traffic police to arrest us.”

“You can’t catch up even if you run and smoke!”

The racing gang let out a burst of laughter and sped forward.

The traffic policeman looked at the direction in which they were going and shuddered.

“That direction, isn’t that the direction where Bai Wuchang and the Lord of Hell left?”

He looked at these drag racing gangs with a kind of pity.

“You can’t ride anywhere. You have to go to the Lord of Hell and Bai Wuchang.”

“It is true that there is a way to heaven and if you don’t take it, hell will have no door and you will fall into it.”

He shook his head and had no intention of chasing after him.

Just kidding, how many lives will it take to chase after the Lord of Hell?

He still wants to live for a few more years!

At this time, the speed racing gang saw that the traffic police behind them didn’t seem to be chasing after him. I came up and felt bored for a while.

“Ouch, I thought the traffic police would catch up with me.”

“Why don’t you pursue this?”

“How boring is that?”

“The motorcycle I just modified has more horsepower than before, so it’s useless.”

At this moment, they saw a white shadow speeding on the road ahead from a distance. It looked like a man and a woman riding a motorcycle. They couldn’t see clearly from a distance, but they could feel it. Come on, that woman is definitely a beauty.

In an instant, the racing gang became excited.

The young man in the leader whistled

“Let’s go, brothers, blow up the car in front of you”

“Let’s go see what that chick looks like!

Immediately, the motorcycles of the racing gang roared more and more fiercely, chasing Liu Qingxuan and Bai Wuchang in the distance.

Along the way, they were still laughing wantonly and discussing how punctual the girl in white clothes in front was.

“Those who come out to ride bikes at this point must also like to have fun.”

“Let’s take her with us and give her a good meal.”

“Hey, maybe we can even have a kiss tonight.”

But as they continued to get closer, they could see more and more clearly. Gradually, their laughter seemed to be frozen by ice and solidified.

Those two figures in front of them, how could they be riding motorcycles?

It was clearly a line of smoke that was holding them up!

The girl in white clothes was indeed on point, with a slim figure and white silk on her legs. She was prettier than the big stars on TV.

The problem was, she was wearing a high-rise hat on her head A tall gauze hat, with four pieces of paper money on the gauze hat, and the four words”make money at first sight” written in black ink on the paper money.

Anyone who has watched a few TV series can recognize this.

Damn, this is Bai Wuchang!

The girl they wanted to take to dinner turned out to be Bai Wuchang in black and white?

How could it be like this?

At this moment, the regret in their hearts was almost overflowing.

The young man at the head cried bitterly

“My mother tells me every day that if I walk too much at night, I will encounter ghosts. Why the hell don’t I listen?”

“Woohoo, it’s okay to meet a ghost. Go to the temple to burn incense and worship the Buddha. The Buddha will not be able to deal with a little ghost, right?”

“Why do you want me to meet Bai Wuchang!”

“They have formal establishments, but Buddha and his elders have a different system, and he can’t control it!”

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