Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1083: Lifting sedan

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Ning Xiaochuan used the power of creation to simulate the appearance of the ugly mother-in-law and Fengyue Xi, and presented it to Qing Ji.

"Qing Ji, help me find these two people." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qingji closed her eyes and lifted her hands slightly, and a plume of smoke appeared in the "Guixu Map".

After a long while, Qingji raised her head, shook her head at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Master, you didn't find the two people you said in Guigui."

"How could this be?"

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment. Suddenly, as soon as they moved their hearts, did they also surrender to the roots of the evil man and turned into the appearance of those evil people?

The more Ning Xiaochuan thought, the more he thought it was possible, so he condensed the form of Wanlong Yaoshen Ding and said, "Help me find the place of this Yaoshen Ding."

Wanlong Yaoshen Ding is a secondary artifact of the ugly mother-in-law. Human appearance can be changed, but Yaoshen Ding's form will never change.

After a while, a light spot appeared on the Gui Hui map.

Qing Ji joyfully said, "Master, that medicine tripod is where the light spot is, 120 million miles away from us."

"it is good!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Take me to the spot where the light spot is now."

Ning Xiaochuan closed up the map of the return to the market, and then woken up the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, and said, "Let's go, we should go!"

The golden horned demon's eyes brightened, and said, "Go hunting the evil men of the Qingdi Ministry, and continue to make more good blood lilacs?"

Hearing the words of the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, the Silver Horned Demon Emperor was also excited and said, "OK! Go now."

In just ninety years, they reached the third level of good fortune. In the past, this was something they did not dare to imagine.

They tasted the sweetness of Xinghua Xuedan and naturally wanted to hunt more evil people and quickly improve their cultivation.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Although taking Xuezao Xuedan can improve your cultivation quickly, taking too much Xinhua Xuedan will not allow you to reach the second level. Working hard is the king."

"Our brothers are actually working very hard, and we are now beginning to understand the second layer of the" Donghuang Scripture. "The Silver Horn Demon Emperor smiled.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The more you refine the blood alchemy, the stronger the evil spirit in your body will be, and the more difficult it will be to purify it in the future. For you, refining the blood alchemy is both beneficial and harmful. This time I'll take you to find a Shennong first, maybe only she can help you clear the evil spirit in your body. "

Out of the shell, Ning Xiaochuan, the Golden Horned Demon Emperor, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor immediately left the magic imperial city, and led by Qing Ji, rushed towards Wanlong Yaoshen Ding.

Out of the deadlock, Ning Xiaochuan planned to open the void door and directly cross the space to the position of Wanlong Yaoshending.

"Brother Ning, let me come, but now I am the master of the realm. Crossing the void is just a breeze for me." The Silver Horned Demon Emperor urged him to strike in the void with one palm, tearing the void into a gap.

With a slight smile, Ning Xiaochuan retracted his hand and walked into the void door.

A moment later, a white light appeared over a wasteland that was 80,000 miles away from the Magic Zombie City.

The Void Gate opened in white light, and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor flew out of the Void Gate, so tired that he was breathless like a cow, and the power of creation in his body was almost exhausted.

"I am the third master of the realm. How did I cross the void of 80,000 miles? Is this so tired?" The Silver Horned Emperor was also very motivated and wanted to help Ning Xiaochuan open the road, but he really crossed the void and felt it. One of the difficulties.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "The spatial structure in the return market is much more stable than the outside world. Taking your cultivation as an outside world, even if you cross eight million miles, it is easy. But in the return market, you can only cross at most. Eighty thousand miles away. Let me take everyone on the road! "

With a little finger, Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the heavens and earth to open a door of space in front of him and walked in first.

Led by Ning Xiaochuan, they can cross a distance of five million miles at a time. After more than two dozen space jumps, he finally got closer and closer to Wanlong Yaoshen Ding.

"Master, Wanlong Yaoshen Ding is in a huge city. That city is not smaller than the demon city. There are a lot of monks in the city." Qingji said.

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Is there a **** in the city?"

"Yes!" Qing Ji said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It seems to be a stronghold established by a certain evil department, why is the ugly mother-in-law in the stronghold location?"

While Ning Xiaochuan was still in doubt, a group of evil monks flew into the sky, and there were more than a hundred evil men, each of whom stepped on a flying corpse.


On the ground, a large cloud of smoke was rolled up. Hundreds of corpses screamed in the dust, turned out to be hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers.

These dead bodies have been buried underground for thousands of years. The evil men used evil methods to summon them from the ground.

Some corpses have decayed into bones, some corpses are riding war beasts, and two corpses that emit golden light are carrying a sedan chair.

The bodies of the two golden corpses radiate unusually powerful divine power, and two huge golden divine rings appear behind them, just like two gods.

The Golden Horned Demon Emperor and the Silver Horned Demon Emperor were originally from Xiu Xiu, but in front of the two dead Jinguang corpses, they kept backing, their legs were shaking, as if to kneel on the ground.

"Two evil gods battle corpses!" Ning Xiaochuan's heart was startled.

How could there be two evil gods and war corpses carrying the sedan?


Among the group of evil men flying in the sky, one man and one woman rushed out, flew down from the sky, and stood on one side of the sedan chair.

Both of them have transcended the thirteenth level of the realm of creation, and have reached the realm of virtual gods.

The man standing on the left looked about thirty years old, half-white, half-black, pale, and hoarse, saying, "Ning son, my ancestor ordered us to pick you up."

Ning Xiaochuan waryly said, "Who are your ancestors?"

"Go to Heart Demon City, you will know!" The woman standing on the right said coldly.

She looked around twenty years old, she had a beautiful face, her skin was snowy, and she wore a blue robe, giving a cold feeling.

"Fantastic City!"

Ning Xiaochuan said a secretly, then said: "What if I don't want to go to the Demon City?"

The man standing on the right laughed: "We were ordered to invite Ning Gongzi, and we will definitely invite Ning Gongzi to the Demon City. I believe Ning Gongzi will not make us embarrassed?"

Two evil spirits, two evil spirit war corpses, and hundreds of thousands of ghost soldiers, all of the more than one hundred evil spirits flying over the sky are all creatures above the realm.

Obviously, the other party was prepared. If Ning Xiaochuan did not follow them to the Demon City, they could also catch Ning Xiaochuan to the Demon City.

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