Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1067: War Corpse

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"Oh! It's too heavy!"

Ning Xiaochuan originally intended to capture the Tianshu evil monarch, capture his memory, and prepare for entering the market.

However, he did not expect that the Celestial Emperor actually had a sub-god array. Under the last resort, he could only use sub-gods.

The power of the secondary artifact is indeed very powerful. Ning Xiaochuan was able to mobilize little magic power before, and he could not exert the true power of the secondary artifact.

Absorbing the twelve-winged Donghuang evil spirit twice, the divine power that Ning Xiaochuan can mobilize is comparable to the creatures in the ninth stage of the creation. When you use the secondary artifact again, the power exerted is naturally different.

So, accidentally, Ning Xiaochuan was too heavy to start, and the Tianshu evil lord was hacked to death with just one stroke.

"Since it's dead, then it's dead!"

Ning Xiaochuan retracted the Heavenly Emperor's Blade, raised his arm, and waved his hand gently downwards, and all the **** patterns of the sub-patterns fell into the palm of his hand.

There are 180,000 red crests of godliness, and each of them weighs a lot of weight. Only when it is repaired to the level of Ning Xiaochuan can it be easily collected.

"The formation of the Second God's Formation is really a good thing! If four monks who created the realm urged the Second God's Formation at the same time, it would be enough to counteract a Holy King." Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently.

For the Ning Xiaochuan, the sub-God battle is also a weapon of life and death. Once the sub-god array is fully urged, unless the opponent has the sub-god's artifact, you will never want to break the formation.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan picked up a blood bead, a jade book, and a bronze iron coil again from the place where the evil monarch died.

This blood drop is slightly different from the blood drops of other **** messengers, with a darker color and a stronger evil spirit.

"In addition to recording the" Donghuang Scriptures ", blood beads have any role in communicating with each other?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, always feeling that the blood beads were a treasure, because the blow of the second artifact could not destroy it.

Unable to think of the result, Ning Xiaochuan collected the blood beads.

So far, he has collected eleven blood beads.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the jade book again and opened the jade book without any word in it.

"Is it a wordless script?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

At this moment, all the **** patterns of the sub-god array that were originally held by Ning Xiaochuan in their hands all flew up and turned into a crimson print, falling on the jade book.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "It's interesting! It seems that this book without words is the **** pattern used to carry the second gods array!"

Ning Xiaochuan closed the jade book, closed it up, took out the last thing and held it in his hands.

A bronze iron coil!

He did not easily open the bronze iron coil, because Ning Xiaochuan felt the breath of the twelve wings of the Donghuang evil **** on the bronze iron coil.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment, separated a mind body, and let the mind body open the bronze iron coil.

That idea body is equivalent to Ning Xiaochuan's clone, possessing one-tenth of Ning Xiaochuan's strength, and its combat power is above the realm of creation.

As soon as the bronze iron coil was opened, it sent out a horrible divine power, which directly suppressed the thought body into pieces and turned it into a plume of blue smoke.

The idea body died, and Ning Xiaochuan made a muffled sound in his mouth. The body shook slightly and suffered some injuries.


Ning Xiaochuan secretly rejoices, fortunately, he has grown a heart and let the mind open the bronze iron coil. Otherwise, Ning Xiaochuan's deity must have been killed by bronze iron coils.

The power of bronze iron coils is not lasting, and the light emitted gradually weakens.

Ning Xiaochuan flew over slowly, standing ten miles away, hitting the fire of extinction with his left hand, and the fire of extinguishing the dragon with his right hand, and began to refine the bronze iron coil.

About an hour later, Ning Xiaochuan finally refined the bronze iron coils, walked over, and picked up the bronze iron coils.

"The War Corpse!" Ning Xiaochuan read.

The bronze iron coil recorded on it turned out to be the sacrifice method and control method of the evil **** war corpse.

This is good!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little excited. If he could control an evil **** war corpse, how powerful would he be?

"Tianshu Xiejun dug out the old ancestors of the ghost-gathering family, and also made the evil **** war corpse, but made wedding dresses cheaply for me." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile.

The bronze iron coil does contain the power of the twelve wings of the Donghuang evil god.

If Ning Xiaochuan didn't guess wrong, the Tianshu evil lord would use the bronze iron coil to resist the divine punishment of the undead.

Although the undead sub-god is very strong, it is not as strong as the twelve-wing Donghuang evil god. Under the suppression of the twelve-wing Donghuang evil god, the power of the undead sub-god cannot be exerted.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced into the blood pool. The evil **** war corpse was originally rotten, but now flesh and blood, the divine power between heaven and earth are converging to it.

"Cultivate the" War Corpse "successfully."

Ning Xiaochuan sits by the blood pool, puts bronze iron coils on the ground, and begins to enlighten.

After half an hour, a space gap appeared on the sea surface not far from the blood pool.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor stepped out of the gap in the space, stood on the sea, with a sturdy figure and long hair flying, and thousands of petals flew around her body, turning into a sea of ​​flowers.

When the Heavenly Demon Emperor appeared, Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes.

"Heavenly Demon Emperor, you are coming too slowly!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Do you think I'm too slow?" Tianmeng Yaohuang said lightly: "It seems you are sure to defeat me?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor is the body of the second god. Every inch of skin is crystal clear, exuding a scent of begonia flowers, a beautiful fairy face, and a perfect body, just like a real goddess.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and said, "If your practice is regaining its power, I will definitely turn around and run away. But since your practice is still recovering, why can't I fight for it?"

The red lips of Tianmeng Yaohuang slightly ticked, and the two jade fingers were pinched together gently, and smiled: "Just the **** war corpse behind you?"

When he came here, the Emperor Tianmeng saw the evil **** war corpse in the blood pool.

However, she did not have the slightest fear. Although it hasn't fully recovered to the sub-god's realm, but the sub-god is the sub-god, and it is not the ninth most important creature in the realm of creation.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you actually hope that a dead sub-god will defeat a living sub-god. This is the biggest mistake you have made!" A bright red flower core emerged from the eyebrow of Tianmeng Yaohuang, a The divine power emanates from her body, making her more beautiful.

The mighty divine power emanated from her body and turned into an invisible large hand, suppressing the past towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan summoned the sword of extinction, pinched the handle of his sword with both hands, and plunged into the ground suddenly.

The divine power emanating from the Tianmeng Demon Emperor encountered the sword of extinction and immediately stepped backwards like a tide. He did not dare to touch Ning Xiaochuan at all.

Ning Xiaochuan's body stood upright, and he said loudly, "If the war corpse is holding the sword of extinction, can you stop it?"

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