Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1051: Blue dragon

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"I'm Ning Xiaochuan, who are you?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"I? A dead man, don't need to know that much!" The skeleton man smiled disdainfully.

His voice, unusually husky, a pair of pupils with red eyes, could not see a trace of flesh.

The visitor is bad.

Ning Xiaochuan squinted his eyes and said, "If that's the case, look at who is dead!"

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan finished speaking, he transferred out fifty figurative magic swords in his body. Fifty war swords sent out hundreds of thousands of sword shadows and rushed towards the skeleton man. Each sword shadow was like a supreme weapon.

With the current cultivation of Ning Xiaochuan, the full power of fifty Supreme Kings is activated, which is enough to kill the sixth monarch who created the realm!

"Carved worm tricks!"

I saw the skeleton man gently wield his dried hands, and fifty Supreme Kings flew out, all backing to Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan's tongue was sweet, and he suddenly spit out blood. Fifty Supreme King's figurative magic swords returned to his body, and his body flew backward more than ten miles away before he stabilized his body.

"Godfather, are you okay?" Xiao Linger immediately flew up and asked in concern.

"It's okay." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan exhilarated the power of the Supreme Body of Gods and Demons, half of the body turned into white, half of the body turned into black, holding the Emperor Blade in one hand, and the ghost of the gods appeared behind the body, like a generation of war gods.

"A secondary artifact? I have it too! The skeleton man smiled mysteriously. I don't know when the two-meter-long spear suddenly appeared in his hand, like a black dragon, filled with purple lightning.

"It was the secondary artifact used by the ancestors of Jueyun. Are you a creature of the Ashura tribe?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

When the ancestor of the absolute cloud fought with the Emperor Zijin, Ning Xiaochuan also watched the battle, and Ning Xiaochuan naturally knew that artifact.

The skeleton man ignored Ning Xiaochuan and raised his spear with dry hands.

"Shura gun technique!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor's Blade in his hand, without any fear, but surging in war!

"Breaking the knife!"

Ning Xiaochuan also raised the Heavenly Emperor Blade and slashed at the skeleton man, behind which a huge emperor's shadow condensed, his body was soaring, his eyes were like a torch.


The ancient dense forest was completely destroyed because of the aftermath of the battle. Ning Xiaochuan only felt that his blood was boiling, his hands were numb, and a painful feeling spread throughout his body, and he retreated for dozens of miles before holding his foot.

The skeleton man took a few steps back to stand still, and said in surprise: "I can't think of Da Yan world, besides the cultivation of the Son of God, and your genius, who can stop me from hitting me? Alas! Not easy!"

"Speak nonsense!"

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor Blade in one hand and the magic sword in one hand.

"Breaking the knife!"

"Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!"

One sword at a time, running side by side, chopped out almost at the same time.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I'm here to help you too." At this time, Xiao Hong didn't know when she came to the skeleton man.

"God extinguish the fire!"

The flame temperature of the **** extinguishing the dragon fire was very high, just like the sun in the sky, and rushed towards the skeleton man.

"Godfather, I'll also wish you a helping hand!"

"Domiya Jiuzhan!"

Xiao Linger bit her own slender finger, a drop of red blood flowed out, and a strange symbol was drawn, and she was actually transferred to a celestial meteorite and smashed at the skeleton man.

Obviously, that skeleton man is a super strong of the Ashura tribe. At least he is above the seventh level of creation. Under God, it is difficult to meet opponents.

"Giggle! Shenlong cubs, heaven and earth spirit species, interesting, interesting! But, you think you can defeat me, too naive!" The skeleton man laughed.

"Guard of the Spear!"

The skeleton man injected his vitality into the spear, and pointed to the sky. A red beam of light landed from the sky on the tip of the spear, and immediately formed a layer of purple and black halo.


With a loud noise, the appearance of the mountains and rivers changed, and a crack appeared on the hard ground. The river was dry and covered with smoke and dust for thousands of miles. If an ordinary warrior sees it, it is estimated that a **** is fighting.

"Ning Xiaochuan, is that skeleton man dead?" Xiao Hong stepped out of the smoke and looked very **** in red.

Ning Xiaochuan released his mind around the skeleton man, his face was sober, "Be careful!"

"call out!"

Speaking late, at that time, a black figure suddenly emerged from the void. The skeleton man showed strange steps, held up a purple spear with both hands, and stabbed towards Little Red.

