At this moment, on the Internet, the topic of Liu Qingxuan’s fortune-telling is also hotly discussed by netizens.

“It’s so outrageous”

“Originally, when I heard the Forest Bureau’s accusations and disclosed Liu Qingxuan’s crimes, I felt that Liu Qingxuan should be sent to the eighteenth level of hell.”

“But now that I heard it, I realized that these accusations seemed to have been refuted by Liu Qingxuan’s fortune-telling.”

“I used to believe in science, until Liu Qingxuan made a fortune”

“People rely on evidence to solve a case, but Liu Qingxuan only relies on fortune-telling to overturn the case. I declare that metaphysics is far ahead!”

“I can’t take this course for a day. Qingxuan Daojun is here, I want to cultivate immortality! If I could tell fortunes, I would know whether the school belle in the next class likes me or not!”

At this time, all the special police officers at the scene in Jiangcheng and at the headquarters of the Magic City fell into a deathly silence.

Why did they go to such great lengths to arrest Liu Qingxuan? Isn’t it because this cult leader intends to harm the country and the people? , is his heart worthy of death?

As a result, now, the matter of poisoning the common people has been overturned by him with ironclad evidence.

Why does the matter of intending to assassinate high-level officials seem to be overturned?

If Liu Qingxuan is really overturned, then Why are they here?

If they have not committed any crime, then they have committed a scandal by coming here. They also contributed to the famous scene of six special police teams being captured by Liu Qingxuan. I am afraid that this face will be lost to the sky!

Lin! At this moment, Dong, hoping for the best, quickly called the hospital where the special police officer was sent to inquire.

As soon as the call was connected, the chief physician of the special police officer scolded Lin Dong.

“No, your police work is hard, you can’t treat people like mules and horses, right?”

“I heard this comrade say that when he is on a mission for 200 days a year, he usually eats instant noodles and pickles three times a day.”

“The stalker stayed up late and didn’t dare to sleep, so he relied on strong tea and Red Bull to hold him up”

“Now I have a stomachache and I’m crying. I suspect it’s poisoning or something.……”

“Let me put it bluntly, when you use people like this, you are poisoning yourself, okay? Even an iron-clad body cannot withstand it!”

“Especially with this kind of diet, no matter how healthy a person is, the risk of developing kidney stones will be greatly increased.”

“What’s more, I also inquired about this patient and found out that both sides of his family have a history of kidney stones and various kidney diseases. It’s strange that he doesn’t have kidney stones!”

“Lithotripsy surgery has been arranged. Forest Bureau, please be nice to your special police officers.……”

After hanging up the phone, Lin Dong’s last hope disappeared.

His face was full of confusion.

Liu Qingxuan got it right again.

And it’s perfect?

It’s really kidney stones, and it’s really the result of the SWAT’s long-term unhealthy, high-salt diet.

Even if both parents of this special police officer had a history of kidney stones, Liu Qingxuan was absolutely right.

Lin Dong’s outlook on life was almost shattered at this moment.

Is there really a god in this world who can predict the world without leaving home?

Is Liu Qingxuan really the cultivator he claims to be?

Could it be that the Qingxuan Daojun he advocated really existed and was the source of all things?

Lin Dong couldn’t think of any reason to explain these things at the moment, and couldn’t help but fell into a long silence.

Lin Dong’s silence also made some netizens who were still confused react.

Falling silent at this time, doesn’t this mean that Liu Qingxuan was right?

Netizens gasped

“Turned it over, Liu Qingxuan turned it over again”

“It’s exactly what he said. None of the charges the police planted for him are true.”

“It’s so embarrassing now. This is definitely the biggest mistake that the official government has made publicly.”

“They arrest people in such a big way and keep saying that Liu Qingxuan is the leader of a cult and is guilty of heinous crimes. However, the reasons are now untenable.”

“Tsk tsk, Liu Qingxuan is right, how are the police going to get off the stage now?”

“I can only say that Liu Qingxuan is really awesome. Regardless of whether he is an immortal cultivator or not, I would like to call him Liu Zhenxian. What he did is probably unprecedented and unprecedented!”

On the Internet, Liu Qingxuan’s name and attitude were a 180-degree reversal.

