Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1035: Rival

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Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground, his mind entered his body, and began to observe.

It is very difficult to open the veins of the animal. If the wrong place is opened, it will not only hinder the operation of other blood vessels, but also change your body structure. If you don't pay attention, you may explode and die, which is very dangerous.

Because there are far more energies for creating the martial arts warriors than the eternal martial arts warriors. Naturally, for these energies to function properly, they need a strong enough blood vein.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind slowly observed inside his body and found that a blood vein was enough to run through the body without affecting the path of other blood vessels.

Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed, and the next thing was to figure out how to develop a beast vein.

People have human veins; demons have demonic veins; dragons naturally have dragon veins.

All three belong to different structures, transcending above the blood, and being mysterious.

Opening a beast vein in a person's body is like looking for a bone in an egg white, which is completely impossible.

However, the way of annihilating the world itself is a way of doing things against the sky, that is, turning impossible into possible.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and the blood in his body began to condense towards one place. Ning Xiaochuan wanted to use his own blood to open up the beast vein to success.

Ning Xiaochuan's physique is extraordinarily strong, and so is the blood inside his body. If a drop of blood is placed outside, it will be enough to burn the land within hundreds of miles into a barren land.

To use this blood to build a new meridian, Ning Xiaochuan needs to be extremely careful to control it.

At this moment, the World Extermination Sword appeared automatically, and the void in front of Ning Xiaochuan began to absorb the divine spirit of Heaven. Through the World Extermination Sword itself, it was continuously compressed, and finally, a drop of colorful liquid was formed. Into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

The colorful liquid has very pure energy. As soon as it entered Ning Xiaochuan's body, he was discovered. Ning Xiaochuan immediately absorbed it and quickly transformed it into his own blood power.

When the World Extermination Sword appeared, Yantai Xueshen on the other side of Dayan World suddenly sensed, stood up, looked in the direction of heaven, and looked calm.

"Finally, you have shown up!"

Huantai said lightly, and took out the crystal red ghost ship, and threw it in the sky, and instantly became large. Xutai Xueshen stepped out, boarded the crystal red ghost ship, and flew towards the heaven.

Heavenly court, Lingxiao Temple, on the high steps, the Lord of Heavenly Courts looked at the East from afar, staring directly at a continent in the eastmost direction of Dayan World, where the Lord of Heavenly Courts had just discovered a very powerful murderous force.

The murderous horror was so terrifying that the Lord of Heaven was shocked, and at the same time very curious, who on earth can have such aggressive murderous horror?

Is it a hidden world power that can never be seen in the world for many years, or is it a powerful creature of the Shenhe civilization?

"Teacher, do you think I am a world warrior or a creature of the Shenhe civilization?" The Lord of Heaven asked.

Beneath the Lord of Heaven, there is an old man in a rag black robe, with a stingy body and dark spots on his face, just like an old man with a dying life, without any martial arts breath on his body.

This is the very old man who looks very ordinary. Who knows that he is the master of the whole world, the master of heaven?

The Supreme Master of the Heavenly Court, whose name is Su Tianfu, has already achieved the sub-god one million years ago, and has become stronger than the Lord of Heaven.

Originally, Su Tianfu planned to no longer care about the disputes in Dayan World, but now, the Shenhe civilization aggressively attacked Dayan World, and the Lord of Heaven could not invite it out.

"I'm definitely not a warrior of Da Yan World. In her body, I don't feel the unique atmosphere of Da Yan World, but I also don't have the breath of the spiritual civilization of Shenhe. It can be said that she is not on either side." Su Tianbu said.

Su Tianbu's eyes seemed very turbid, but they were very powerful. They could see through every place in the world of Dayan. Nothing happened in the world of Dayan.

Su Tianfu practiced a very powerful pupil technique, which was left over from the last battle of the gods. It was an orthodoxy practiced by a god-level strong man named "Thousand Eyes Respect God".

It was by virtue of this divine technique that Su Tian funeral became a sub-god.

"The visitor is bad, my family is in great trouble!" The Lord of Heaven said with a sigh.

The Lord of Heaven and Su Tianfu sat in the Lingxiao Temple in this way, taking a look at the situation of the entire world.

Only the Lord of Heaven and the burial of Su Tian, ​​while sitting in the sky at the same time, can calm the three subtle gods of the Shenhe civilization.

The Lord of Heaven knows that there are other sub-Gods in the Da Yan world, but those who do not appear, even the Lord of Heaven cannot help.

Of course, the Lord of Heaven also knew the Lord of Zijin, and Yun Shenchi was handed over to the Lord of Heaven by Zijin himself, but the Lord of Zijin disappeared and the Lord of Heaven could not be found.