"Little Red, dangerous!" Xiao Linger called.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his eyebrow slightly. If this shot was shot in Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong would surely die. However, I was thousands of miles away from Xiaohong. Even if I was using Shenlong Speed, it was too late to support me completely. What should I do?


Xiao Linger quickly moved the decision, a pair of young hands gathered a huge force, emitting a brilliant brilliance, as if holding a purple star on his hand, and smashed at the skeleton man.

The skeleton man raised his dried hands and knocked the purple stars on the ground.

There was a loud bang, and a huge pit suddenly appeared on the ground.

Xiao Linger's attack only dragged the skeleton man for a while.

Although it was just a dying time, Xiaohong was enough to escape to Ning Xiaochuan.

Xiaohong came to Ning Xiaochuan and exhaled a long breath, cold sweat on her head, just too dangerous!

"Little Red fits!"

Ning Xiaochuan shouted.

Xiao Hong immediately flew to his side and turned into a crimson flame, went into Ning Xiaochuan's body, and turned into a set of flame armor from the inside to the outside, enclosing Ning Xiaochuan's whole person.

The skeleton man has touched Ning Xiaochuan's bottom line. If there is no Xiao Linger, maybe Xiao Hong has fallen now!

A pair of flame dragon wings grew behind Ning Xiaochuan, one holding the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the other holding a magic sword.

"Breaking the knife!"

Hunyuan Yiqi Sword!

Ning Xiaochuan held the Heavenly Emperor Blade and the Magic Sword, behind which the ghosts of two gods appeared, chopping away at the same time.

The magic sword is naturally Ning Xiaochuan's destiny magic sword, not an artifact-level extermination magic sword.


The skeleton man snorted coldly, and a pair of long bone wings also grew behind him. The speed was actually a little faster than Ning Xiaochuan, and he avoided Ning Xiaochuan's attack.

"Shura shot!"

The skeleton man injected his vitality into the spear, and when the situation changed, the lightning flashed and the thunder broke out. The skull man raised his spear and rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid at all, and inspired Tiandi Blade's greatest strength, and hacked at the skeleton man.


The two flew upside down at the same time.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was full of gunshot wounds, and the deepest one stabbed into the bone, but Ning Xiaochuan was still surging!

The skeleton man was uncomfortable, and the corners of his mouth were covered with blood.

"Haha, happy, originally, I thought that only the first day of the God's Reserve Palace, Shenxuzi can fight with me, I did not expect that Da Yan world still has such a genius, Ning Xiaochuan? I remember you!" Men's road.

The skeleton man at this moment seemed to find the New World staring at Ning Xiaochuan with an incredible face.

"It's over!" Said the skeleton man.

The skeleton man thought that with the power of the secondary artifact, he could quickly kill Ning Xiaochuan. However, Ning Xiaochuan also had a secondary artifact.

Since weapons do not predominate, you can only use which one.

When the skeleton man finished speaking, he took out a spell, put a handprint on his hand, and said a strange spell on his mouth.

Alas, a black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, and a large golden hand fell from the sky.

This is a trace of divine power sealed by the ancestors of the absolute cloud, even if some of the ninth most powerful monarchs in the realm of fortune will be hit, they will surely die.

If he continues to fight, the skeleton man is confident that he can defeat Ning Xiaochuan, and even let Ning Xiaochuan fall, but in that case, his own consumption will be very large. The battle tomorrow will be of great importance and he must retain his vitality.

Therefore, he exhibited the amulet of the second god. With the power of the sub-god, kill Ning Xiaochuan and get rid of this strong enemy.

Ning Xiaochuan knew that the skeleton man's hole cards were very different. Seeing that the attack of the second **** had been beaten, Ning Xiaochuan felt that his bloodline had been shattered, and he immediately released the eyebrow seal.


A white beam of light projected from Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow and attacked in the direction of his large hand.

The big golden palm seemed to be angry, and it was gradually getting bigger. The majesty of the sub-god would never allow anyone to despise it.


The golden palm and Tianzun Yin slammed together.

The golden palms were torn apart by the stamp of Tianzun and fragmented.


Ning Xiaochuan was also injured by the aftershocks of the golden palm, and even Xiao Hong was fainted by the shock and fell into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.