But at this moment, Lin Dong took a deep breath and strengthened his will again.

“Even if the charges of poisoning and assassination are all wrong, there is a large amount of overseas funds injected into your account, which happened to be transferred when we decided to arrest you.”

“How do you explain this?”

“We have also arrested a deputy minister-level figure within the system. He has admitted to colluding with foreign forces and providing financial support and various job conveniences to the cult.”

“Before he was arrested, he was still advocating for your Qingxuan cult”

“How do you explain this?”

“Could it be that the money in your account was calculated out of thin air by relying on fortune telling?”

“Based on this alone, Liu Qingxuan, your Qingxuan cult colludes with foreign forces and installs undercover agents in the system, so it is impossible to escape!”

After Lin Dong’s words came out, netizens’ previously enthusiastic expressions of admiration also became a little hesitant.

This time, the evidence Lin Dong brought out seemed to be more conclusive than before.

The police actually directly discovered that Liu Qingxuan’s account had foreign forces. The funds were transferred in, just before they decided to arrest Liu Qingxuan. The deputy ministerial figure who was arrested also admitted that he was involved with foreign forces and provided convenience for the cult.

These accusations are true, and Liu Qingxuan colluded with foreign forces. The accused definitely didn’t get away with it.

This made netizens quite disdainful.

“I recognize Liu Qingxuan’s ability in fortune-telling. He is indeed capable of engaging in feudal superstition.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“But this person is talented but not moral, and he actually colludes with foreign forces and has connections with foreign countries. In times of war, he is considered a traitor.”

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“Even a primary school student knows not to be a traitor. However, Liu Qingxuan, a high-ranking person, was manipulated by foreign forces, and his character was really low.”

Of course, after the previous two reversals of Liu Qingxuan’s verdict, many netizens are still expressing doubts.

“Could it be that something went wrong again?”

“If Liu Qingxuan wants to make money, he can easily rely on his fortune-telling skills. There is no need to collude with foreign forces.”

But other netizens were excited.

“The police found that a huge sum of money was transferred to Liu Qingxuan’s account. Could it be that it wasn’t Liu Qingxuan’s account?”

“There’s no way the person who opened the account made a mistake. If he made a mistake, all the police would have to resign.”

“A huge amount of money was transferred into the account by foreign forces. This was just when the police were about to take action, and a backer was caught later. You still say that Liu Qingxuan has nothing to do with foreign forces? This must be the funds used by Liu Qingxuan to escape!”

“Even if Liu Qingxuan was really good at fortune-telling, it would be impossible for him to confuse right and wrong. How could he deal with this certain matter?”

At this moment, Liu Qingxuan also looked shocked after hearing Lin Dong’s accusation.

Did an overseas force remit money to his account?

Why didn’t he know about it? []


Liu Qingxuan’s expression became weird.

He finally thought When he got up, before launching the mini-missing formation, he seemed to have received a strange call.

The person on the phone claimed to have some big background, an external force, and his hands and eyes, and asked Liu Qingxuan to act according to his instructions.

Liu Qingxuan At that time, I thought it was a telecommunications fraud, coming from members of a fraud gang in northern Myanmar, so I hung up the phone and blocked the call after teasing them for a while.

Even a few text messages from the bank at that time said that he had received the account. One million and two hundred thousand, he also thought it was forged by a fraud gang.

At that time, he was still a little shocked. In this era, the technology of telecommunications fraud can actually forge such realistic bank text messages?

This fraud gang seems to be really powerful..

But now after hearing what Lin Dong said, Liu Qingxuan realized. It turns out that this is not a fraud group, but a real foreign force. They want to take it for their own use, but they are defrauded of 1.2 million? The result


Now, the police believe that it is escape funds sent to him by foreign forces, and that he is involved with foreign forces?

Liu Qingxuan also couldn’t laugh or cry for a while.

What is this?

After pondering for a moment, Liu Qingxuan waved his hand, and a line of mist handwriting appeared.

In the handwriting The content made everyone who saw it confused.

“I earned this 1.2 million based on my ability. I can explain this.”

“But before I explain, can you answer a legal question for me?”

“I defrauded an overseas power of RMB 1.2 million and then blacklisted them. Is this considered a crime of fraud or a crime of bravery?”.

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