"If you can invite out all the sub-gods of the entire Da Yan World, it will definitely be of great help to my Da Yan World." The Lord of Heaven said.

Then, the Ling Xiao Temple fell into silence again.

After two days and two nights of cultivation, Ning Xiaochuan finally figured out how to develop a beast vein in his body, and Ning Xiaochuan has successfully begun to develop a beast vein.

The beast veins are different from all the other veins in Ning Xiaochuan's body. The other veins are red, but the beast veins are black. The energy contained in them is also the power of real monsters, not the energy of human warriors. In the category.

All of this credit is due to the mysterious book of Ning Xiaochuan's body.

While Ning Xiaochuan was constantly trying to open up the beast vein, the mysterious beast Kam in the body was suddenly called, and the Xuan Beast Kam emitted a powerful monster-exclusive power that spread to Ning Xiaochuan's body. Helped him to develop a beast vein.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately seized this opportunity and began to extract the power of Xuanshoujian crazy to help himself.

The energy of Xuan Shou Jian was absorbed by Ning Xiao Chuan, but Ning Xiao Chuan did not worry that Xuan Shou Jian would run out of energy.

You should know that both the sword of extinction and the blade of the heavenly emperor can be regarded as warriors at the level of artifacts. The Xuanshoujian can suppress the blade of the emperor and block the breath of the sword of extinction at the same time.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's speculation, this is likely to be a treasure that has surpassed the artifact level, and it will not be exhausted by Ning Xiaochuan after a few strokes, so Ning Xiaochuan can definitely absorb and refine it with confidence.

When Ning Xiaochuan practiced, there was a very depressing atmosphere in the whole God's Palace, which made many students in the Temple of God out of breath, and no one knew why.

Only the pair of seven princesses looked towards Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation.

There, Ning Xiaochuan cultivated a cultivation site on his own. No one except the Seven Princesses knew that there was a person practicing there.

"What on earth is he practicing? It has such a big impact. If we continue, maybe all the students who are still in the God's Palace are affected by the breath that emanates from him." The Seven Princess said resentfully.

Ning Xiaochuan transferred the mysterious animal book to the inside of the body, reducing the mysterious animal book by countless times. The original palm-sized mysterious animal book was reduced to a volume of the size of a dust, suspended inside the body of Ning Xiaochuan, and released slowly.着 energy.

The opening of the beast vein was very slow. Two days passed before it opened up a third. Now the area that the beast vein passes through has been connected from the brain to the arms. Ning Xiaochuan is still developing the beast vein. .

On the fourth day, every cell in Ning Xiaochuan's body was already covered by the beast veins. The only thing left was Ning Xiaochuan's legs below his knee.

Ning Xiaochuan absorbed the power of Xuanshoujian at a faster speed and opened up the beast vein at the fastest speed.

Now Ning Xiaochuan's physique has risen to a new level. I don't know how many times the strength has increased. With his idle strength, even if the full weight of the giant warhammer is inspired to reach the strongest state of this supreme imperial weapon, he will not feel the slightest weight.

With the current strength of Ning Xiaochuan, if the hole cards are exhausted, even if it is against a weaker monarch, there is still a battle.

Finally, when the time of the seventh day arrived, Ning Xiaochuan successfully opened up a complete beast vein, and his physique was greatly improved.

Ning Xiaochuan felt incredibly smooth, and he just wanted to yell, but fortunately Ning Xiaochuan resisted it. After all, this is the god's palace. When it's time to converge, it is still necessary to converge.

Nian Xiaochuan ’s strength has also skyrocketed since he successfully practiced the two methods of extinction. However, during this time, Ning Xiaochuan ’s consumption was also relatively large. Cultivated.

Ning Xiaochuan opened a crack in the void in front of him, entered the space, and soon arrived at the transfer hall of the God's Chu Palace, leaving the God's Chu Palace.

At the end of Ning Xiaochuan's practice, the sense of depression that had been pervading over the gods' palace also disappeared. All the students were relieved. The previous feeling was really uncomfortable.

The Seven Princess gently looked at the place where Ning Xiaochuan had just cultivated. She knew that Ning Xiaochuan had already left, and she didn't know why, but there was a loss in her heart.

Ning Xiaochuan left the Shenchu ​​Palace and immediately opened a crack in the space and hurried to the Tianting Academy.

Perhaps there, you can meet Xue Lingxu and others. Because the distance to the Tianting Academy is far away, Ning Xiaochuan cannot cross there at once.

On the way, Ning Xiaochuan also inquired a little about the situation and knew the situation of Dayan World today. It seems that it is right to bring Lao Houye and Ning Xiner to heaven.

Three hours later, Ning Xiaochuan finally came to Tianting Academy, but instead of seeing Xue Lingxu and others, he saw another old acquaintance—the monk Tangan!

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