"The power of the sub-god is too terrible. If it is true body, I am afraid that I have no chance to escape!" Ning Xiaochuan said with lingering fear.

"It wasn't dead? Alas, your life is so hard! You are now entitled to know my name, my name is Qingchen, and I will show you off the road!" Said the skeleton man with a smile.

"Ning Tianmeng!"

Ning Xiaochuan yelled.

A woman in a purple dress appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, kneeling on one knee at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Ning Tianmeng meets the master!"

"Come up!" Ning Xiaochuan said.


Ning Tianmeng immediately got up and looked at the skeleton man.

Thousands of seven-colored begonia petals appeared in Ning Tianmeng's hands, and in a flash they came to the skeleton man and attacked it.

Ning Xiaochuan saw the timing and said to Xiao Linger, "Xiao Linger, go with Xiao Hong first!"

Ning Xiaochuan handed over Xiao Hong who passed out to Xiao Linger.

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan exhibited the speed of the dragon, joined forces with Ning Tianmeng, and attacked Qingchen.

Qingchen's cultivation should have reached the seventh peak of the realm, and he is definitely a son of a deity. He has an innate supreme body and is comparable to the ninth monk of the realm.

After all, Ning Tianmeng is only the first secondary body of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and gathered forty-seven times of thoughts. The true strength also created the fourth stage, and even Ning Xiaochuan, who was in the fifth stage of the later stage, was not a skeleton The man's opponent, let alone her.

Qing Chen struck out with one palm, suppressing Ning Tianmeng in her palm.


Qingchen grunted coldly, stabbed with a shot, and penetrated Ning Tianmeng's body. The first divine body actually began to crack.

Suddenly, a gap cracked in the void in front of Qingchen, and a knife light was cut out of the gap in the space and slashed in front of the skeleton man.

Qingchen was a little surprised, and quickly retreated.


The knife light passed across Qingchen's cheek, leaving a half inch deep knife mark.

Qingchen quickly retreated, staring angrily at Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "Since I was born, you are the first person to hurt me. Today, you are dead!"

Ning Xiaochuan dragged Ning Tianmeng back to his side.

Ning Tianmeng's first deities have begun to collapse and consciousness has dissipated.

With a bang, the body broke completely for the first time and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

You know, the Emperor of the Heavens Dream used the blood of hundreds of millions of humans in North / Xinjiang to condense the first body. Now, when the body is broken, naturally there is endless blood.

The blood gathered in a sea, suspended in the void.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the sea of ​​blood, screaming, "Take God!"

The forty-seven thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the hidden spirits, all converged towards Ning Xiaochuan. Behind Ning Xiaochuan, a beautiful vision of the Heavenly Demon Emperor condensed.

The magical power of Tianmeng Yaohuang revolves around Ning Xiaochuan.

"The sword of annihilation, devour the sea of ​​blood!"

Ning Xiaochuan called out the extinct magic sword sealed in the mysterious beast book, suspended in the sea of ​​blood.

The annihilating magic sword slowly turned, madly absorbing the blood in the sea of ​​blood.

He stood on the hilt of the World Extermination Sword and absorbed all his blood into his body, turning it into his own power.

The fifth stage of good fortune.

The fifth highest peak of good fortune.

With a bang, Ning Xiaochuan broke through the bottleneck and reached the sixth early stage of creation.

After refining all the blood in the sea of ​​blood, his cultivation has increased several times.

Qingchen stared at the destruction sword at the foot of Ning Xiaochuan, her eyelids jumped slightly, and there was a feeling of trembling and trembling. In front of her eyes there seemed to be the destruction of the world and the end of the universe.

A terrible demise of the world swept over him.

"What sword is that? How could it be so terrible!" Qing Chen's second artifact-level spear trembled violently, as if to break his palm and escape from his hand.

In front of the World Extermination Sword, even a secondary artifact must surrender.

At the same time, billions of miles away.

Yantai Blood Sinking stood on the bow of the crystal red ghost ship, her hair fluttered, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at the void, as if she could see the sky outside, "The breath of the extinct sword!"


The crystal red ghost ship directly broke through the void, entered the gate of the void, and flew in the direction sensed by the blood sinking of the platform.

At the same time, the vast sea.

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor stood on a beautiful island and looked in the direction of Heaven. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Ning Xiaochuan!"

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor Demon stepped towards the void and disappeared onto the island.

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