Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1033: Back to heaven

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Ning Xiaochuan's mind entered the heart of the mainland and immediately felt a magnificent power, which was more pure than any energy Ning Xiaochuan had seen before.

The heart of the continent radiates a strong light, which is brighter than the stars outside the region.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of Ning Xiaochuan, one day later, Ning Xiaochuan refined the heart of the mainland.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he was just like the mainland, and parts of his body were like the continents overlapping, with bones like mountains and blood like rivers.

Ning Xiaochuan was able to change the landscape of the defense for millions of miles at will.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes, held the heart of the mainland, and flew up to the sky to restore all the landforms previously destroyed by the magical sky, but the destruction of the buildings would not be able to restore the heart of the mainland.

The entire Yulan Empire was ruined, and even the Yulan Palace was razed to the ground.

Ning Xin'er soared from Jiangehou House, and flew in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Brother, are you okay?" Ning Xin'er asked with concern.

The previous battle was extremely thrilling. Even if it was Ning Xiner, in the face of that level of combat, it felt like it was about to suffocate.

"Relax, I'm fine." Ning Xiaochuan said to Ning Xiner. After speaking, Ning Xiaochuan looked at the old man again.

Lao Houye was flying high at the moment, looking at the ruins below, it was a pity that the foundation of Jiange Houfu's century-old business was so destroyed!

Ning Xiaochuan naturally saw the old man ’s thoughts, so he immediately came to the old man and said to him

"Grandpa should leave with me, I will take you and Xiner to heaven." Ning Xiaochuan said.

In the heavenly court, the Lord of the Heavenly Court deterred all major Shenhe civilizations and souls. Without any absolute certainty, any ethnic group of the Shenhe civilization will not challenge the Lord of Heavenly Courts.

After all, the Lord of Heaven is a sub-level strong man, and his combat power has exceeded the limits of normal martial arts, and has become a god. Unless the souls of the Shenhe civilization also send sub-gods, there will be a battle.

Under the gods, all ants.

However, there are very few strong men at the sub-god level. After all, the Shenhe civilization souls have to pay a price when they come to the world of Da Yan. The higher the cultivation, the higher the cost. It is impossible for a group to send all sub-gods to the big Come from the world.

When going to heaven, Ning Xiaochuan could let the seven princesses help and take the old prince and Ning Xin'er to the god's palace. Ning Xin'er's talent was originally high. Now he has broken through the ancient realm and joined the god's palace.

"Go to heaven? Okay! I just don't know your uncle, how is your uncle?" Laohou shook his head and said.

When Ning Xiaochuan heard what the old man said, he also remembered that in Jiange Hou's house, his uncle and fourth uncle had hired killers and wanted to kill himself, but unfortunately he was kicked out by the old man. Jiangehou House.

If you are out of luck, you may have been caught by the demons to serve as a sacrifice.

"While the danger of the Tianxu continent subsides this time, I'll look for it!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

After so many years, the old grudges have long since disappeared.


The old Houye nodded and no longer spoke, but just looked at Jiange Houfu, which had been turned into ruins, and finally sighed, preparing to leave with Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan opened a crack in the void in front of him and sent Laohou Ye and Ning Xiner into it, and he followed in.

Ning Xiaochuan, the old prince, and Ning Xiner disappeared into the Yulan Empire.

When Ning Xiaochuan and others emerged from the cracks in space, they had reached the southernmost point of the Tianxu continent, the teleportation matrix established by the court of heaven.

Ning Xiaochuan brought Ning Xin'er and Laohouye into the formation, and soon came to heaven.

As soon as he entered the court of heaven, Laohou obviously felt that the energy in his body was moving faster, ten times faster than before.

"It's worthy of heaven." Old Hou Ye could not help saying.

Now, the realm of Laohouye has reached the fourth level of real life, which is the realm of ascension by taking soul medicine Dan.

Otherwise, maybe the grandpa Hou has no way to break through the heaven and earth.

The spirit of heaven in the heaven, when Ning Xiaochuan first came to the heaven, actually doubled again, reaching the deepest level of the second level of the gods world. For the warriors of the entire Da Yan world, it was definitely considered It is a holy place for cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan took the old prince and Ning Xin'er all the way to the teleportation area where the seven princesses entered the sacred prince ’s palace, and the seven princesses were contacted through the voice of the heart.

"Is this your grandpa and sister?" Seven Princess asked in amazement.

The Seven Princesses originally thought that Tianjiao like Ning Xiaochuan must have been born in an ancient family, but never thought that Ning Xiaochuan's grandfather was just a real monk.

According to the seven princesses' understanding of Ning Xiaochuan, Grandpa Ning Xiaochuan's repairs mostly relied on the elixir refined by Ning Xiaochuan and forcibly improved.

"Yes, I want them to go to the God's Palace to practice." Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"Yes! Very welcome, and your sister's talent is still very high, so young can reach the eternal realm, even in the students of the God's Palace, they can be considered excellent." Seven Princess said.

When I saw Ning Xiaochuan this time, the princess of Seven was even more surprised, and found that she couldn't see through Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation.

He must have reached the good fortune.

At this age, he has reached the realm of creation, and he has at least a chance to become a sub-god.

At present, the world war in Dayan continues, and there is only one pure land in Heaven. Only because the Lord of Heaven is sitting in town can it deter those souls of Shenhe civilization.

However, the seven princesses knew that the Lord of Heaven had already been seriously injured, and Da Yan World had to cultivate a new successor in order to continue to guard Tian Tian and Da Yan World.

At this stage, Ning Xiaochuan has a lot of opportunities to become a sub-god.

Since Ning Xiaochuan's sister and grandfather came to heaven, the Seven Princesses will naturally give more care.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan took the old prince and Ning Xin'er into the formation and went to the Divine Palace.

After Ning Xiaochuan settled down the old prince and Ning Xin'er, he was ready to learn about the Three Thousand Years of Extinction in the Temple of the Gods and consolidate his realm.

Sui Hanyu told Ning Xiaochuan that his rivals had arrived. Ning Xiaochuan desperately hopes to increase his strength. Only in this way can he defeat another preacher of the world.

Moreover, Ning Xiaochuan has no way of knowing the strength of the opponent.

The other teacher who passed down the world was a sister of the year-old Han Yu, without any fetters. She must have taught her disciples with all her strength.

In addition, the preacher of the World Extinction still comes from outside Dayan World, and the resources are more abundant and powerful, and it is also expected.

If you do n’t try hard to cultivate, maybe you will be killed by the other person when you encounter that person who destroys the world.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan must now rapidly improve his strength, and what Ning Xiaochuan can do is to choose the option of enlightenment of the Three Thousand Years.

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the ghost image of the extinct monument, stared carefully at the characters on the extinct monument, and began to realize the three thousand extinct ways.

A total of 3,000 characters have been recorded on the monument to extinction. Each character represents a way of extinction. If all of the three thousand extinctions have been cultivated, it will be considered a complete extinction.

It is said that when the ancestor of the World Extermination Road built one of the thousand World Extermination Paths that year, all the stars in a star field were destroyed. I dare not imagine what terrible power would be exerted if all three thousand extinctions were successfully cultivated.

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