Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1020: Strong enemy

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"This is the thunderstorm that Xiaohong is going to cross? How can it be so terrible!" The expression of Zi Hanyan can no longer be described by marvel, it is simply fear!

If it were her, standing under the looting cloud, I'm afraid she would turn into fly ash the moment she was hacked by the thunder.

How strong is the Shenlong cub?

Xiao Hong's body meandered in the sky, rushing up towards the thunderous calamity that had the power to destroy the world, her eyes were extremely clear, and there was no trace of fear.


Xiaohong issued a high-pitched dragon whistle, and a few fire dragons exactly the same as Xiaohong appeared in the sky, and rushed towards Thunder.

The robbery above the sky was pulled away by a thunder dragon that was so large that it had no margins, and one of its tails was enough to wipe out the entire demon heaven. Anyone in front of it is like an ant standing in front of people, becoming extremely small.

"Boom!" Hundreds of thunderbolts descended above the sky to form a thunderbolt cage, which blocked Xiao Hong's entire body inside and suffered thunderbolts.

Xiao Hong's body had turned from red to blackened, and the scales on her body had been crushed. Pieces of it had fallen to the ground, and her whole body became bloody.

The whole process was so thrilling that Zi Hanyan and Xiao Linger's hearts were tightly tied together.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu are still in cultivation and don't know what happened outside.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu's soul finally began to merge at this moment.

The souls of the two entered each other's souls, gradually integrated, and the bodies of the souls began to change.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's soul was like the **** who dominated the earth. Between his fingers, the mountains and rivers shattered and the earth shook.

Xue Lingxu's soul is a goddess who controls the sky of thousands of miles, blowing a breath, and instantly turning into the cold wind that is compelling, all the creatures in the entire mysterious continent feel a rush. chill.

No one can think of it. This is just two young generations of warriors practicing here. The warriors elsewhere in the Xuanming continent felt the energy and all thought that they were the monarchs above the fourth level of the creation, and they all turned towards Ning Xiaochuan. Waiting for the place where people are, want to find out.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu are actually not as simple as blending a divine magic. They are now creating a divine spell!

Because the fusion of "Tiandi Jing" requires Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu's souls to undergo double revision, the "Tiandi Jing" will naturally have the power of Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu.

If Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu practice separately after successful integration, then they will each get their own energy.

Ning Xiaochuan's ability to perceive space and time can be greatly increased. Although not as good as Xue Lingxu, he can also far surpass the warriors of the same level.

After all, not everyone can understand the power of time. Unless the warrior who has reached the realm of creation can grasp the power of time, otherwise, only the warrior who has the chaotic heart can master it at the time of birth.

Xue Lingxu will also get Ning Xiaochuan's powerful mind power, her mind strengthens at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and soon exceeds Ning Xiaochuan's mind power.

There is no way, Ning Xiaochuan had to mobilize his mind again, and began to deliver power to this mind outside, so as to ensure the mutual balance in the process of soul fusion.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu's double cultivation of the soul, the "Tiandi Jingjing" merged will be the only Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu to be able to practice in the future, because both of them have the imprint of their minds, even if it is a second **** They cannot be erased.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu's psychic powers have become part of the "Tiandijing", and if their mental strength dissipates, then "Tiandijing" will be destroyed.


The thunderstorm continued, and it had been going on for three days, and Zi Hanyan and Xiao Linger became numb from the beginning.

Because up to now, no matter how fierce Lei Jie is, Xiao Hong can carry it, and the injuries on her body will recover instantly, as if this mighty Lei Jie has threatened Xiao Hong.

From the beginning to the present, Xiaohong has completely adapted to the power of Thunderbolt, and began to absorb it into her own strength. Moreover, Xiaohong's physique has also been strengthened madly. Xiaohong fights, Xiaohong can kill the opponent with one claw.

The blood of the dragon family in Xiao Hong's body has also begun to awaken, and now she can already mobilize some of the gods' power of the God Dragon King.

After another three days, the thunderbolt gradually dispersed, leaving only a few small thunderbolts still flashing in the void, and it was no longer a thunderbolt.

Xiaohong became human again, and flew back to the place where Ning Xiaochuan and others were. Without saying a word, she sat on the ground and began to cultivate.

When Zi Hanyan and Xiao Linger saw Xiao Hong's return, they also breathed a sigh of relief. This crossing was a shock. That huge thunder dragon was actually the God of the Dragon. With his supreme power, he communicated the power of heaven and trained the dragon cubs.

