Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1031: Tsuteni Monarch

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"Why only catch the heavenly continent?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"Many continents are arresting. We are just one of them. We are only responsible for catching the warriors of the Heavenly Void Continent." The demon creature continued.


After Ning Xiaochuan listened, he clenched his fists with both hands and hit the void in front of him. All the demons' creatures burst into blood mist in an instant.

"The Mozulings plan to attack the Tianxu continent in an all-round way. The Jiangehoufu will be in danger. I have to go back."

After Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, he again entered the cracks in space, and within half a day, returned to the Yulan Empire.

Ning Xiaochuan entered Jiangehouhou and was immediately sensed by Ning Xin'er and Laohouye. Both of them appeared.

"What's wrong? Why go back and return?" Laohouye looked dignified, realizing that something might have happened.

"The demons are about to launch an attack on the warriors of the entire continent. They will take all the warriors and help the demons to heal." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"What? Demon sub-god?" Ning Xin'er asked in surprise.

The sub-god is an invincible existence for the warriors of the entire Dayan World. The warriors of the Dayan World simply cannot imagine how powerful the sub-God is.

Ning Xin'er is naturally impossible to understand, not to mention she has never seen a sub-god, so she will be very shocked when Ning Xiaochuan talks about the sub-god.

"What then?" Asked the old prince.

Regarding the sub-god, Lord Hou did not have any concept, but the immediate issue was that the demons' creatures attacked the heavenly continent.

If the demons come in large numbers, the Tianxu continent will soon be captured, not to mention the Yulan Empire.

"Rest assured, I will protect the Yulan Empire." Ning Xiaochuan nodded to the old Hou Ye, motioned him to rest assured, and then the entire Jiange Hou House became silent for a while.

At this moment, a cloud of black pressure suddenly appeared over the Yulan Empire, and a powerful breath emanated from it, so that the warriors of the entire Yulan Empire were suppressed, as if they were about to suffocate.

"There is still a human kingdom that has not suffered the aggression of our demons. We will start now and take all humans away!"

In the clouds, a rough and husky voice came out, as if thundering, making all the warriors in the emperor capital of Yulan Empire tremble physically and mentally.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the clouds above the sky, and pointed his fingers slightly towards the clouds.

A red light shot out instantly, penetrating the entire cloud layer, dozens of demons were killed by Ning Xiaochuan instantly, and fell from the cloud layer.

"What man!" An angry voice sounded in the clouds, and then a demon creature with a green body appeared, holding a spear and pointing straight at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Your souls and civilizations came to the Yulan Empire, and they were almost dead!"

Ning Xiaochuan's body flew up and quickly came to the demon creature's side. The palm of his hand struck his neck, and the blood spewed out instantly. Before he could react, he had been beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan.

All demons and creatures looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and were extremely angry, making an angry roar.

In the clouds, there were a total of five hundred souls who were trained as powerful demons, all flying out of the clouds, enclosing Ning Xiaochuan.

Now Ning Xiaochuan is surrounded by the demons' creatures in all directions, forming a prison cage surrounded by dense surroundings of each direction, trapping Ning Xiaochuan inside.

Ning Xiaochuan looked around. For these demons, Ning Xiaochuan would have no mercy, and the giant warhammer appeared in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.


A deafening voice was sent from the giant warhammer in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, and the cage formed by the five hundred demons was instantly broken. All demons were instantly killed, and they couldn't bear Ning Xiaochuan's blow.

"Who is that person, how could he be so strong?" In a building, a warrior from the Yulan Empire said in shock.

As far as he knows, each of these demons and creatures is the existence of the strongest human race, and they were beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan. Who is this man, is it a god!

Throughout the imperial city of the Yulan Empire, each warrior was shocked, and looked at the man who flew up into the sky in surprise, very well who is Qining Xiaochuan.

"He is the genius of Jiangehoufu, Ning Xiaochuan!" The crowd, someone recognized Ning Xiaochuan's identity, exclaimed.

All the warriors reacted in an instant. Everyone remembers that many years ago, a young genius emerged like a comet in Jiangehou House. It was his own power to kill Yun Zhonghou. Ning Xiaochuan, it is said that even Yulan the Great was indirectly beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan stood high, with an air of contempt for the world, and stood straight there. He knew that this was just a small wave in the demons, and there would be more demons coming soon.

Sure enough, after half an hour, another group of demons came, but this time the difference is that there are powerful creatures in the demons!

"It's you!" Among the demons, one of the demons who looks very handsome and looks very similar to the warriors of the Dayan world, said to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned slightly, and he recognized the demon creature.

It was Motongtian, one of the three sons of the gods who persisted in Yunshen Pond for ten days.

