Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1024: Lingji Stone

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Ning Xiaochuan stood up, the head, which had no flesh and blood, lifted up slowly, looking at the sky.

After more than a month of robbery, all the flesh and blood on Ning Xiaochuan's body has been shattered by thunder. Only the bones of the whole body are still intact!

This means that Ning Xiaochuan's bones have been hardened to a very terrible degree, enough to resist the calamity!

If at this moment there is a warrior who has reached the ninth weight of Wangu Realm, using the Supreme Emperor's weapon to attack Ning Xiaochuan's bones with full force, even a trace will not be left.

"噗通! 噗通! 噗通 ..."

In the direction of the left chest of the skeleton, a blood-red heart is beating inside, and the sound of each beating spreads very far, as if someone were hitting a drum at this moment, directly Into everyone's heart!

Zi Hanyan and others have been standing in the distance, watching this scene in surprise, not knowing what happened.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart beat slowly and rhythmically. He raised his hand slightly, and the magic sword and He automatically flew to Ning Xiaochuan's hand, releasing a powerful sword air!

At this moment, the magic sword has become a warrior at the level of the supreme imperial weapon, which has increased at least a hundred times over the previous strength!

If Ning Xiaochuan was to reach the sub-god realm, it would be enough to use this magic sword to split the entire continent without causing a slight damage to the magic sword.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade above the sky, at this time, has completed the advanced, and truly became a sub-artifact-level war soldier.

Secondary artifacts are rare in the entire Da Yan world, and each one is a legendary artifact.

Mastering an artifact of a sub-artifact and a master of the sub-artifact who do not control the sub-artifact are completely two concepts.

Ning Xiaochuan, holding the Emperor's Blade, was enough to kill the monarch with one sword.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor Blade is like an ordinary iron, losing its former glory, and becoming exactly like an ordinary knife, just like an ordinary blade.

However, Ning Xiaochuan knows that this is actually returning to normal, which represents the promotion of Tiandi Blade to a new rank.

The warriors in the realm of the realm can't understand at all, only the strong ones of the realm can understand and have the ability to use secondary artifacts!

Tiandi Blade saw that Ning Xiaochuan began to summon it, and even began to resist Ning Xiaochuan's will and did not return to Ning Xiaochuan's hands.


Suddenly, above the sky, the Heavenly Emperor Blade cut out a huge wave of evil spirits. Above that knife wave, the energy contained in it is very powerful, like a **** waterfall falling down.

When the knife wave passes, the space is broken, and it is neatly cut into pieces, just like a real blade, very sharp.

Even the strong man above the five levels of the realm of creation, once he gets into such a space crack, it will end in death.


At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's entire body was a skeleton, there was no way to make a sound, but Ning Xiaochuan's heart hummed with his heart.

Ning Xiaochuan took a white piece of bone from the center of the skull with only bones left.

It was the mysterious book that had been suppressing the Heavenly Emperor Blade before!

A strong white light was emitted from the mysterious beast, shining on the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and immediately sucking in the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

"How is it possible! I have now evolved to a sub-artifact, how could it still be suppressed by the Xuanshoujian? No!" Tiandi Blade's unwilling voice came from the Xuanshoujian.

The entire Xuanshoujian is constantly vibrating, obviously the Heavenly Emperor Blade is resisting in it.

However, no matter how the Heavenly Emperor Blade frustrates, there is no way to escape. It seems that Xuanju Jian is used exclusively to suppress the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

I don't know what kind of treasure the Xuanshoujian is, even the second artifact can suppress it. Its level must have reached the artifact level, and perhaps even more powerful, which is something Ning Xiaochuan cannot understand now.

Ning Xiaochuan's two eyes that had no eyeballs, and looked at the magic sword in his hand gently. For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan's entire body flew to a height of 1,000 kilometers, holding up the magic sword in his hands, and began to absorb the remnants between heaven and earth. The power of thunder.

A tiny bit of lightning flashed next to the magic sword. The magic sword quickly absorbed the energy and formed a red vortex of hundreds of meters in size. The energy between the heavens and the earth began to continuously flow into Ning Xiaochuan's body, completely Ning Xiaochuan's skeleton. Shrouded.

Ning Xiaochuan's flesh and blood recovered quickly at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. Within a quarter of an hour, all of Ning Xiaochuan's flesh and blood had grown out and became a normal human again.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his fist and felt the powerful power he gained after breaking through the realm of creation. For a time, Ning Xiaochuan was a little intoxicated.

"I said, can you put on your clothes first?" At this time, Zi Hanyan quickly flew towards Ning Xiaochuan from where he was just now.

Zi Hanyan held a black robe in his hands and did not have any taboos. He directly helped Ning Xiaochuan to put on.

"Thank you." Ning Xiaochuan looked at the purple cold smoke in front of him, opened his arms, embraced him deeply, and let it go for a long time.

