Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1001: Ugly Granny Appears

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The Lord of the Lingxiao Temple looked at the flying oversea sub-god, and his heart also began to worry. This time, the oversea sub-god failed, and I was afraid that the gods would send out a stronger sub-god, and would definitely not give up.

"This is the second god? He stood there but I didn't feel his presence at all." Ning Xiaochuan thought in his heart.

The surrounding gods and souls looked at Ning Xiaochuan and others one after another, and a look of hatred appeared in their eyes.

"Huh! The indigenous people of Da Yan World, don't be too happy. The oversea **** is just one of the gods sent by our deity. There are other gods coming soon, and then they will be the master of the Lingxiao Temple. I can't protect you! "Said a **** genius with long wings and a golden sculpture on his head.

"Wait, this feudal battle will definitely end with the victory of our Shenhe civilization." Said another genius with a huge body and a deadly spirit revealed in the whole body.

All the spirit creatures are scornful soldiers looking at the world of Da Yan. In their view, the creatures of the Da Yan world want to fight against the creatures of the God Realm but they are just shaking the tree.

Ning Xiaochuan ignored it and still practiced there.

Xing Long looked at Ning Xiaochuan, without any expression on his face, but nodded, and at that moment, two powerful coercions suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

All the warriors present felt very depressed, the space began to shatter, the earth also began to collapse, and the wind was just returning to the sky and the sun was shining. At this moment, the wind was suddenly violent, lightning flashed, and a huge dragon was in the thundercloud. Faintly looming, everyone heard the trembling sound of dragons.

A dragon head fell from a height of 10 million meters, and its eyes were larger than the black iron gate of the Lingxiao Temple. The warriors present were as big as an ant to it.

There are a pair of long dragon horns on the dragon's head. The dragon horns contain huge energy, which can easily kill all the warriors present. Its whole body is covered with black scales. Dragon scales are equivalent to a supreme king weapon, and even if all the warriors in the field attacked them together, they would not hurt them.

As everyone was shocked by this sudden scene, the ground began to shake, and every five seconds there was an explosion. Everyone saw it, and their feet were coming towards them.

The big feet were very huge, and they went straight into the sky. The warriors present could not see the part above the feet, because it was a million meters high from the soles of the feet to the knees, and each of the hairs on them was equivalent to a supreme king weapon. When the big foot is stepped on, the ground will leave a huge footprint, and the ground will sag hundreds of meters downward.

Every time the giant moves, it will make a terrifying noise, which is simply daunting.

"You are the strongest in the world of Da Yan?" The dragon head in the sky said first.

While it was talking, the roar of thunder between heaven and earth, the entire heavenly court became dark, as if the end was coming!

"The strongest is not me, but if there is anything wrong, you can talk to me!" Xinglong was there, looking at the giant dragon head in the sky and the giant not far away. He knew that the two They are all sub-gods from the divine realm. Xiuwei is no weaker than him!

But Xinglong did not have the slightest fear, he had the responsibility of being the master of heaven, and he was never allowed to escape.

"Have you seen the Herald of Fengshen?" Said the giant in the distance, his voice rushing down from a height of 10 million meters, every word of him seemed to be thundering, which made the earrings of the warriors present hurt. .

"How have you seen it? What if you haven't seen it?" Xinglong sneered.

"Huh! I don't know how to lift!" The giant was very dissatisfied with Xinglong's answer. A huge fire fist like a meteorite suddenly fell from the sky, and the space shattered where the fire fist passed.

The air flow started to run fast, and even tornadoes were formed in the air, and the destructive power was even stronger.

The huge fist was about to fall to the ground, only tens of thousands of meters away from the ground, and soon to fall. Xinglong picked up the dragon pattern spear in his hand, and threw it at the place where the fire fist was thrown. A sudden wind breaking appeared, and the sharp voice carrier's huge power even bounced the huge fire fist directly. Prevented it from falling to the ground.

The dragon pattern spear also returned to Xinglong's hands instantly.

"However, Your Excellency is a secondary god. Don't you be afraid that your fist will tell you that your **** geniuses will also kill together?" Xing Long said.

In fact, if the giant's fire fist really falls, then the entire heavenly court will be destroyed, let alone those souls.

"Huh!" The dragon in the sky snorted, turning directly from the ground to a very evil-looking man, looking coldly at Xinglong.

"Since you don't want to say, then let's fight?" At this time, the giant also became a normal human, and came from a distance in an instant.

These two people are the two sub-gods of the Sky Demon Realm and the Divine Dragon Realm respectively, representing the Dragon and Demon Clan. The name of the Dragon Clan is "Long Shi Mo", and the name of the Demon Clan is "Magic Cast".

