Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1079: Burning Blood

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The cyan fire pillars of the thickness of the two buckets were shot out of the hands of the owner of the Medicine Hall, like two snarling fire dragons, rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The sky-burning fire originated from the Qing Emperor's Sutra, and its power is so powerful that the master of the palace of medicine seems to have been able to see the picture of Ning Xiaochuan being burned into fly ash. There was a smile on his old face, and wrinkles spread out.

Ning Xiaochuan flew forward, hitting both palms at the same time, one palm hit the fire of extinction, and one palm hit the flame of the dragon, turning it into two rivers of flames.


The sky-burning fire, the fire of extinguishing the world, and the fire of extinguishing the dragon collided together, emitting a brilliant light, and the hot flames melted the earth. Under the high-temperature refining process, the stone layer and soil turned into drops of red magma.

The main hall of the Medicine Hall was forced to retreat continuously. The flames exhibited by "Han Jin" were too horrible, even worse than the destruction of his sky-burning fire, which made him have an irresistible feeling.

"God extinguish the fire! Han Jin, how could you show the fire?" Did you get the inheritance of ancient dragons?

Ning Xiaochuan stepped forward and said, "Is the master of the palace of medicine right? You are old and your blood is beginning to decline. It can't be my opponent."


Ning Xiaochuan's hands clasped together, condensing the fire of extinction into a fire lotus, hitting the chest of the hall of the monster hall, burning a huge hole in the chest of the hall of medicine hall, and his body was burned to penetrate.


The main hall of Yaodian Hall became pale, sweating all over his head, looking at the hole in his chest, his face horrified, and he wanted to use the power of nature to make the injury recover.

However, he found that instead of healing the chest, the wounds continued to spread, as if all his vitality had been devoured.

"No ... no ... How could that be the case? What power did you use?" The power of creation on the main body of the Yao Dian Dian kept flowing away, and the flesh was like a punctured balloon.

Three thousand extinctions, each one is a way of beheading souls. Once hit by the World Extinction, no matter how strong your vitality is, it is difficult to recover from the injury.

Hansen Singh stood in the distance, staring at the existence of the two sage monarchs defeated, he did not expect that "Hanjin" could defeat his father, and his heart was suddenly terrified.

If all the fathers were defeated, wouldn't he be an opponent of "Korean Gold"?

"Han Jin, if you dare to do it again, believe it or not, I will kill Erince first and make you regret it forever," Hansen Singh threatened.

He wanted to pin down "Hanjin" with Elince and create opportunities for his father and adult.

Ning Xiaochuan turned his head to glance at Hansen Singh, a cold light flashed from his pupils, separated a ideological body, appeared behind Hansen Singh, and patted him on the top of Hansen Singh's head.

Although it is just a mind body, it is comparable to one tenth of Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation, and it is more than enough to deal with a Hansen Singh.


The imaginary body just slaps a hand, and it awakens the vitality of the world, hits Hansen Singh's head into his stomach, and saves Elince easily.

The mind-body untied the lightning chain, released Irenes, stared at her, and said, "Leave here now, and we shall never meet again in the future."

Erince stared at the mind body of "Han Jin" standing in front of her eyes, tears swirled in her eyes, and resentfully said, "Did you really not love me anymore? Or that your current cultivation has become stronger, you have already seen No longer on me? "

The Mind Body is a decisive way: "You guessed it right, I am now a God of Creation, and I have a false godhead. I won't be long before I become a sub-god. How can a sub-god be regarded? You? Elin, don't dream anymore! This is the last time I can save you, there will be no next time. "

Every time "Han Jin" said, Elince cried even more sadly, her eyes were filled with despair, grief, and pain, and she felt her heart crushed ruthlessly.

"Ok ... Ok ... I see ... I shouldn't be delusional, sorry, sorry ..." After that, Elince left very lonely, leaving only a desolate and lonely back.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was quite uncomfortable, and he sighed. Come to her, maybe this is the best ending. In the future, it will be difficult for her to see Han Jin again.


Hansen Singh, who had no head, had a head on his neck again, and his eyes were gloomy, and he said, "Han Jin, I am going to kill you."

The Mind Body retracted his gaze and watched the Hansen Singh attacking, and a flame raged in the palm of his hand.

A fire snake flew from the flames, flying around the palm of the mind body, turning into a vortex of flame, wrapping Hansen Singh into the vortex.


Moments later, Hansen Singh was refined into ashes by the flames.

The main hall of Yao Dian Dian watched his most outstanding son die by the idea of ​​"Han Jin", his anger reached the apex, and his eyes were filled with bloodshots, "Oh! Father must kill Han Jin and take revenge for you. Han Kim, the old man fights with you! "

The master of the medicine hall took out a black box from his arms, and poured out a longan-sized elixir from it. The elixir of the elixir was red, almost like a red sun, with a strong blood and heat.

Ning Xiaochuan stood tens of miles away and could clearly feel the heat wave coming from his face.

"Holy character Dan?"

That elixir, at least, is saint-class, and even may be prefecture-level. Of course, only Shennong can refine the prefecture-level Dan with the power to return to life.

Each prefecture-level dan is a treasure that even the next **** will be impressed with, so it is very unlikely that the elixir in the hands of the master of the medicine hall is prefecture-level dan. Ning Xiaochuan's mind was so judged.

The elixir in the hands of the master of the palace of Yao Dian is indeed not a prefecture-level Dan, but a saint-like human-level one, called "Blooding Blood Tongshen".

Once the "Blooding Blood Tongshen Dan" is served, the main hall of Yao Dian Dian possesses the ninth-largest successful combat power of the good times.

If the ninth-best creature in the realm of physical transformation subdue a "burning blood through the god", it will even be able to obtain the combat power of a virtual **** of the hour.

Of course, taking "Blood-blowing Tongshen Dan" will cause huge side effects while exchanging powerful combat power. Because "Blooding Blood Tongshen Dan" was originally to burn his own blood in exchange for a short period of strength.

Once the power is exhausted, the blood in the living body will decrease sharply and become quite weak. In the state of injury of the main hall of Yao Dian Dian, he was forced to take the "burning blood through the **** panacea", and there was even danger of falling.

The master of the palace of medicine can no longer control so much. He now has only one belief, that is, to kill Ning Xiaochuan at all costs, to avenge his son.

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