At this moment, someone broke through the window and entered the room.

At the same time, Lou Zigui grabbed the shard and cut herself when she fell. A sharp pain woke her up. She was about to retaliate.

At this moment, both of them heard the sound of someone breaking through the window.

They were not the only ones who wanted to ensure that Lou Zigui and Ming Yunxu were "present". Ming Qian, who was looking for someone else, also heard the noise and felt that something was wrong as she pushed the door open and entered.

The situation in the room was no longer something that she could control.

Ming Yunxu fell to the ground.

There was a man, a man whom she had never seen before, holding her in his arms.

"Take me away first!" After the pain, Lou Zigui was no longer able to concentrate.

She could only save the most recent one, Xiao Qi, when she had just woken up and she knew she had added it to nurture his ability to "spy".

Xiao Qi nodded and hugged her very obediently.

"Who are you!" Ming Qianqian asked him.

When had such a man appeared by Lou Zigui's side?

Perhaps, he was not a man by Lou Zigui's side, so why was he here?

Xiao Qi did not answer her at all. In fact, she did not even look at her before leaving with Lou Zigui in her arms.

However, when she passed him, she caught a whiff of his scent.

"AHH!" she said.

Xiao Qi was very obedient.

Lou Zigui tossed the powder she had grabbed from her clothes to the other party.

This person was the one who gave him the medicine!

Ming Qianqian took a step back, but she still applied some powder on her.

She shook it off.

At this time, Xiao Qi had already left under Lou Zigui's instructions.

Lou Zigui was too angry, which was why she resisted at that moment. Of course, when she regained her senses, she would also clearly know who was trying to destroy her in such a way!

However, she had to wake up first.

Although Xiao Qi saved her, the problem was, Xiao Qi, is he safe?

"Water, help me find water!" she said urgently.

However, could he let Xiao Qi hear about it, or would he help him? Was everything just up to fate?

'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard.

Lou Zigui had already awoken from her stupor, but had been tormented by an ancient specialty, seductive medicine. She suddenly felt a chill as she fell into the water without struggling. Feeling the stifling sensation, she temporarily suppressed her embarrassing restlessness.


After waking up a bit, she felt her situation and quickly swam up, breaking out of the water.

She just so happened to see Xiao Qi, who was worried about her not sticking her head out for a long time, and wanted to go down and save her.

"Xiao Qi, you idiot, you murdered!" She thought she was angry.

But of course, with her current situation, how could she say such angry words!

It was just that he was more spirited now.

Xiao Qi was extremely hurt and worried, so she was relieved to see that she was safe and sound, even scolding him.

Not only was he not angry at her scolding, but he also laughed, "Miss, are you alright? Are you alright? "

"No wonder!"

Who are they?

Why were the ones beside her all of them so good?

Although it was summer, the water in the lotus pond was not hot and it had a slight cooling effect. It still had some effect on suppressing the medicinal properties in her body.

However, if he threw her into the pool without a care in the world, or if she couldn't swim or didn't regain her senses, wouldn't she just drown?

"Miss, let me help you up." Xiao Qi reached out her hand to pull her.

However, she didn't stretch out her hand to let her body soak in the water. Instead, she lay down on the shore. "Not yet. If only my medicine bottle of pills were here! "

Just as she was speaking, Xiao Qi took it out. "Miss, is that what you're talking about?"

She really didn't have any thoughts towards Xiao Qi anymore.

He first chose a pill that could calm him down and consumed it.

However, she was really curious, "Xiao Qi, how did you get this?"

Xiao Qi had to answer truthfully, but this answer made Lou Zigui break out in a cold sweat.

"You said you saw me when I was first locked in my room?"

According to what Xiao Qi said, he already knew what happened to her. The first time he wanted to save her, he saw someone open the door and enter.

He thought that the other party was there to save her, so he continued to observe.

Then, after observing her for the last time, she realized that something was wrong, so she rushed in to save her.

As for her medicine, it was Xiao Qi who saw him come out and threw it into the yard, so he went to pick it up …

Listening to his words, she thought that it made sense. After all, she couldn't help but come in recklessly to save someone under the circumstances.

And this time, it was really thanks to him. After she thanked him, she almost restrained the medicinal properties of her body and came out of the water. However, this was a school and there was no change of clothes, so she could only plan to return first.

Before going back, he naturally had to greet Wenren Qian.

However, he realized that the person shouldn't be here.

"Close the door, release Little Seven!" she shouted.

It was really the same if he didn't want her!

He actually came to her side to whisper to her!

However, coming to think of it, why would this Bai Zining actually appear here?

Yes, the ones who were intimate at the fake mountain in the backyard were Ming Qianqian and Bai Zining.

Perhaps it was because of Lou Zigui's last act that she was infected with a seductive drug and was now emotionally moved.