"Don't you dare?" The next moment, Xinglong, the dragon released the magic, the magic cast disappeared and disappeared, and the coercion between heaven and earth disappeared.

"The Lord of the Xiaoxiao Temple will surely be defeated by two sub-Gods." Those divine beings present said one after another.

At this moment, a ray of light appeared in the sky, the overcast clouds and thunder and lightning in the sky soon disappeared, and the sun appeared again, pouring the earth.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt a little familiar wave, Ning Xiaochuan diligently searched and found the ugly mother-in-law!

Ning Xiaochuan released his mind and saw three people who suddenly appeared in the crowd, with ugly mother-in-law beside them.

The ugly mother-in-law wore yoke in her hands and feet, locked it firmly, and made a rattling sound when she walked on the ground. She wore a prison uniform and wrote a large prison character.

"This is the only Shennong in your Dayan world, and now we have become our captives, so is the so-called strong man in the Dayan world. Even the Shennong in his own world cannot rescue him!" Said a young genius of the Dragon clan. .

There was a wicked little boy beside him, his eyes were tightly against the little red next to Ning Xiaochuan, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

"Shenlong cub?" Ning Xiaochuan put his eyes on the ugly mother-in-law, and naturally noticed the movement of the little boy just now, knowing the identity of the little boy after a little thought.

"Huh?" At this moment, the three people also noticed Ning Xiaochuan, and the pupils in his eyes became as needle-like, even with a strong murderous spirit.

"Fighting Dragon God!" Ning Xiaochuan and the three said at the same time, but they didn't do anything, they just looked away.

All three are dragon warriors, and they are all disciples of dragons and demons.

"Oh." The three men flashed a sneer, and then stopped talking.

"Mother-in-law!" At this moment, the voices of the two women suddenly sounded in the crowd. Ning Xiaochuan turned to look at the sound source immediately, turned out to be Luna and the Seven Princesses!

"I didn't expect them to come here," Ning Xiaochuan thought in his heart.

"You're about to let go of your mother-in-law!" The seven princesses were very angry. She didn't expect that after the ugly mother-in-law had been taken away by the creatures of the gods, she was now brought out, apparently trying to suppress their morale.

The ugly mother-in-law has kindness to heaven, so the seven princesses must rescue the ugly mother-in-law anyway.

The Seven Princesses didn't hesitate, they just rushed up to the three fighting **** dragons. After the gods and souls saw the Moon God move, everyone exerted magical powers to stop the Seven Princesses.

The seven princesses ignored the attacks of the spirit realm and turned into a streamer. They quickly came to the ugly mother-in-law and were ready to rescue the ugly mother-in-law immediately.

But the ugly mother-in-law is a Shennong and a key target of Shenhe civilization. How can the caretaker be weak?

One of the three dragon fighting geniuses, a dragon genius with a blue dragon scale, named Kui Qing, quickly flashed to the side of the Seven Princesses, leaving a series of phantoms where he passed, and then, all Everyone saw that the Seven Princess was kicked out by her.

"Haha, the daughter of heaven, but so." Kui Qing said with a laugh.

The warriors in the Dayan world who were present became very angry, and Kui Qing's behavior was undoubtedly humiliating them, but they could not defeat Kui Qing and were very aggrieved.

"Princess, I'm here to save you!" Among the crowd, a man in a robe dressed up in the sky, opened a folding fan in his hand, and a river flowed out of the folding fan, flooding the gate of the Lingxiao Temple, and It was also extremely hot, and the river was bubbling from time to time.

This person is an elder disciple named Ling Ling from the Temple of Ling Xiao, who has loved her since she first met the Seven Princesses, and is one of her suitors.

"But that's it!" The little boy beside Kui Qing snorted coldly, opened his mouth and sucked all the river directly into his belly.

Then, before everyone reacted to what was going on, Zhang Yuan flew out, his hands were cut off, and the folding fan was shredded into powder.

"Ah!" Zhang Yuan screamed in pain. He wanted to run the Supreme Qi to heal, but found that a powerful force was wandering around his wound, causing him to have no way to grow his arm again.

"Haha! The creatures of the Dayan World are just that! A princess, a suitor, even our dragon genius can't stop it, it's a waste!" The spirit creature of God said loudly.

"That is, I see that our Shenhe civilization does not need to dispatch a sub-god at all. Even if we are enough to sweep the Dayan world, indigenous people are indigenous people, how can they win the race that created them?" Said another spirit creature with a smirk.

These divine creatures laughed wildly, and did not look at the creatures of the Dayan world at all, as if they had determined that they had won the battle for the gods.

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