Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1053: Fight for the second best

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The feeling of Ning Xiaochuan from Yantai Xueshen was too strong, and it wasn't that he could win now.

Even if Zhang Ruochen borrowed the power of Sui Hanyu, she could not be her opponent. Because she can also borrow the power of her master.

There was also a bit of bitterness in Ning Xiaochuan's heart. Is he going to die here today?

A seven-color begonia flower floated out of the void in front of Ning Xiaochuan, suspended in mid-air, and settled the entire space.

The long sword that had been raised in the blood of Shentai also stopped. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked silently at the begonia flower floating out of the void.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you finally appeared!"

Begonia flower, transformed into a dream-like demon emperor, appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan, a smile flickered at the corner of his mouth.

Ning Xiaochuan watched the Tianmeng Demon Emperor appear, and a bitter smile flashed in the corner of his mouth. He did not expect that in a situation where he had to die, a powerful enemy appeared.

This is definitely worse!

"Ning Xiaochuan, until now, you will finally leave Heaven!"

The Tianmeng Demon sneered again and again, thinking that Ning Xiaochuan's life had been in his own hands, and even the **** Shen Shen on the side was ignored.

"Master Yaohuang, I know that sooner or later this day." Ning Xiaochuan said lightly.

Needless to say, the dream of the Emperor Demon Emperor is absolutely very powerful, and he is a former sub-god. Although Xiu Wei has not recovered yet, it is definitely not a victory for Ning Xiaochuan.

As for Yantai Xueshen, although Ning Xiaochuan did not know its specific practice, the master of Yantai Xueshen, but the twin sister of Sui Hanyu, and the person who sealed Sui Hanyu at Guixu was also a way of extinction. successor.

Huantai Xueshen and Ning Xiaochuan both practiced the World Extinction Way, and no one knows the terrible ways of World Extinction better than Ning Xiaochuan.

It can be said that to date, the method of annihilation has given Ning Xiaochuan a lot of help, and countless powerful enemies died under the method of annihilation.

The cultivation of the Blood Sinkers of Huantai is obviously stronger than that of Ning Xiaochuan, and it must be the same in its practice of annihilation.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the blood-stained Shentai in front of him, and the Emperor of Heavenly Dream, and began to quietly calculate his plans.

In the presence of the two powerful men, how can we escape birth?

"Ning Xiaochuan, hand over all the thoughts of the Emperor, and the Emperor will leave you with the whole body!" The body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor exudes a strong breath, attacking Ning Xiaochuan, and wants to first Ogawa's mind was defeated.

"He is the one I teach, even if he is going to die, it should be dead in my hands. You are not qualified to kill him!" Xutai Xue Shen turned around and gave a cold glance at the Emperor Tianmeng.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor frowned slightly, and then looked to the side of Shentai Sinking, to this mysterious woman.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor did not show any expression, but just said lightly: "Since you and Ning Xiaochuan are the same teachers, you can also follow him on the road."

A mosquito-like mark appeared in the hands of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, drifting in the air and flying towards Shentai Blood.

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor intends to slay the blood sinker of Yantai first, and then slowly clean up Ning Xiaochuan.

Since Yantai Xueshen claimed that He Ning Xiaochuan was a fellow, he must be He Ning Xiaochuan. At least, Tianmeng Yaohuang thinks so.

Because the Emperor Demon Emperor was able to detect Xiutai's blood sinking, he was at the pinnacle of the good fortune, and it is comparable to the current strength of the Emperor Demon Emperor, so the Emperor Demon Emperor intends to resolve the Emperor's Blood Shen first.


The long sword in the blood of Yantai Shen was quickly pulled out, and he slashed lightly at the rune issued by the Emperor Tianmeng.

A sharp sword gas immediately flew out, but it was emptying Yuqi and running like electricity. A sword cut the rune issued by the Emperor Demon Emperor and cut it towards the Emperor Demon Emperor's body.

The eyes of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor changed, a pair of jade hands stretched out to the void in front of them, and the palms pushed forward from the back, slowly pushing, and numerous petals flew out of the void in front of him, surrounded by the blood sinking of the ring.

Around the blood sank of the ring, it was surrounded by nail-sized petals to form a prison cage, which surrounded the blood of the ring.

Every petal suddenly became extremely sharp, containing divine power, with a powerful force of destruction.

Although the dream of the Emperor Demon Emperor has not yet recovered, he is still the body of the second god, and he can easily kill ordinary monks in the realm of destruction.

The long sword in the blood of Huantai gave a subtle glow, and after a split second, it turned into a war soldier exactly like the sword of extinction.

Ning Xiaochuan stood aside, his eyes were slightly condensed, and the blood sinker of Yantai was able to use his own cost of energy to condense the shape of the World Extermination Sword, and the breath was very close.

Yantai Xueshen's comprehension of the destruction of the world must be far beyond him, otherwise it is impossible to simulate the uniqueness of the destruction of the world with his own breath.

