Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1047: Four Gods of Shura

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"Brother, I didn't lose ..."

The ancestor of Jueyun wants to argue and prove that he has not lost, but suddenly a strong purple gas from the chest is destroying his heart. The heartbreaking pain immediately passed to the ancestor of Jueyun. In my mind, it was painful.

"This is a kind of divine magic in the Purple Sutra, called the Purple Scripture Breaking the Palace. I did not expect that the Lord Zijin died once and has a deeper understanding of Tao. If it can not be treated in time, the ancestral palace of Juyun may be afraid. It is going to be ruined. "Yue Mingsong said.

Ning Xiaochuan must not sigh, although this guy of Yue Mingsong doesn't seem to be reliable at all, but it is completely a know-how, there is nothing he does not know?

"Well! The practice of breaking the purple scriptures to Dacheng shows that the Zixia scriptures have also been cultivated to the big ones. I have now practiced the Zixia scriptures to Xiaocheng, and the power exerted is even one-tenth of one hundred thousandth of the Zicheng Jing Did not reach. "Zi Han Yan clasped his hands tightly, seems a bit ashamed of the title of the descendants of the gods.

Ning Xiaochuan aside naturally saw the clues and comforted: "If the Zixia Sutra is so easy to practice, it will not be called a nerve. If you are so young, you will practice the Zixia Sutra to Xiaocheng. It is already great. There will be many more in the future. Opportunity may not even be possible beyond the ancestors! "

"Yes! Sister Zi, Ning Xiaochuan is now a king-level mind-raiser, and the elixir used for cultivation is inexhaustible, and you are also Ning Xiaochuan's lover, and you are worried ..."

When she heard the words of her lover, Ning Xiaochuan quickly blocked Xiao Ling'er's mouth, preventing her from continuing to talk, and looking at Zi Hanyan, it was obvious that Zi Hanyan was white and flawless. Broken face appeared a touch of red, like a peony in March.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes stared at Xiao Hong again, saying: "Little Linger!"

Xiaolinger was like a child who did something wrong. She took out ten long fingers and counted her fingers, thinking secretly: "I must have said something wrong, and Sister Zi will blush!"

"Ning Xiaochuan, isn't Xiao Linger's sister right? Sister Zi isn't your lover?" Xiao Hong asked with wide eyes.

Zi Hanyan was also thinking, "Ning Xiaochuan has so many women, and each of them doesn't have to be bad. Who am I to count?"

The eyes of Yue Mingsong and Xue Lingxu were also attracted by these two living treasures, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with doubts.

"He is not my lover, but my woman!" Ning Xiaochuan said lightly.

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's answer, Zihanyan's apple-like cheeks became redder, but she was really happy.


At this moment, the ancestor of Jue Yun completely dispelled the thought of fighting the Emperor Zijin again, forcibly resisted the pain, stared in horror at his heart, and cried, "Brother, save me!"

The eldest brother in Jueyun's ancestor's mouth is called Juetian ancestor. His cultivation is unfathomable and has a high status in the Ashura tribe.

"call out!"

The ancestral ancestor gently raised his skull-like left hand, without any flesh at all. He pointed at the ancestor of the absolute cloud, and a bright red light suddenly appeared in the stars and entered the body of the ancestor of the absolute cloud.

Just with this hand, it is completely impossible for humans to do it.

Suddenly, the Zixia spirit that had invaded the ancestor of the absolutely cloud actually reduced by half. About one and a half minutes later, the ancestor of the heaven completely eliminated the purple gas from the emperor of the purple gold.

The ancestral ancestor took out a holy curative elixir and gave it to the ancestral ancestor, saying: "You are very injured. Refining an imperial curative elixir should be able to restore 20% of the combat power, but the next You can't take part in the battle! "

When the ancestors of the heavens finished speaking, a jelly bean-sized elixir appeared in his hand. Above the elixir, there were actually two dragons circling. The heads of the two dragons converged, and finally entered the mouth of the ancestor of Jueyun.

Peerless ancestor's blood-red eyes stared at the man in purple standing in the purple clouds, and said, "You are the Lord of Purple Gold?"

The Emperor Zijin ignored the ancestors of the sky, and asked without fear: "Will you fight with me?"

"No, no, no! You now only have half of the Supreme King's weapon, not to mention, you fight with my fourth brother and use the Supreme King to resist the secondary artifact, I'm afraid I'm also injured at this time, I don't want to risk people! "

The ancestor of Jueyun twisted his huge skull-like skull, and every word he said contained great energy, just like the ghost in Hell was crying.


Thousands of young monks of the younger generation in the heavenly courts just heard the sound of the existence of the skull, and the body burst open immediately, and instantly turned into a mist of blood, including elders. The monks and geniuses of the princely palace.


Ning Xiaochuan inspired the power of the Supreme Body of Gods and Demons. Half of the body was black and half was white, so she barely blocked the sound of the ancestors. At this moment, he only felt the blood in his body boil and his ears were deaf.

Ning Xiaochuan looked back. Except for Yue Mingsong, Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger, Xue Lingxu and Zi Hanyan were very pale at the moment, asking, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!" The two answered at the same time.

"All right!"

After Ning Xiaochuan said, he took out two Wangpin healing elixir and gave them to them. At the same time, he took the next Wangpin healing elixir and started to refine it.