At this time, Xue Lingxu also stepped out of the space and looked in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan, just seeing the scene just now, but Xue Lingxu didn't have any words, just watched silently.

Ning Xiaochuan took Zi Hanyan to Xiao Linger and others, seeing that Xiao Hong's injury had healed, she was relieved, and nodded gently, looking at Bu Xiaoer who was trapped Dominated by four dragons.

At this moment, the four dragon clan dominators, including Longyan Zainai, are all face to face. After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's successful crossing of the calamity, the four dragon clan masters have become extremely scared of Ning Xiaochuan. A direct move would destroy the four dragon clan masters together.

"Does the sub-god of the Dragon tribe send anyone else to chase me?" Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of Long Mao, sacrificed his magic sword, and asked him.

"Yes." Chen Long said that Ning Xiaochuan came over, and he was so terrified that he immediately said.

"Wu Long, what are you doing! Aren't you afraid that Master Long Shimon will kill you ?!" Long Yun originally wanted to work with Ning Xiaochuan and then find another opportunity to escape, but he did not expect that he was betrayed by his teammates just now!

"Well, if I do n’t say it now, I will be beheaded and killed now, and I am a bone dragon, not your blood dragon, do n’t want to press me with your blood gods, our bone dragons also have times God, and even the gods! "Said the dragon to Long Chan, at this moment he had completely turned his face with Long Chan.

This time when I came to hunt Ning Xiaochuan, I didn't get any benefits. On the contrary, I might lose my life. Xiao Long could not betray any betrayal, and it is the truth to live!

"Say!" Ning Xiaochuan looked at Long Yan coldly, exuding a powerful momentum, and all the four dragon clan leaders such as Long Yan were calm and calm, and he dared not move.

"Under that dragon sub-god, there is a team of seven dragon creatures, from the third level of the good fortune to the ninth level of the good fortune. It is the seven dragon generals, and the dragon dragon is the seventh dragon general. , The weakest one inside. "

"In order to arrest you this time, the dragon sub-god will send seven dragons to five dragons, not only to kill you, but also because the dragon sub-god wants to make you into one. Gu Yan! I want to use you to attack the world of Da Yan! "

Chen Long told Ning Xiaochuan all the information he knew. There was no concealment. He just hoped that Ning Xiaochuan could let him go.

"Make me into a puppet? Huh! That ranking **** wants to be beautiful!" Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly, and stepped his right foot forward slightly, and the whole ground suddenly started to shake.

The magic sword was gently held in his hand by Ning Xiaochuan. I saw Ning Xiaochuan's arms tremble slightly, and the skulls of the four dragon clan suddenly rolled down from their bodies. Each dragon clan did not know what happened. What, just beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan.

"Although you told me everything, I still can't let you go." Ning Xiaochuan finished, and a small flame appeared at the top of the magic sword, and lightly touched the bodies of the four dragon clan dominated by the dragons. In a moment, it was burning, and the corpses of the four dragons were soon burned to ashes.

"Let's go, we should also leave. I probed here with the" Tiandi Jing "and found that the heart of the mainland is long gone, and it is likely that it has been taken away by the Shenhe civilization.

In that case, all the luck of the Xuanming continent will be controlled by the Shenhe civilization, if we continue to stay here, we will be killed by the power of the entire continent! After Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, he used his finger to make a crack in the void in front of him, and then walked into it. Xiao Hong and others followed in, and soon disappeared into the various demon heavens.

Ning Xiaochuan and others came to the place where the heavenly court set up the teleportation array, and were going to return to the heavenly court. First, they looked at the overall situation of Dayan World and decided which continent to go to.


At this time, the Queen of Stone Ji is on a wide plain, where black ore is everywhere, and no one knows the role of this ore. However, the monk-level creature of the demon class standing opposite the stone monster demon knows that all of them are Lingji Stone!

Lingji stone is a very hard stone, at least a hundred times harder than black iron, but it is very rare. The entire Dayan world is only owned on this plain.

There is a legend that Lingji stone is the essence of the sun and the moon, and it will transform into the wind, become fine with the fire, fly into the water, and spring in the wood.

And such a mysterious Lingji Shizhong has a birth intelligence, experienced hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, and turned into a humanoid existence.

This kind of spirit rock stone is no longer ordinary, and has experienced hundreds of millions of years of cultivation. The heaven and earth aura gathered by the spirit rock stone is larger than any living thing. Its stone is an absolute tool for making secondary artifacts. Good materials, even the second **** is extremely yearning!

The Celestial Saint King of the Demon Clan felt the breath of Lingji Stone on the back of Shiji Demon, and followed Shiji Demon all the way to here. I did not expect to find a whole plain containing Lingji stone. Taking it all away is enough to strengthen at least double the strength of a race that has won the Shenhe civilization.

Because each Lingji stone is a material for refining treasures, not to mention, there is also a sub-artifact material-level creature after Shi Ji Yao Xi who has cultivated for hundreds of millions of years?

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