Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1081: Artifact Daughter

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The sub-God array covers a geographical area of ​​thousands of miles and forms a circular array.

Stimulated by Ning Xiaochuan's divine power, the power of the Sub-Gods array became extremely tyrannical, making a gust of thunder and thunder, like turning a square circle into an independent formation world.

The main hall of Yaodian Hall gave a cold hum, boring with the Fengyu meteor, and entered the sub-God array, splitting it with a single blow, tearing the sub-Go field into a hole.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the middle of the formation, and raised his palm gently. In the second formation, he flew up the mountains and smashed towards the main hall of Yaodian.

The mountains were wrapped by the divine power of the sub-gods and turned into huge fireballs, like meteorites, and smashed towards the main hall of Yaodian.


With a wave of the arm of the Master of the Medicine Hall, a squall of wind flew out of the sleeve, and the eighty-one Flame Mountain was put into the sleeve. Then, with a flick of his arm, eighty-one flame mountains flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan seemed to be at ease, mobilizing the power of the sub-gods to form a barrier in front of him, and to crush all the 81 fire mountains.

"It seems that it can't be suppressed only by the second gods."

"Follow Shinto!"

Divine power from all directions gathered towards Ning Xiaochuan, condensing behind him as a twelve-winged Donghuang evil god.

The divine power on Ning Xiaochuan became more intense, it was like the twelve wings of the Donghuang evil **** came down, causing great pressure on the dosing master.

"Did he take refuge in the Twelve Wings of the Donghuang Evil God?" The main hall of Yaodian Temple was a little shocked when he saw the huge phantom, but the attack in his hand did not stop, and became more severe.

Ning Xiaochuan, while running the sub-god array, injected divine power into the Heavenly Emperor Blade to awaken the power of the sub-god.


The Heavenly Emperor Blade flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's hand, erupting the power of the sub-god, and waved it with a knife, flying out the Lord of the Medicine Hall.

The Master of the Medicine Hall held his body firmly and punched a void into the void. The meteor bored into the hole, directly through the void, and struck Ning Xiaochuan's head.


Ning Xiaochuan flew five Supreme Emperor's weapons in succession, including the magic sword and giant spirit warhammer, to steadily block the Fengyu meteor.


Ning Xiaochuan shouted again.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade split again, breaking up the power of creation on the main body of Yaodian Hall, leaving a long blood mark.

"Han Jin, my husband is going to chop your head and drink your blood."

The Master of the Medicine Hall shouted, raised his hands and pointed at the sky. The mysterious air between the heavens and the earth kept rolling, and numerous electric snakes shuttled in the void, making a sound of thunder.


This is a divine skill!

The divine power was all spurred by the main hall of Yao Dian Dian, and all turned into the power of the celestial body, hitting Ning Xiaochuan.


Under the impact of divine magic, the sub-god array rolled like a water wave. A powerful impact hit Ning Xiaochuan's chest, flying Ning Xiaochuan Zhen hundreds of miles away.

Ning Xiaochuan's internal organs were painful, as if torn apart.

"Not dead?"

The Master of the Medicine Hall thought it was incredible. What a powerful magical technique for Zhentian did not kill "Han Jin"?

The main hall of Yaodian Hall carried the Fengyu Meteor to dig into the sub-god array, getting closer to Ning Xiaochuan, 500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters ...


The meteor stabbed suddenly, dragging out a meteor-like tail, and instantly stabbed Ning Xiaochuan's head.

Ning Xiaochuan folded his hands together, a bright mark of heaven appeared on the eyebrow, and a white light beam flew out of the eyebrow and hit the meteor boring.


The white energy ripples scattered, and the main hall of Yao Dian and Ning Xiaochuan flew out at the same time.

Ning Xiaochuan's imaginary hand slashed, mobilizing divine power, and communicating with Tiandi Blade. The Heavenly Emperor's Blade hanging over the sky suddenly chopped down and swept across the top of the main hall of Yaodian Hall.


Under the power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, the main body of Yaodian Hall was shredded into two halves and turned into two corpses hanging in the void.

The two corpses did not have the slightest breath of death, and flew towards each other under the influence of a strong vitality, trying to rejoin.

Would Ning Xiaochuan give it a chance?

"Make it for me!"

Ning Xiaochuan fired both the Dragon Extinguishing Fire and the Extinguishing Demon Fire at the same time, forcibly refining two corpses.

After a long while, the two corpses turned into flying ash, and the breath of the Master of the Medicine Hall disappeared completely.

In the void, there was only a cyan bead, a phoenix meteor and a cyan scroll.

Ning Xiaochuan first put away the Fengyu meteor boring and the cyan beads, and then pinched the cyan scroll. She was curious and said, "What is this?"

Ning Xiaochuan opened the cyan scroll, and a vast picture scroll appeared in front of him. In the picture scroll, a white glow was emitted, as if a world appeared on the scroll.

"This is ... this is the map of Guihui ..." Ning Xiaochuan was overjoyed.

Stepping on the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it takes no time. This picture scroll is exactly what Ning Xiaochuan has been looking for.

When Ning Xiaochuan carefully studied the map of returning to the market, suddenly, a cyan sword light flew out of the picture and pierced the heart of Ning Xiaochuan.


Ning Xiaochuan's **** were crushed, and the blue sword light was broken, his face flushed, "Give me out."

He stretched an arm out of the picture world and captured a woman in a cyan shirt.

Qing Ji was pinched in his hand by Ning Xiaochuan, looking only ten centimeters tall, with anger on his face, saying: "Han Jin, I am the daughter of the Qing Dynasty Ministry's artifact, you dare not respect me, the Zhen Dynasty artifact It will definitely kill you. "

Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly and laughed: "Tiandi blade, Qi Ling can still have children?"

The emperor said: "There is spirituality between the world and every grass and every tree. Once spirituality grows to a certain level, it can condense the body of bleeding flesh. Like the Queen of Stone Ji, she has the ego of the ancient **** stone, It can condense the bleeding body. "

"Our artifacts are very special. Only when they reach the level of artifacts can we condense bleeding bodies. Of course, children of artifacts can also condense bleeding bodies."

"If I guess correctly, the artifact of the Qing Dynasty Ministry should be a real artifact, not a sub-artifact. This picture of the return to the market is just falling off the artifact of the Town Ministry. Part of it will naturally be the children of the town's artifact. "

Qingji was a little surprised, staring at the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and said, "Are you a secondary artifact?"

"Hey! Yes, Lao Tzu is a secondary artifact. In the future, he will be promoted to become an artifact." Tiandi Blade laughed.

"What's so good about it? If I meet a god-level master in the future and consolidate the whole return to the picture, then I can grow into an artifact."

Qing Ji also said, "Since you know that I am the daughter of a town artifact, you cannot hurt me, otherwise my mother would kill you."

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