After a quarter of an hour, Ning Xiaochuan finally refined the elixir, and stared with regret at the **** Ashura, the ancestral ancestor, "It's terrible, the ancestor ancestor just moved the sound waves generated by the bones, and I can't resist . The absolute ancestor's cultivation is definitely not weaker than the Purple King. "

After refining Wang Pindan Medicine, Ning Xiaochuan found that his cultivation had reached the fourth peak of the realm of creation, which was a step away from the fifth major of the realm of creation. As long as there are enough resources, you can reach the fifth level of good fortune in a month at most.

Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger are both born spirits, and they can easily withstand the sonic attacks of the ancestors. Xiu Xue, who had been repaired as a stronger one, was attacked by sound waves, causing some minor dark injuries.

It seems that the sound waves of the ancestors are just for attacking the monks.

Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong are not hurt by sound waves. Ning Xiaochuan is not surprised, but why is Yue Mingsong completely okay?

"It's weird! Could it be said that Yue Mingsong is really a hidden master?" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

"Godfather, who is so terrible as the ancestral ancestor, it hurts you, Sister Zi and Sister Xue, I will help you teach them!" Xiao Linger said.

In order to reach the level of the fourth monarch of the good fortune, Xiao Ling'er ’s cultivation, even if she throws the hole card, even the sixth monarch of the good fortune can fight. In her eyes, anyone who hurts Ning Xiaochuan should die, even if it hurts Ning Xiaochuan. This time God.

Xiaohong aside raised her fist and echoed, "Little Linger, I'm going too!"

"Come on, a thought from the God of God is enough to kill you 10,000 times, gentleman revenge, it is not too late ten years. Xiao Linger is not sensible, you are not sensible?" Yue Mingsong pretended to look like a senior man, reprimanded着 小红.


"Elder Yue is right, but it's nothing, but we'll write down this account first and ask him to pay it back later." Ning Xiaochuan interrupted Xiao Hong's words and said suddenly.


Peerless ancestors were followed by two creatures, all covered with black mist, and they couldn't see their looks.

However, the breath emitted by them is not to be underestimated, and it is not much weaker than the previous ancestors of Jueyun.

"Is this the four gods of Asura?" Ning Xiaochuan said secretly.

At this time, the Lingxiao Temple and the 10,000-mile-long building were all turned into ruins due to the battle of Emperor Zijin.

Suddenly there were three sub-gods of the Ashura tribe, and they were not weaker than Zijin Emperor, so that the souls of the Dayan world lost their fighting spirit.

The ancestors of Jueyun restored 20% of their combat power under the treatment of their ancestors. Although they are only 20%, their combat power is far from being comparable to the creatures of the creation.

"Four younger brothers, are you too weak? Have you been hurt by the second **** of Dayan World?" One **** next to Juetian ancestor laughed.

The talking ancestor named Juefeng, who possesses the three-fold cultivation of the second divine realm, is also a ruthless man. He once slaughtered a fourth deity of the second divine realm in Shura Purgatory.

"That is, we really lost the face of our four ancestors of Shura."

"Second Brother, you are so capable, can you help me get revenge?" Jue Yun ancestor said suddenly.

The second brother in Lao Yun's ancestor's mouth is called the Jedi ancestor.

Peerless ancestors, Jedi ancestors, Peerless ancestors, and Peerless ancestors found the inheritance of a certain Shura God King in Shura Purgatory, worshiped as brothers, and then practiced together for hundreds of thousands of years, collectively known as "Sura "Four ancestors", the sky, earth, wind and cloud. They have killed hundreds of millions of souls.

"I don't need the second brother to take a shot, I can pinch the indigenous sub-god with one hand! Just wait and see!" Said the ancestor of Juefeng.

"Come back, you are not the opponent of the man in purple clothes. His current combat power is equivalent to the fifth level in the sub-god realm. If there is an sub-art in hand, he will kill you in minutes." It seems that the ancestors of the sky have seen through, cold Said.

Hearing the words of the ancestors of Juetian, the ancestors of Juefeng did not dare to rush to fight with the King of Purple Gold. Asura ’s family was fighting, it did not mean that they liked to die.

Earlier, the ancestor of Jueyun and the Zijin emperor fought because he could not see the practice of the emperor Zijin at all, and now he heard the words of the ancestor of the extreme heaven, and he was sweating.

"Fortunately, I have a secondary artifact in my hand and blocked the attack of Emperor Zijin Bacheng. Otherwise, I will capsize in the gutter and die in the world of Dayan." Said the ancestor of Jue Yun.

"Brother, otherwise my brother and I will go to discuss the mastermind of Zijin Emperor?"

"Well, go!"

This time, the ancestral ancestors did not stop them. No one knows the fighting power of these two righteous brothers, even if they are themselves. Under their cooperation, they will not be able to win without using that card. Not to mention that the Purple King is now ruining the only Supreme King!


The Zijin emperor has no trace of fear, holding the Zijin Excalibur, although the war sword is damaged, it is still very powerful and full of warfare!

"This time our two brothers joined hands, you are dead, the indigenous sub-god!" The voice of the ancestral ancestor seemed to be trying the Zijin emperor.

"Don't bully me into heaven?"

In the Ling Xiao Temple, six powerful breaths suddenly appeared.

"It's the other six gods in Dayan World!" Said a monk with an orc head in Shenhe civilization, surprised to start.

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