Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1029: Destruction Sword

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In the north of the wilderness, I don't know if there are thousands of miles, there are big crickets, but there is no bottom, the bottom is bottomless, and it is called Guihui.

After Ning Xiaochuan entered the Guixu Ancient Road, he flew all the way, and soon reached the end of the Guixu Ancient Road, and began to really go deep into the Huixu.

Ning Xiaochuan has never been here, but can only rely on his intuition to feel the breath of the old cold and rain, and find a direction.

It has been three days since entering the market. During this period, Ning Xiaochuan never stopped and hurried, but he could not reach the end.

Ning Xiaochuan simply closed all five senses, and let his body rush to let the mind cultivate in his mind.

Four days later, Ning Xiaochuan finally came to the depths of the Guixu market, because Ning Xiaochuan clearly felt the atmosphere here, unlike the outside world, it turned out to have a demise from Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have much time to think about it, and immediately increased the speed to the extreme, and soon came to the formation where the blood was destroyed by the blood splatter of Yantai.

Ning Xiaochuan looked forward and found that many monsters were staring at Ning Xiaochuan, as if he really wanted to eat Ning Xiaochuan, exactly like the monster Ning Xiaochuan saw outside.

The number of monsters is very large, reaching tens of millions, and the repair of each one is very powerful. If an attack is made on an object together, the powerful attack power, even Ning Xiaochuan, may not be able to stop it.

"It seems that the monsters really came to the depths of the Guixu market." Ning Xiaochuan said, and the giant warhammer appeared in his hand again. He smashed it, and the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles was non-stop. Shake.


Tens of thousands of monsters were instantly smashed into meat sauce by Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan's enthusiasts refused to accept it, and all of them were included in the flame mystery box.


The monsters immediately became angry, like a tide, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan frantically.

"A thousand hammers."

Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the strongest giant spirit warhammer hammer method, just like 10,000 Ning Xiaochuan suddenly appeared, each hammer down, there must be dozens of monsters smashed into meat sauce, but there are still some strong The monster did not die after bearing Ning Xiaochuan's hammer.

Those monsters escaped at a rapid speed when Ning Xiaochuan did not kill him. Even if Ning Xiaochuan immediately went after him, he could not catch up.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head, simply didn't care about the monsters anymore, and started to move forward towards Guixu.

Finally, when the tenth day arrived, Ning Xiaochuan came to the deepest part of Guixu and saw the old cold rain locked on the iron sword!


Ning Xiaochuan flew beside Sui Hanyu and saw with excitement.

Many years have passed since the practice of extinct the world, and now I finally saw the cold winter rain, and Ning Xiaochuan became very excited.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are finally here!" Sui Hanyu looked up, looked at Ning Xiaochuan in front of him, and said.

"Dare to ask Master ..." Ning Xiaochuan kneeled down on Sui Hanyu on one knee, and was just about to ask Sui Hanyu where he was looking for him, but Sui Hanyu interrupted him.

"Your old enemy has come to bring Dayan World, now it's time to give you something." Sui Hanyu didn't explain too much to Ning Xiaochuan, and saw that the entire space where Sui Hanyu was, was Began to shake, a magic sword exactly the same as Ning Xiaochuan used, flew from behind the cold rain.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the magic sword in front of her, and was slightly shocked. Is this the extinction sword that Sui Hanyu said?

"Master, this magic sword is the real extinction sword?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"At that time, Master came to find me and my sister, and passed on the World Extinction to us at the same time. Master told me and my sister that only one of us can be a true preacher of World Extinction, and the only way is to kill The other side! "Sui Hanyu said.

"But why didn't she kill Master? Just seal Master here?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Sui Hanyu said nothing, looked up into the distance, and began to remember what happened.

Ning Xiaochuan also raised his head following Sui Hanyu, and found that there were stone walls all around, there was nothing to see, but Sui Hanyu still stared tightly somewhere in the stone wall, as if she could see what Ning Xiaochuan could not see The same thing.

Ning Xiaochuan no longer asked, and said, "Since Master is not willing to say more, that disciple will not ask more. In addition, Master means that if I want to be a true preacher of the world, I also need to kill another A preacher? ”Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Remember, even your closest relatives can be killed. Take up the World Extermination Sword and leave here! Your spiritual path has just begun." Sui Hanyu's finger moved the real World Extermination Sword to Ning Xiaochuan's hand in.

After the words of Sui Hanyu were finished, a strong airflow immediately sent out from the place where Sui Hanyu was, directly blowing Ning Xiaochuan a distance of tens of millions of miles away, and immediately left Guixu.

Ning Xiaochuan took out the World Extermination Sword and examined it carefully.

The shape of the World Extermination Sword is exactly the same as that used by Ning Xiaochuan, but the feeling to Ning Xiaochuan is that the World Extermination Sword seems to really be able to extinct the world, like a sword that opens the world.

"The ancestor of the World Extermination Dao really used it to split a universe in half?" Ning Xiaochuan felt very incredible, unable to imagine the power of the World Extermination Sword.

At this time, there was a shock in the Xuanshoujian, apparently the Heavenly Emperor Blade was not honest again.