Even Ning Xiaochuan couldn't do this.

At this time, the annihilation sword in Ning Xiaochuan's hand sent a slight shock, it seemed to be sensing the annihilation sword sword body that was condensed by its own strength in the blood sink of Yantai, there was a faint desire The tendency to **** it in.

Ning Xiaochuan will suppress the extinct magic sword back to the mysterious beast book, closing all the breath of the extinct magic sword to prevent accidents that Ning Xiaochuan cannot prevent.


Countless sharp petals attacked Huantai Bloodsink, and the annihilation sword in the hands of Huantai Bloodsink made a void in front of him.

A light-red curtain of light suddenly appeared in front of the blood-stained Shentai, blocking all the attacks of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

But the petals were too sharp, and the blood of Shentai did not fight seriously. Eventually, a petal entered the light curtain, and a small opening was cut above his arm.


The void in front of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, floating endless petals, attacked all over the blood-stained body of Yantai.

Behind the blood of Shentai, a ray of red gas appeared, floating into the air, covering the area of ​​thousands of miles.

The breath on Yantai's blood sank began to soar. She is holding a sword of extinction, and strenuously struck the Emperor of Heavenly Dream!

The earth couldn't withstand the forces generated during the battle between the blood siege of Yantai and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and began to tremble, and deep cracks began to spread.

The blood of Shentai and the Emperor of Heavenly Dream both looked a little dark. The power used in the battle has become greater and greater, and a fierce battle will soon begin.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor and Yantai sank and flew to the sky, shifting the battlefield to the air, and the void began to shatter. Some space debris fell from the void and reached the ground. Within a distance of 100 miles, all hard objects were split into pieces.

Ten petals popped into the hands of Tianmeng Demon Emperor, came to Ning Xiaochuan, and blocked the space within ten meters around Ning Xiaochuan.

This is to prevent the Ning Xiaochuan from escaping during the battle with the blood sinking of Yantai. The simple array method that even the eighth-largest warrior in the good fortune is difficult to break, is used to trap Ning Xiaochuan. Presumably it should be enough.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Huantai Blood Shen and Heavenly Dream Emperor who had flew up high, and did not act lightly. Ning Xiaochuan knew that it was not the time to escape. He had to wait for Yantai Bloody Shen and Heavenly Dream Emperor to fight fiercely. Only then can we take the opportunity to escape.

Behind the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, a huge towering ancient tree emerged.

On top of the ancient trees, countless seven-color begonia flowers are blooming. Each begonia flower has a huge energy attached to it, and it has an intoxicating aroma.

This towering ancient tree is exactly the body form of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. It is extremely tall, and Ning Xiaochuan and others are below it, as small as an ant, even the Huantai Shen.

However, if you only use height to compete, it is not difficult for Yantai Essence. I can see that there is a ghost behind Yantai Essence. It turned out to be a woman.

The woman's body is as tall as the tall trees behind the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but the woman's body is with an imposing manner, like everything in the world, to her, all But it's just like a ant, it doesn't make much sense. It takes only one eye to destroy everything.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor felt this feeling from the imaginary shadow behind the bloodstains of Yantai, and a shock came from his heart.

Who is this woman who teaches with Ning Xiaochuan?

How could it summon such a powerful **** ghost?

As the sub-strong power of the God River civilization planted in the world of Da Yan, he has a certain understanding of everything in the Da Yan world, but he has never heard of the very powerful characters on the world of Da Yan. , Can emit such a terrifying atmosphere.

You know, this is just a ghost image, if it is the real body, wouldn't it be stronger?

If Ning Xiaochuan and this mysterious woman really are co-religious, and this sect does exist, wouldn't it explain Ning Xiaochuan's background and be scary?

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the ground, looking at the ghost of the **** that appeared behind the blood sinking of Yantai, and worshipped gently. This woman, Ning Xiaochuan naturally knew that he was the ancestor of the World Extinction, the one who created the World Extinction. There is no power in antiquity.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the high blood of Shentai and Shenmeng, and knew that the best time to escape had arrived.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows came out, and a light was emitted, and the Tianzun Seal appeared, facing a matrix method arranged by the Heavenly Demon Emperor in front of him, shooting a beam of light.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately escaped from it and began to rush towards the Lingxiao Temple at the fastest speed.

Now, for Ning Xiaochuan, the fastest and safest place to reach is the Lingxiao Temple, not one.

Ning Xiaochuan must rush to the Lingxiao Temple before the Tianmeng Demon Emperor and Yantai Blood Sinking react.

However, when Ning Xiaochuan just broke through the formation of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was aware of it, immediately stopped the battle with the blood sinking of Yantai, and began to chase toward Ning Xiaochuan.

"Can't escape!"

Yantai Blood Sinking also saw Ning Xiaochuan running away. The crystal red ghost ship immediately appeared in its hands, throwing it up, turning into a huge ship, and chasing Ning Xiaochuan at a very fast speed.

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