Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1007: Shenyan continent

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Xia Ming was standing in the void, with white beards fluttering, and she looked like a fairy-like bone, exuding a blue glow from all over her body, and said loudly: "Since someone has used the shrine supreme armor, let me talk about the shrine Some characteristics and origins of Supreme A. "

"All the Deities of Supreme Masterpieces were left over from the last God-fighting war. In addition, the heaven court also sent people to the continents and seas of Dayan World to continue collecting. Until now, a total of ten have been collected. More than 10,000 sets. The Heavenly Court will not take these armors out of use during the extraordinary period. After all, the Supreme Deity Armor can only be regarded as an external force. If it is not used well, it will delay practice. "

"Fighting with the souls of the Shenhe civilization, we just want to defend our dignity, and we just want to get a chance to become a **** in the battle against the gods."

"Whoever can kill the three ancient creatures of the Shenhe civilization, can get a set of deities supreme armor as a reward."

"In addition to the Divine Supreme Supreme Armor, the heaven court also prepared some other treasures, such as Wang Pin Dan Yao, Sheng Pin Dan Yao, Supreme Emperor's Tool, and even the second artifact and divine martial art ... If you make enough contributions, you will be rewarded with corresponding treasures. "

His voice echoed for a long time in the sky above Tianting Academy, which made the monks present very excited.

There are a lot of treasures in Tianting, and they have a deep foundation. It is impossible to take out these treasures at ordinary times. This is an extraordinary period. As long as it can contribute to the world of Da Yan, all kinds of treasures can be obtained.

Although the treasure is particularly attractive, when everyone thinks about the powerful power of the Shenhe civilization, many people become silent.

None of the monks present were ignorant, and all existed as hegemons in their respective regions. Naturally, it became clearer how terrible the enemies they were facing.

Among the monks, there is a female monk who is the fourth most important monk, frowned slightly, and said, "The constitution of the living beings of the gods is always tempered by the spirit of the gods, and the natural treasure is bigger than us in the same realm. The world warriors are much stronger, almost all of them are juvenile deities, able to fight across realms, which is very bad for us! "

"Yeah! In the same realm, it is very difficult to fight with the souls of the Shenhe civilization. It is even more difficult to kill them." Another old man with a wrinkled face said.

All the other warriors looked at Xia Ming tightly, wondering what kind of answer he would give?

The disadvantages of the creatures of the Dayan World are too obvious!

Xia Ming said: "Everyone's worry, the old man is very understandable. However, please rest assured that our gods from the world have brought out a pool of Yunshen from the battlefield of the last battle of Gods. Yunshen pool is very magical, as long as Temper your body in Yunshen Pond, and you can become as strong as the physical beings of the Divine Realm! "

"What? The legendary Yun Shen Pond."

The soldiers present were surprised again.

I didn't expect that Tianting got such a powerful treasure. Moreover, it seems that there is another sub-God level in the Dayan world besides the Lord of Heaven.

that is really good!

The confidence of all people increased greatly.

Xia Ming continued: "Besides that, the court will also provide a large number of Supreme Bloodstones. Let the civilizations and races born of the ninth heaviest realm have a greater chance to impact the eternal realm. This is a time Opportunity, the opportunity to compete for God's qualifications. "

After Xia Ming spoke, the soldiers present were shocked and speechless.

The foundation of heaven is too strong. Usually these treasures are very precious and difficult to get in front of the souls of their eternal realms.

"That being the case, when will we enter Yunshenchi Que?" A monk standing in the cloud asked.

This monk is particularly young and beautiful, with a human body, but a fish tail, full of golden scales, exuding a powerful breath.

It is actually a mermaid ancestor from the sea tribe. Although he has lived for thousands of years, he still looks like he is only twenty years old.

"You can start to train the body now, please follow me into the mysterious realm! This mysterious book is developed by the gods who can not only use the water of Yunshen to train the body, but also a place Cultivate treasure land. The stone wall by the pool is full of god-level martial arts and divine magic. The higher the talent, the more benefits you will get. "

After Xia Ming spoke, his finger bounced into the void, and a purple light door suddenly appeared in front of everyone, up to ten feet high, completely wrapped in purple clouds.

Xia Ming first entered and disappeared.

All other creatures followed in joy, and soon disappeared into the light gate.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the purple light gate in front of him and did not follow up.

"It's the breath of Zijin Emperor. Sure enough, he killed a poisonous dragon and took away Yunshen Pond."

Ning Xiaochuan felt the breath of the Emperor Zijin in the Purple Light Gate, but that breath was very light. Obviously, the Emperor Zijin had left.

