Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1074: Return

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Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Erin Si, and shook his head slightly at the Silver Horn Demon Emperor.

With a questioning look, Erince stared at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Han Jin, what is their origin? It doesn't seem to have the same breath as the monks in our youth department."

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was old and hoarse, saying: "Aileen, they are two friends I met in Guihui, from the Donghuang Ministry, and they believe in the twelve wings of the Donghuang evil god."

"They are the monks of the Donghuang Ministry?" Aileen looked at the silver horned demon emperor and the golden horned demon emperor slightly.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, staring at Erin Si, saying: "Have you heard of the Donghuang Ministry?"

Elince is a powerful person in the realm of transformation and the deputy chief of the palace of medicine. She has a lot more knowledge than Han Jinguang, nodded gently, and said, "I have seen Dare to the Ministry of Donghuang in a book of good fortune. It is said that the Donghuang Tribe is adjacent to our Qing Emperor Tribe and is also a powerful tribe. "

The Silver Horned Emperor and the Golden Horned Demon Emperor were both intelligent men, and when they saw that Ning Xiaochuan did not want to kill Elin, they stood up and said, "Yes! Our brother is from the Donghuang Ministry."

Ning Xiaochuan was afraid that the Silver Horned and Golden Horned Demon Kings would also leak words, so he said, "Ilins, in the future, I don't want to see you again, I hope you can also treat me as a stranger, don't come to me again. Let ’s go back to the Medicine Hall and become the Deputy Hall Master! ”

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan instructed the Silver Horned Emperor and the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, "Your two brothers are working hard in the house. I will go out of town to kill the enemy and make achievements, and accumulate the fruits of the battle. Come out and heal your ... wounds. "

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan talked about the eternal holy medicine, the golden horned demon emperor and the silver horned demon emperor had a happy heart, knowing that Ning Xiaochuan must have found a medicine to purify evil spirits.

However, in order to get those drugs, you must accumulate victory points.

Ning Xiaochuan had just stepped out of the stalemate, and Erince continued to catch up.

"Why haven't you returned to the Medicine Hall?" Ning Xiaochuan finally lost patience, his tone became severe, and his voice was a bit reprimanding.

Ning Xiaochuan had to drive Elince to leave, but she was actually saving her.

At present, Ning Xiaochuan will not kill her, but when she discovers Ning Xiaochuan's secret, Ning Xiaochuan will surely kill her. Because she likes Han Jin, not Ning Xiaochuan, but Ning Xiaochuan also killed Han Jin.

It can be said that Ning Xiaochuan is her enemy.

Erince shook her head and squeezed out a charming smile, saying: "Han Jin, I know you don't want to let me go, but you're angry with me. I won't be angry with you. From now on, I will Always follow you. "

"Really? It depends if you can't keep up with me."

Ning Xiaochuan waved the wooden staff in his hand, tearing a space crack, turning it into a streamer, flying into the space crack.


Space cracks closed again.

Ning Xiaochuan has crossed the space and has gone thousands of miles away.

Erince did not expect that "Han Jin" would drop her cruelly, and there was a hint of fear in her eyes. She was very afraid that "Han Jin" really regarded her as a stranger.

A little firmness appeared in her eyes, or she resolutely tore open the cracks in the space, and chased after "Han Jin".

Hansen Singh stood at the top of the wall of the Magic Zombie City, looking at Ning Xiaochuan and Erin Si who had entered the cracks in the space, and snorted, "You think you can escape the tracking when you enter the cracks in the space? I'll go and sue My father! "

Hansen Singh rushed towards the inner city of the Magic Zombie City, and immediately told Ning Xiaochuan and Erin Si to leave the Magic Zombie City and told the Master of the Medicine Hall.

"Cross space to leave? Alas! They are still too young!"

Yao Dian Yao Dian stands in the center of the mansion, exuding a strong force of fortune, stretches out an arm, probes into the void, takes out a blue scroll and pinches it in his hands.

The main hall of the Medicine Hall opened the scroll, and a white light shot out from the scroll. Looking carefully, the scroll turned out to be a vast world.

The ghost image of a long-haired woman emerged from the picture scroll, suspended in mid-air.

She is the instrumental spirit of this picture scroll!

The phantom of the long-haired woman became more and more solid, and eventually turned into a real woman, falling down from the top and standing beside the picture roll.

"Master Father, is she one of the thirteen" Returning to the Market "printed by the gods' ancestors using the town artifacts?" Hansen Singer whispered, staring at the long-haired woman.

The expanse of returning to the market is immense, and even with the power of the sub-god, it is impossible to draw a map of returning to the market. The power of the town's artifact must be borrowed in order to use the great magical powers to imprint the returning world on the scroll.

The Qing Emperor's Ministry printed thirteen "Back to Market" maps, each of which is a treasure of the highest royal class. Of course, the preciousness of The Return to the Market is still above the Supreme Emperor.

Yao Dian glanced at Hansen Singh and motioned for him to shut up.

Later, the Lord of the Palace of Medicine bowed down to the woman and said, "His Highness, please help me find two people."

Although Qingji is only an instrumental spirit of a picture scroll, this picture scroll is printed by the township artifact. In the world of Qi Ling, Qing Ji is the daughter of Zhenbei's artifact.

Even the sub-gods of the Qingdi Ministry, respectfully saluting the artifacts of the town ministry.

When the Lord of the Medicine Hall saw the daughter of the town's artifact, he naturally saluted to show respect for the town's artifact.

Qingji said lightly: "Tell me the looks and breath of those two people!"

The Master of the Medicine Hall gave Hansen Singh a glance.

Hansen Singh worshiped Qing Ji, and then simulated the appearance and breath of "Hanjin" and Irenes.

Qingji nodded slightly, palms waved on the scroll, two light spots appeared on the scroll.

"Yes, they are in these two positions." Qing Ji said.

"Thank Your Highness Qingji." The Lord of the Palace of Medicine worshiped again.

Qingji nodded, turned into a white light, and flew into the picture.

The Lord of the Medicine Hall folded the scroll, his face was cold, and he said to Hansen Singh, "Go! Let's go now."


An hour later, Ning Xiaochuan had come two million miles away, walked out of the void, glanced in the direction behind him, did not feel the breath of Irenes, and finally relieved, "Take my Xiuwei, she can't catch up with me, and finally dumped her! "

The spatial structure of Guixu is very stable. Even if Ning Xiaochuan's current practice is used, it can only make a short space crossing. Only the existence of the sub-god level can open up the ancient space-time road in Guigui.

"The 80-mile-long magic siege city belongs to the territory of the Qing Emperor Ministry. I casually hunt and kill seven alien creatures of nature, and after I take it back, I can exchange seven eternal holy medicines." Ning Xiaochuan secretly thought .

At present, the evil men of the Qingdi Ministry cannot leave Guihui on a large scale. Therefore, they must first clean up the dangerous alien creatures in the Guishi, and build the Qingdi Ministry into an absolutely safe fortress.

Ning Xiaochuan released his mind and quickly found a special life wave beyond three hundred. That wave of life fluctuates very powerfully, and it is definitely a heterogeneous creature creating a realm.

"The alien creatures of the natural environment are rare in the return market. In general, the places where the alien creatures of the natural environment are in need of treasure. Maybe there are unexpected gains this time!"

Ning Xiaochuan's face was hilarious, and she flew in the direction of life fluctuations.

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