As the son of the gods, Motongtian has achieved eternal life as soon as he was born. Now he has reached the fourth level of creation, known as the "Tongtian Monarch". He is stronger than Ning Xiaochuan.

"I didn't expect you to be here. I can't win Bai Yaoer, but I don't know how your strength is?" After speaking, Mo Tongtian launched an attack on Ning Xiaochuan without waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to talk back.

Motongtian is a very warlike demonic creature. After the end of Yunshen Pond, almost every Tianjiao who persisted in Yunshen Pond for ten days has been challenged by him. Only Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu have been. could not find it.

Unexpectedly, Ning Xiaochuan was found in the Tianxu continent, so Motong Tian couldn't wait to fight with Ning Xiaochuan.


A sound of collision sounded in the air.

Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tongtian both backwards.

"The power is so powerful, well, you are qualified to be my opponent!" Mo Tongtian said.

He thought that the martial arts of the Dayan world were very weak, even if Ning Xiaochuan entered Yunshenchi for ten days to practice.

However, Motongtian did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan's strength was equal to his own. In the recent collision, both Motongtian and Ning Xiaochuan used fists to confront each other. I did not expect Ning Xiaochuan to shake his arms slightly. hemp.

You know, Motongtian can be called the first day of the Demon Clan, once killed two opponents across two realms. In the same realm, he is invincible. Unexpectedly, when he encountered Ning Xiaochuan, who was lower than himself, he was unable to win him.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't have any words, and immediately attacked the magical sky.

If you want to harm Jiangehoufu, even if it is the son of the god, the son of the **** can be killed as well!

Ning Xiaochuan sacrificed the giant warhammer, and behind them a pair of huge unreal dragon wings, quickly flashed behind the magical Tongtian, and hit the magical Tongtian with the greatest strength.

Motongtian was immediately blown away, and a powerful force entered Motongtian's body, causing his blood to stir.

"Cool! I'm afraid that the younger generation of Da Yan World can only compete with me. Even other demons can't compare with me. Let's fight well!"

Mo Tongtian took out a black spear about six feet long and hit Ning Xiaochuan's giant warhammer with a blow.

Ning Xiaochuan felt the shock of the mighty power of the Giant Warhammer. This is also the first time that Ning Xiaochuan truly felt the power of the demons and creatures. He is indeed a higher race!

When Ning Xiaochuan and Motongtian were fighting, other demons of the Clan wanted to enter the Yulan Empire to capture the warriors, but they were stopped by Motongtian, so they must end the battle with Ning Xiaochuan.

"So, if you can defeat me, I guarantee the safety of this empire. If you are defeated by me, everyone in this empire will be buried for you, how about it?" Mo Tongtian said.

"You have a lot of nonsense!"

After Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, he flew up to the sky, carrying the huge energy of the carrier, and he poured down in an instant. The huge force directly attacked Motongtian, and Motongtian was shocked again.

"Finally moving? Haha!"

Mo Tongtian laughed loudly, and then his body shook and disappeared into the void.

Ning Xiaochuan released his mind and suddenly detected a wave behind him. He held the giant warhammer and waved back fiercely!


The sound of a huge metal collision sounded like a lightning flash and thunder, spreading across more than half of Yulan Emperor. Many warriors couldn't resist it, their ears burst into blood.

Hundreds of miles of ground collapsed because of the powerful forces of Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tongtian.

Even the buildings in the Yulan Empire were affected. A large number of buildings collapsed directly, and numerous tall buildings instantly turned into ruins.

Ning Xiaochuan came to Motongtian's life, and the giant warhammer hammered his abdomen, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and an amazing power broke out, but Motongtian stopped the blow and raised his leg to face Ning Xiaochuan's arm kicked.

Ning Xiaochuan's arm trembled, and the Giant Warhammer almost fell to the ground.

"Split mountains!"

Ning Xiaochuan was holding a giant spirit warhammer, and the breath on his body soared to the extreme. As if Ning Xiaochuan was a **** at this moment, the warhammer in his hand was enough to destroy the entire emptiness continent.

Mo Tongtian's eyes were frozen, his fingers quickly changed in the air, and a black vortex appeared on the black spear. It even began to absorb the power within tens of thousands of miles.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the spear in Motongtian's hands, and the power above surprised him a little. If Ning Xiaochuan let go, I am afraid that most of the Yulan Empire would be destroyed instantly. Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan must take Motongtian This blow.

With a blow to the creatures, the destructive power is unimaginable.


Ning Xiaochuan's attack collided with the attack of Motongtian. The entire Yulan Empire shuddered, and cracks appeared in the space, giving a horrible scene of the world breaking.

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