But if you really want to talk about it, chufei himself knows it very well. Shopkeeper you is not interested in the pistol itself. After all, although the power of the pistol seems huge, it's just like that compared with the monks' magic. There's nothing to care about.

But it's another matter to talk about the principle and technical thinking of pistols. As long as Chu Fei sells the pistols, the people behind shopkeeper you can definitely refer to and research similar things.

After all, there must be a group of people who like to research and create behind a store that can sell so many fantastic things. Besides, they are not ordinary people. They are 100% monks. It is estimated that their level will not be too low.

If you are not a monk, how can you make things that need to consume Yuanjing and xianyuanjing? Chufei laughed in his heart that he would never give a pistol, but he could give something else, such as a grenade

And really want to say up, Chu Fei even RPG rockets dare to sell! Why? Because whether it's a grenade or a rocket launcher, there is a certain buffer time after launching.

In such a time, chufei had enough assurance to escape from the attacked place. In this way, Chu Fei didn't need to worry about selling goods to the enemy.

With these words, Chu Fei picks her eyebrows at mei'er who is also curious. In mei'er's lovely expectation, Chu Fei unlocks and exchanges two grenades from the system and puts them on the table.

Chufei's grenade is not the so-called all plastic steel ball grenade, but the metal appearance grenade commonly seen in FPS games. Chufei's weapon is MK2 metal grenade. The surface is made of iron and has teeth. After the explosion, the shrapnel is extremely lethal.

"Well? This What is it? " Shopkeeper you looks curious, but he doesn't touch it. It's polite, but also for his own safety.

After all, he doesn't know what it is. If it's dangerous, but he triggers it for no reason, he will be too unlucky.

After all, shopkeeper you is just an ordinary person, not a monk. His self-protection ability is limited.

"It's called a grenade. Throw it out and it'll explode." After a brief introduction, Chu Fei said, "two, one for me to show, the other for you to study. I think this is also your real goal, right?"

"Well? It's really a hero boy. I didn't expect that Mr. Chu had already seen my mind. I'm ashamed. " Shopkeeper you was surprised and praised. He really thought he was hiding well.

"Well, let's try to find a safe place first. The explosion range of this thing is not big, it's only more than three feet, but after the explosion, the attack range of the fragments has reached sixteen feet..."

"Shrapnel?" Shopkeeper you didn't understand.

"Oh, that's it After the explosion, the iron sheet on the surface will break, and then rush around... "

"I see..."

Just at this time, the sound of footsteps on the stairs came, and the little two came with a tea tray.

"Little two, you go to the top floor and ask Master Sun to come here..."

"Yes." He nodded and agreed. He put down the tray and ran up the stairs.

In the middle of this, Chu Fei and shopkeeper you didn't talk more about the grenade, but chatted about it. When a bowl of tea is finished, people come down the stairs.

Small two in front of the guide, followed by a 70 or 80 year old man. Yes, it's the old man. He looks like a 70 or 80 year old man on earth. He's wearing a blue robe, with white hair and long beard on his chest.

The old man is thin and dry. He's quite tall. He's estimated to be one meter eight.

"Master Sun..." When shopkeeper you saw the old man coming, he stood up to say hello. He was very respectful.

"Well..." The grandmaster just gave a sound, and then turned to see Chu Fei and Meier.

"Who are you? The charm of Shun Tian pavilion This grandmaster seems to know Meier, but it seems that he doesn't care about Meier when he looks at her eyes and listens to her words. It seems that Shuntian Pavilion is the only one who really cares about Meier.

"Good master sun, charming young man." Meier stood up very politely and gave a gift.

"This friend?" Without waiting for shopkeeper you's introduction, master sun came directly to Chu Fei.

"I'm Chu Fei..." Chu Fei's attitude to the old man was a little uncomfortable, especially when the old man looked at people, his condescending spirit was very weak.

"Fat man, did you invite me down because of these two iron balls?" This elder sun is called manager you fatty, which Chu Fei didn't expect.

In Chu Fei's opinion, shopkeeper you and the old man surnamed sun should have a cooperative relationship, or even a distant family relationship. But if it is, it seems that it should not be called like this in front of outsiders.

Is shopkeeper you just a shopkeeper? The existence of similar store managers? No, Chu Fei shakes his head in his heart. It can't be like this. Because of the particularity of the things in the shop, the shop will never be managed by outsiders. Shopkeeper you must be their own.

"Yes, these two iron balls are called grenades. They were brought out by Master Chu."

"Well, what's the beauty?" Master Sun turned his lips. Obviously he didn't like these two black pimples. He didn't even have the interest to touch them."Explosion, violent explosion, the attack range is about 20 feet..." Shopkeeper you didn't show any dissatisfaction with the title of "fat man". On the contrary, he respectfully described the effect of the grenade. Of course, he exaggerates a little bit, expanding Chu Fei's 16 Zhang to 20 Zhang.

"And then?" Old man sun lacks interest.