This point had not occurred to Lou Zigui at first.

They thought that the two of them were just having a fit of uncontrollable love.

Bai Zining took off his outer robes to cover Ming Qianqian and protected her behind him.

"Third Miss Lou, as the daughter of a general, why are you so despicable?"



Lou Zigui pointed at his nose.

Why is my heart so discordant?

Why was she scolded like this by Bai Zining?

"Master Bai, this is not the brothel's rails. I am in the academy, and someone is shameless, but please do not pollute everyone's living environment!"

"You!" Bai Zining did not expect her to refute him.

Not only that, his words were simply too humiliating.

"You can say that I'm wrong, but you can't insult Qian Qian!" Bai Zining said with a cold expression.

Lou Zigui quickly took a step back and stood behind Xiao Qi.

I'm going to die.

Does Bai Zining know martial arts?

It shouldn't be, right?

Seems so!

No matter what, he did have the bearing of a man just now.

"Big Brother, you still have logic!" She said bluntly, "What is your relationship with the Elder Sister Ming? If it's not a husband and wife, then what were you two doing just now? "

This era was not like the freedom of modern times.

Not to mention an unmarried man and woman, even a man and woman who had long been engaged to be married off to each other, in such a place and in public relations, would be demeaning in this era.

However, Bai Zining didn't feel embarrassed at all, or if there was anything wrong with his expression, it would be the opposite. He was furious, "Could it be that this isn't caused by the Third Miss Lou? Such a despicable method! "

Alright, after saying such words twice, she felt that something was wrong.

Then, he looked at Ming Qianqian's appearance.

"She's drugged." She was very sure.

Just now, she was the same.

Knowing this, her expression turned cold.

She was drugged.

What did it mean?

This meant that it was very possible that she was the person that was at her side at that time?

In other words, the person who drugged her, was her?

Ming Qianqian!

She couldn't be sure.

Another possibility was that the person not only drugged her, but also drugged her.

So, she had to be sure.

She walked over and said, "I have some medicine to suppress the effects of the medicine. I can give it to her first."

Before Bai Zining took Ming Qianqian away, and before she changed her clothes, she had to confirm whether or not Mingqian Qian was the person who drugged her.

If this Ming Qianqian was able to do such a thing …

"Stop being so hypocritical, you are the daughter of a general, with such a noble identity. But, how dark are your heart, how many people did you deceive?! Even if you are the daughter of a general, so what if your status is honorable? " Bai Zining stopped her.

She had to greet his whole family!

Xiao Qi also followed beside Lou Zigui. When Bai Zining revealed a dangerous expression, he walked over to his side to protect him.

Lou Zigui stopped. Very good, she had already seen it.

Ming Qianqian was indeed the one who drugged her at that time.

"Master Bai, is the person who used this medicine really …" She smiled and said sarcastically, "How despicable! "Black heart, bad heart, we have to wait for retribution!"

No one would say that about themselves.

Bai Zining also didn't understand what she meant.

He specially sent his sister over today because he had an appointment with Ming Qianqian to meet her here.

After he sent Bai Ling to the Academy, he waited not far from where he was outside. He did not want to see Lou Qinyue, so he waited for a long time, but he did not see Ming Qianqian.

He was worried, so he came in to take a look.

Then he found out that they didn't correspond to each other.

Ming Qianqian and Ming Yunxu were in the room.

He knew then that something was wrong.

Fortunately, Ming Qianqian was a girl, her body was weak due to the traditional Chinese medicine, and Ming Yunxu was weak due to the inconvenience of her legs. The distance between the two of them was quite far, so she did not approach Ming Qianqian.

Otherwise, he couldn't believe what had happened to the two of them.

Bai Zining didn't know the relationship between Ming Qianqian and Ming Yunxu, but the two of them were only men and women, if anything were to happen, it would be enough to destroy Ming Qianqian.

He held Ming Qianqian up, "Qianqian, how is it? "Who did it?"

Ming Qianqian was still conscious, but her body's reaction was strong.

"Lo, Third Miss Lou." She said so.

Bai Zining felt that there was no need to listen to the rest of his words, "Qianqian, don't be afraid, it's going to be fine."

Ming Qianqian curled up in his chest, "I feel terrible, I feel really uncomfortable!"

He couldn't bear to see her like this, so he quickly went out to get a doctor to help her cure the medicine.

However, on the road, Ming Qianqian couldn't take it anymore, so when they arrived at the fake mountain, they couldn't help themselves.

Luckily, he was interrupted. Otherwise, he would have let Qian Qian down too much.

Bai Zining thought so, but in the end, the one who had unknowingly "helped" him was actually Lou Qinyue, which made him very upset.

Not only that, she actually had the guts to say such words.

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