In Fengshen Site, both of them have entered Yunshen Pond. Even if they enter again, it has no effect. It is better to give the opportunity to others.

"The creatures of the Shenhe civilization are too overbearing. Actually, if they want to control the entire world of Da Yan, they must let them see the power of our Da Yan world. Otherwise, they will not converge at all." Sleeves, revealing two white arms.

"Fighting with the souls of the Shenhe civilization is actually a kind of experience. Grow in the battle and sharpen your will." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan, Xiaohong, Xueling Xu, Zi Hanyan, and Xiao Linger left Tianting and set off on a hard and dangerous path of spiritual practice.

This is a battle between the creatures of the Da Yan world and the creatures of the Shenhe civilization. They are equivalent to the vanguard, and soon other warriors will come.

This is a counterattack by the creatures of the Dayan World. Even if they hit the stone with a egg, they must defend their dignity.

Although the creatures of the divine realm have aggressively attacked the world of Da Yan, it is not yet possible to attack the heavenly continent so soon. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan and others must leave the heavenly court, go to other continents, and join the battlefield.

At the same time that the living creatures of various ethnic groups were announced, the heaven court also arranged a teleportation matrix that went directly to other continents, so Ning Xiaochuan and others could leave directly and go to other continents.

After discussion, Ning Xiaochuan and others split into two paths. Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong went to the Shenyan continent together, and Xue Lingxu, Xiao Linger, and Zi Hanyan went to the Xuanming continent.


In the center of Shenyan Continent, an ancient altar of the kingdom came up, a white brilliance flickered continuously, emitting bright brilliance.

The white light disappeared, and the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong appeared in the center of the altar.

As soon as they stepped out of the teleportation array, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong smelled a strong **** smell. They found that there were traces of battles everywhere, the palace collapsed, the ground was smoked, and a large number of corpses were piled up like mountains. Apocalyptic scene.

Ning Xiaochuan released his mind, and found that all the creatures within tens of thousands of miles were cruelly killed by the creatures of the divine realm, leaving no living mouth.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, and together with Xiao Hong, she cast Shenlong to other places swiftly and quickly, preventing the continued slaughter of the living beings from the divine realm.

"It's awful! Don't they want to kill all the creatures in the Da Yan world? What's so good for them?"

Xiao Hong was on the bank of a large river and saw the bones of the river. Most of them were children and old people. Even the babies who were just born couldn't escape the fate, were crushed ruthlessly and turned into blood mud.

Not just humans, but also the bones of monks of other races.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If the world's souls become extinct, then their competitors will be much less, and their chances of becoming gods will be much greater."

At this time, a junior sixth-grade civilization on the Shenyan continent was fighting the souls of the Shenhe civilization.

The city of a million people was crushed by one beast and sunk into the ground. The tall and steep pass was cut by a sharpening knife and turned into a piece of gravel.

The whole country faces a life and death crisis.

In the face of the powerful forces of the souls of the Shenhe civilization, they could not resist at all.

This human civilization has thousands of strong human realms, and it is a human supreme town with an eternal world. In the past, it can be said to be a majesty, and it is one of the four ancient countries of the Shenyan continent.

But now, in front of the living beings of the divine realm, it is like a group of turkeys and dogs, leaving them to slaughter.

"Haha! This is the Supreme of Da Yan World? But then, I can choke him with one finger!" Said a man with a sense of magic all over his body.

At this moment his hand was tightly around the neck of the elder warrior, and the other party couldn't break his palm and was lifted up firmly in the air.

It was the monarch of the ancient country of Tianrui, once the supreme human race and the ruler of hundreds of millions of human beings.

The monarch of the ancient country of Tianrui looked calmly at the living creatures in front of him, revealing a look of despair in his eyes. There was a definite revelation in his eyes, and there was a burst of golden light in his body, which even started to swell!

"Do you still want to explode in front of me?"

The soul of the Shenhe civilization looked coldly at the monarch of the Tianrui Kingdom in his hands, naturally he would not let the other party succeed.

I saw that a large black gas suddenly appeared in the hands of that deity creature, and instantly entered the body of the ancient warrior.

Soon, the monarch of the ancient kingdom of Tianrui became a dead body!

"Well, the energy of the ancient warriors is delicious!" Said the soul of the famous Shenhe civilization, licking his lips.

He actually absorbed all the power of the Tianrugu monarch directly and strengthened his cultivation through this method. This is the cultivation method of the demon, because he is a demon himself.

The demons, who are also advanced humans, occupy the "Star Demon Field", one of the eight star domains of the Shenhe civilization, and are also known as the "Devil Realm" in the Shenhe civilization.

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