Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1056: Great Changes

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Demon!

There was an error in the previous chapter. Qing Chen was dead. Later, it appeared. The old nine has been modified. I've been too busy lately, and I won't make such mistakes again in the future.


"The Heavenly Demon Emperor really caught up!"

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of a void 20 million miles away and glanced behind him, feeling that a huge divine power was surging in the midst, rushing towards this direction.

Definitely the Heavenly Demon Emperor.


Ning Xiaochuan opened the void again and fled in.

After being hunted down by a god, any monk will despair of it.

Heaven and earth cannot escape.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not give up his survival *, and wanted to find a glimmer of vitality in despair.

"Have it! Go to the Huixu, as long as you enter the Huixu, the Heavenly Demon Emperor will not detect my breath, and it will be difficult to chase me.

Ning Xiaochuan shuttled through the chaotic space and rushed towards the sky continent.

Guixu is an ancient dense land full of evil spirits, and those evil spirits can block the sub-god's thoughts. As long as Ning Xiaochuan enters the market, he will have a chance to escape.

"Ning Xiaochuan, where are you fleeing?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor struck a palmprint, smashed the void, and crossed a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles, hitting Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The power of the sub-god, even standing on the ground, can knock down the stars of the sky.

A powerful divine power, like a flash of lightning, rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan. If he was hit by that lightning torrent, Ning Xiaochuan would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"The Royal Sword is broken!"

Ning Xiaochuan stepped on the foot of the World Extermination Sword, taking advantage of the power of the World Extermination Sword, and hurried through the chaotic space.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's speed, even compared with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, is not much weaker.

"That magic sword really is a peerless treasure. Ning Xiaochuan borrowed its power. The speed can be compared with the emperor."

Tianmeng Yaohuang's eyes carried a chill and smiled, "But after all, his speed is slower than me, and it is only a matter of time to catch up with him."


Suddenly, a jade white brilliance flew out of the void, like a chain of gods, chopped towards the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was a little surprised, and pointed his finger towards the void, breaking the jade white brilliance.

"Who dares to stop the emperor?" The Emperor Tianmeng stood in the void and looked in the direction of the jade white brilliance.


The chaotic space suddenly collapsed, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor returned to Dayan World and stood on a sea of ​​blue waves.

In the sea, stood a huge blood-red camel. Even this abyss can't drown the camel.

That camel's body had been rotten, bones were exposed in many places, but the whole body had exuded a terrible horror.

A woman in white, standing on the back of a blood-red camel, has a beautiful appearance, just like an immortal, just like a goddess who fell into the earth from above nine days.

She held the scroll in one hand and a long pen in one hand, and stared at the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, saying, "You are the Tianmeng Demon Emperor?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stood on the sea and felt an unusual breath from the white woman's body, saying, "Who are you? Why stop me from hunting down Ning Xiaochuan?"

The woman in white said, "I just want to ask you, do you want to participate in the battle of the gods?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor carefully looked at the woman in white and the blood-red camel, and thought of an ancient legend, saying, "Are you a messenger?"


The woman in white nodded her head gently, holding the jade pen in her hand, and the words "Feng Meng Yao Huang" were written on "Feng Shen Bang".

The four words flashed on the "Feng Shen Bang" and disappeared on the list.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor felt a strange power and entered the body, as if she had been fully integrated with the world of Da Yan.

Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "If the name enters the" Fengshen List ", even if I am qualified to participate in the battle of Fengshen?"

"When the receiving tower is opened, the power of" Fengshenbang "will naturally summon you. Work hard to improve your cultivation. The stronger your cultivation, the more dominant you will be in the battle of Fengshen.

Having said this, the blood-red camel, carrying the woman in white, disappeared into the vast ocean.

"Ogawa, your way must go on your own. I can only help you so much!"

A pair of beautiful women's eyes in white stared at the void. Suddenly, she saw the western sky, raised a mighty evil spirit, turned into a blood-red light, condensed into a chain-like shape.

"The evil spirit of returning to the ruins has become more intense, and it seems that it will be necessary to break through the ancient seal, and the world of Da Yan seems to be changing again. Yeah. The turmoil, countless deaths and injuries, great vitality, and the riots of returning to the market are just a warning to them. "

The woman in white rolled up the "Feng Shen Bang" and sighed, "It's been a long time since then."

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan has entered the sky continent.

Out of the chaotic space, Ning Xiaochuan fell to the top of a towering mountain peak and glanced behind him, "Strange! So familiar, who stopped the Tianmeng Demon Emperor? No matter, Flee first and return to the market. "

Ning Xiaochuan captured part of the soul of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, and the Tianmeng Demon Emperor will certainly not let him go. The entire world of Da Yan, in addition to heaven, can only provide a certain amount of deterrence to the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

You know, even the Emperor Zijin almost died in the Hui market that year.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan entered the Tianxu continent, he immediately felt an extraordinary evil spirit, which was a very similar evil spirit to Guihui.

Now that evil spirit has eroded the entire North. Xinjiang.

north. The territories of hundreds of thousands of miles have been transformed into evil soil. Whether it is a mysterious beast, a monster, or a human being, all have undergone evil changes.

The soil became blood red, the river became black as ink, and the entire sky was always covered by dark clouds. Even if the moon is exposed, it is blood red.

Ning Xiaochuan went north. Jiang was immediately North. Xinjiang's changes are startled.

"Is the evil power in Guihui leaking out?"

According to the current trend, it won't be long before the entire Tianxu continent will become evil land and become a land of evil.


A demon wolf rushed out of the forest and stood opposite Ning Xiaochuan, revealing blood-red eyes and two sharp fangs.

That demon wolf is just the second most important practice in heaven and human realm, but because of the absorption of evil qi, the constitution of the body changed evil, and the skin and flesh of the whole body became like golden iron.

Now, its combat power is comparable to the seventh-ranked monster in heaven and human realm.

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