"One of these two is for display, and the other is for Xiaoren to buy..."

"Well, go to the back..."

The grandmaster Sun said that, no matter how others reacted, he turned and walked down the stairs. You shopkeeper sorry Chong chufei and Meier smile, and then step to follow.

Chu Fei and mei'er can't go, after all, they are the leading roles. Chu Fei picked up the grenade on the table and walked down the stairs with mei'er.

On the first floor, there is a door behind the counter. After opening the door, a few people came to the backyard. This backyard is really big. It's more than 100 meters long and wide. It's comparable to the playground of a primary school.

In this courtyard, apart from the toilet like building in the far corner, the rest are all kinds of earth and stone walls. It seems that this place is really a special testing ground for various attack powers.

"Over there, ten feet around, there are stone walls. Where can you show your iron bumps..." Elder sun really doesn't have much interest in Lei. He says that tie Geda seems to hold this thing high.

Chu Fei smiles bitterly, but it's not convenient to say anything. There's no way. In a world of friars, the shape of the grenade is not beautiful enough. There's no so-called streamline and no light. It's in line with reality to call it iron knot.

However, although Chu Fei didn't say anything, mei'er was not happy. She pouted her lips and said silently: it's the elder who despises the things that Chu took out! No manners at all!

Several people came to the place mentioned by Mr. Sun and stood at the entrance. Shopkeeper you said to chufei:

"Mr. Chu, please Ha ha. "

"That's it?" Is Chu silent? The radius of the explosion is 50 meters. How can this place be enough? And I'm still standing at the entrance. I'm looking for death!

"Yes..." Shopkeeper you is puzzled.

"It's OK to show here, but let's not stand at the entrance, don't hurt our own people by mistake..." Chu Fei was kind-hearted, but he didn't get sun's affirmation.

"Why? Where is the explosion power of such a small iron ball Even if we really attack here, can't I protect you

This grandmaster sun is very confident, super confident, so confident that he has almost no friends. Meier wants to retort, but is stopped by chufei, because chufei thinks of a problem.

Chu Fei got close to Meier's ear and whispered:

"Meier, do we have fireworks in this world?"

"Yes Yes What's up? Young master Charm son is a little embarrassed by Chu Fei's sudden closeness, but finally gives Chu Fei an answer.

Hearing the result, Chu Fei nodded and understood why the grandson was so confident. There is a big difference between gunpowder and explosive used in fireworks.

In particular, this kind of grenade in chufei's hand, the explosive in it is TNT filling material. In other words, it is high explosive, and its power is not comparable to fireworks.

"Master Sun, the explosion power of these two grenades is not comparable to fireworks, and the materials used are also different. You'd better be careful."

Chufei meant well, but Master Sun didn't think so. In his opinion, the power of the things made by gunpowder explosion is just average. For the friars, at most, it is a little troublesome, and it is impossible to cause damage.

At the moment, Chu Fei obviously looked down on himself, so master sun was very unhappy and said, "why? Look down on me? Hum, boy, you were not born when I was in the world! Come on, don't waste my time

"No, Mr. Sun, I really don't look down on it. I don't use the gunpowder of fireworks. It's totally different!"

"Noisy! Hurry up! Don't let me get angry and throw you out! Hum, you dare to brag in front of me when you are young... "

The elder sun talked a little too much, but the young monk with a little background in the world also turned and left, but Chu Fei didn't. He suppressed his anger and took a deep breath, saying:

"is elder sun really unwilling to avoid it?"

"I want you to start as soon as possible. I really don't think I have a good temper!"

Chu Fei snorts coldly, no longer cares whether the old man can hide or not. He turns around and pulls Meier to hide behind the wall, while shopkeeper you also hides with a bitter smile.

Sun hung his eyes and looked at the three people. He was disdainful and did not speak any more.

Chu Fei starts. He gives a grenade to shopkeeper you, and he takes another one. Then, after pulling off the ring, he threw the grenade into the open space inside the wall.

Three seconds, three seconds passed quicklyBoom!

Huge and sudden explosion sounded, a heat wave gushed into the wall, at the same time, which grandson a dull hum, the whole person quickly back, hands constantly waving in front of the body.

Chu Fei looks so small, but mei'er is shocked. Shopkeeper you looks at grandson, who is constantly retreating, with a helpless smile.

The cultivation of this group of elders is very good. It can be said that they are high enough. However, because of their special experience, even if they are high enough, they are still old and will not live as long as other monks.

At the moment of the explosion, the grandson clearly saw the small shrapnel flying at high speed! After all, he is a high-level monk. He still has this insight.

But seeing doesn't mean you can avoid it, and seeing doesn't mean you can stop it! The fragments were so small and so fast that he could only fly back while trying to catch, block and fly the impact fragments

Unfortunately, he underestimated the power of grenades and the speed of shrapnel

When master sun stopped, his clothes were full of holes. At the same time, his arms were also full of wounds, and the blood flowed and dyed his lapels red.

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