Ning Xiaochuan released Tiandi Blade. Anyway, there was a mysterious beast book, Tiandi Blade could not fight back with Ning Xiaochuan.

"This is an artifact!"

Immediately after appearing, the Emperor Blade sent out a howling shout, and immediately flew towards the World Extermination Sword.

On top of the World Extermination Sword, a powerful breath was emitted, shaking the Emperor Blade, and the Emperor Blade flew tens of thousands of miles away.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the World Extermination Sword without any words, but just silently put it away and put it in the mysterious book, so as to cover the breath of World Extermination Sword.

The Emperor Blade has just said that the magic sword is an artifact.

Artifact, it is impossible for Ning Xiaochuan to use. If it is displayed to others, it may not be recognizable by the warriors of the Dayan World, but the souls of the Shenhe civilization must recognize it.

And how precious is the artifact? Even if some sub-gods only possess the Supreme Emperor, it is difficult to have a sub-god, which is enough to see how precious the artifact is.

If the World Extermination Sword was discovered by the sub-god who came to the World of Dayan from the Shenhe civilization, it can be said that Ning Xiaochuan will face great difficulties!

"Don't! Let me exchange experience with Master Devil Sword, and I'll be able to advance the category of artifacts as soon as possible!" Tiandi Blade said wronged to Ning Xiaochuan.

In the mysterious book, Tiandi Blade suddenly felt the breath of the World Extermination Sword, and began to struggle. She wanted to see the real artifact, but did not expect that Tiandi Blade had just come out, and Ning Xiaochuan had collected the World Extermination Sword. Go in.

"Don't think too much about it. You have just become a secondary artifact. It is impossible to become an artifact at all, or to stay in the Xuanshoujian honestly." After that, Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the Xuanshoujian and also cut the Emperor Included in it.

"The Tianxu continent will definitely become alive because of those monsters. I must kill them all!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan began to rush in the direction of the Yulan Empire, ready to see how the Yulan Empire was doing.

But just then, the situation was abrupt.

After four days of Ning Xiaochuan's advance, he would soon reach the range of the Yulan Empire, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have come to the heavenly continent." There are three long dragon horns on one head, and the black dragon creatures all over the body appear silently in front of Ning Xiaochuan, blocking it. Ning Xiaochuan's way forward.

The dragon creature is the five dragon generals of the seven dragon generals-Long Kui

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned deeply. He quickly changed his mind to the identity of the dragons on the opposite side, and he must be one of the seven dragon generals!

"Master Long Shimon ordered you to be arrested, but Long Jun's garbage was beheaded by you, let me try it?" Long Kui came to Ning Xiaochuan in an instant, and a thick tail quickly appeared in Ning Xiaochuan. In sight.

"Oh!" For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan flew out before the reaction from the dragon tail made the blood in Dening Xiaochuan's body tumbling.

Long Kui's cultivation has reached the fifth level of good fortune, which is very powerful, and so is his strength.

"Huh! You just want to catch me?" Ning Xiaochuan said coldly.

The Giant Warhammer appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan flew up to the sky, facing the direction of Long Kui, and flew at an extreme speed, as if it were a burning flame, with earth-shattering power.

Long Kui looked at Ning Xiaochuan flying to him, a sneer flashed in his mouth. In his opinion, Ning Xiaochuan and his rivalry were simply trying to die!

However, the results were beyond what Long Kui expected!

"Boom!" The land in the Wanli area was a while. When Ning Xiaochuan and Long Kui came into contact, the body that flew out was replaced by Long Kui.

"How is it possible!" Long Kui couldn't believe what happened, how could Ning Xiaochuan be more powerful than him?

Long Kui is a creature of the Dragon tribe. Xiu was a monarch-level powerhouse in order to reach the top five levels of creation. How could Ning Xiaochuan be defeated by a warrior with three levels of creation?

"When Long Yan was defeated, he also had the same very wrong expression as you." Ning Xiaochuan said.

After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan's figure disappeared. This scene shocked Long Kui. He did not expect that Ning Xiao Chuan was so powerful. With the fifth-largest cultivation of Long Kui's fortune, he actually made the three fortunes. Ning Xiaochuan confrontation!

"Thousands of hammers!" Ning Xiaochuan shouted abruptly, above the giant warhammer, there was a strong light, like a meteorite falling.

Long Kui's entire body suffered heavy blows again and again. With each drop of the hammer, Long Kui would spit out blood. In the end, every inch of his whole body's bones were broken and he couldn't even stand up.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Long Kui on the ground. It can be said that this was the first real battle in which Ning Xiaochuan broke into the realm. He did not expect that his own strength would be so powerful. Can't live without two tricks!

Long Kui was extremely scared of Ning Xiaochuan at this time. He felt that Ning Xiaochuan was not a human at all, and it was an out-of-the-ordinary pervert!

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Long Kui without any mercy, killed him directly, and collected the body.

Ning Xiaochuan will sacrifice his true heart, and intends to refine all the corpses of the Shenhe civilization living creatures he collected into elixir before returning to the Yulan Empire.

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