However, it is actually used to scare people. Thunder Dragon's strength is not so huge. If the dragon cub is really scared and loses his fighting spirit, I am afraid that he will soon die in Thunder.

For the souls who want to capture the good fortune, thundering is more important than refining the body.

Just as Zi Hanyan and Xiao Linger relax and are ready to start practicing. Xiao Linger suddenly felt the breath of many human warriors and rushed to them.

"Sister Hanyan, many people have come here!" Xiao Linger said to Zi Hanyan.

"It seems that the momentum of Xiao Hongdu Jie, Xiaochuan and Xueling Xu's practice is too great, and it has attracted the local warriors from the Xuanming mainland. Maybe there is the Shenhe civilization. We must not let them in and disturb Xiao Hong, Ogawa and Xue Lingxu practice. "Zi Hanyan said after frowning slightly.


After speaking, Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan exhibited their magical powers together, hiding this small valley where Ning Xiaochuan and others were located.

If the sixth strongest man in Wangujing flew by from here, there would be no clue whatsoever. This is a magical power learned by Zi Hanyan following the Lord Zijin.

Now, the only thing that can be prayed for is that these warriors who went to the place where Ning Xiaochuan and others did not reach the seventh level of Wangujing. Otherwise, even if Xiao Linger reaches the second level of fortune, I'm afraid I can't deal with warriors on the whole continent, or Shenhe civilization!

After half an hour, Xiaohong stopped practicing, opened her big pair of smart eyes, and looked around carefully before standing up.

"what happened?"

Xiaohong asked in confusion.

She saw that Xiao Linger and Zi Hanyan were releasing their own energy at the moment, sealing off the area within a distance of 100 meters, as if to prevent others from discovering the valley.

"It should be that the momentum you just crossed the thunder and thunder was so great that it brought in many warriors from the Xuanming continent. Now Ogawa and Xue Lingxu are still practicing and cannot be disturbed, so they must not be allowed to find here." Zi Han Yan said quickly.

"That's the case, let me try it!"

Xiao Hong patted her delicate little hands, silently moved a few words, and then the whole valley began to sink underground.

After a while, Ning Xiaochuan, Xueling Xu, Xiao Hong, Xiao Linger, and Zi Hanyan sank to a depth of 500 meters underground.

Zi Hanyan stared at Xiao Hong in amazement. She didn't expect that she could take so many people together to carry out the earthen rage, and there seemed to be no breath to come out.

"After the baptism of thunder and thunder, many of the dragon magical powers have been awakened. We Shenlong cubs are the darlings of the universe. They can learn a variety of magical powers at the same time.

"So powerful?" Zi Hanyan said happily.

"Yeah! Now I can still mobilize the power of the Supreme Dragon King. When I fight in the future, I don't have to watch Ning Xiaochuan mobilize the Emperor and the Zijin Emperor's ghost. I can also!" At this moment is a lively and cute girl with a smile on her face, full of youth and vitality.

At this time, when many warriors from the Xuanming continent followed Xiaohongdujie, the scenes they observed had arrived in the area of ​​Ning Xiaochuan and others.

However, Xiaohong has taken Ning Xiaochuan and others to the ground and blocked the breath. In addition, most of the warriors' cultivation is just under the eternal realm, and it is impossible to detect that Ning Xiaochuan and others are at their feet.

The warriors shook their heads in disappointment and quickly walked away, but only Long Yan and his team remained.

"This breath ... is exactly the same as that of the divine dragon cub next to that kid!" Long Yan said to the other three Dragon race creatures.

"That is to say, the divine dragon cub was just crossing the robbery?" Among the three dragon race creatures, there was a skinny dragon race creature saying with a clear disbelief.

He is a creature of the Bone Dragons family, named Chen Long. His whole body, except for the head, is covered with a thin layer of meat skin, and the skeleton of his body can be clearly seen.

The other two dragon race creatures think the same way. How old is that Shenlong cub? Can you survive such a terrible thunderstorm? Don't say them, even if you say it, no one will believe it.

"She is a cub of Shenlong, but a descendant born of Taishang Shenlong King with her own power. Of course, strength is not what we dragons can imagine. You must know that Taishang Shenlong is the most powerful one in the heavens and the world. Only a dragon, who leads this dragon family, even if it is a dragon spirit, must bow down to him! "Long Yan said.

He firmly believed in his feeling that the breath left in the air was the breath of the Shenlong cub beside Ning Xiaochuan!

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