Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1088: Scary opponent

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"You stay here first, don't disturb. An old friend of mine is here. If he discovers your existence, your end will be miserable."

The demon figure suddenly appeared, and after telling Ning Xiaochuan, it disappeared immediately.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan can see that the demon that appears in front of himself at this moment is just a mind body of the demon.

This is the heart and soul city here. I am afraid that the spirit and heart can come to Ning Xiaochuan just for a moment. However, in this case, the demon even sent out a mind to see Ning Xiaochuan.

It can be seen that with the power of the demon, it seems that they are thinking about something at the moment.

"Is the old friend in the heart demon's mouth also a god, and this **** is now stronger than the heart demon, so the heart demon is so jealous."

Ning Xiaochuan calculated for a moment, then made a conjecture that surprised him.

The real deities have long disappeared in the world of Da Yan, and Ning Xiaochuan has not seen the real deities until now. Of course, the demon is barely one, but the strength of the demon has not been restored, and the current demon is more powerful than the general sub-god. Only when the demon is completely recovered can he be considered a true deity.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan feels that this time he sees the existence of the demon, it seems that he is a true deity.

"Do I have to find a way to see what this **** is?"

When Ning Xiaochuan's heart was secretly speculative, a sudden trembling sensation appeared in his heart, and then, a huge pressure came down from the sky, and almost directly oppressed him to lie on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan barely supported and did not fall, looking up at the sky with a stunned look on his face.

I saw a figure appearing in the sky at this moment. This figure was shrouded in white light, which made people unclear.

However, the shivering feeling Ning Xiaochuan felt and the huge pressure on his body were undoubtedly released by this white figure.

Moreover, the pressure released by this white figure is obviously not just for Ning Xiaochuan, but for the entire Demon City.

The great city of demons and spirits, almost all the evil spirits living in it, were all forced to lie on the ground by this pressure at the moment, even the spiritual music and dry halberds that were cultivated to reach the virtual gods are the same.

At this moment the two looked up in horror and looked at the figure above their heads, apparently they did not know the origin of the figure.

"Well, demon, there is a very good successor in your descendants!" The white figure descended from the sky and had not yet landed in Demon City, and then suddenly exclaimed.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that Bai Ying's gaze was on his own body.

A kind of powerful pressure that was a thousand times more terrible than before, directly pressed Ning Xiaochuan. This stress does not come from the body, but from the bottom of the heart.

For a moment, Ning Xiaochuan felt as if he had become a solitary reef standing in the seawater. The pressure from this white shadow body seemed to be endless water, surging towards him with surging pressure.

"Stick! Hold me."

Almost instantly, Ning Xiaochuan was a little confused by this powerful consciousness. However, at this time, the magical power of his seven-knock **** suddenly burst out, protecting Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Otherwise, the impact just now can immediately break Ning Xiaochuan's mind and become the slave of the white shadow above him.

"This man is too spicy!" Staring at the light and shadow above his head, Ning Xiaochuan showed a bit of anger.

Even if the other party was a true god-level master, Ning Xiaochuan could not help but be hostile to him at this moment.


Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan resisted the impact of his own mind, the white shadow mouth above his head suddenly exclaimed, and couldn't help but wanted to come closer and looked at Ning Xiaochuan carefully.

However, at this moment, the voice of the demon appeared vigorously.

"Strange Bai Ya, you are here to be a guest. It's better to be polite. Otherwise, don't blame me for sweeping you out."

The demon's voice was cold now, and seemed to be very angry.

Hearing the voice of the demon, the white shadow above his head stopped and glanced at Ning Xiaochuan curiously before turning around and flying to the place where the demon was.

When the white shadow, which was called the Baiya old monster by the demon, disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan's forehead burst into cold sweat.

The formidable enemy Ning Xiaochuan had encountered enough, but it seemed like he was in front of him, so that he had almost no fighting back, but Ning Xiaochuan encountered it for the first time.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan was equipped with the Seven Magical Demon Heart, otherwise, I am afraid that even the first wave of the mind of the Baiya old monster cannot be blocked, and he will immediately become the slave of Baiya old monster.

"I'm a flayer now. This Bai Ya old man even shot at me without hesitation. It seems that his relationship with flayer doesn't seem to be very good."

Taking a deep breath, Ning Xiaochuan secretly figured it out.

Today, he knows too little about the dark world under the return market. Before, Ning Xiaochuan never thought that there would be so many evil gods under the return market.

So far, there are already several deities known to Ning Xiaochuan. The common feature of these deities is that they are all in the **** below Guihui.

If all the gods in **** have left Hell and entered the world of Da Yan, with their strength, I am afraid they are enough to compete with the masters of the Shenhe civilization.

The time passed again for a full two days before Ning Xiaochuan felt the strange departure of Baiya.

It seems that Bai Yaguai came to Heart Demon City this time to show his strength, so he released the powerful coercion almost every time. These evil spirits living in Heart Demon City can live in these two days. The pain is usually difficult to walk.

As soon as Bai Ya's ancestors left, the figure of the demon appeared immediately in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Ning Xiaochuan, now we will go and hunt your old enemy."

At this moment, the devil's complexion was very clear. It was obviously that this meeting with the Baiya old monster didn't take any advantage.

"My old enemies fought against Emperor Zijin before, and now they are all gone, I'm afraid it's quite difficult to find her." Ning Xiaochuan stared at the demon and kept shaking his head.

If the fighting between sub-gods is equivalent, I am afraid that it will continue forever.

However, Ning Xiaochuan knew that the goal of Yantai Blood Shen was himself, not the Emperor Zijin, so the two should not fight for too long. Even if there is no winner, I am afraid the two have stopped fighting at this moment.

And if Ning Xiaochuan wants to attract the blood sinkers of Yantai, it is actually very simple, as long as he uses the magic sword to let the magic sword release the breath of extinction.

But in front of the demon, Ning Xiaochuan did not want to expose the magic sword.

In addition, he also wanted to use the opportunity to find the blood sinking of Yantai, delay time in front of the demon.

"I have no patience to wait any longer, even if it is difficult to find her, I will take you to find it. Since you are old enemies, as long as you show up, she will definitely appear immediately." Irritated look.

At any time in the past, the spirit demon was deep-witted, and the emotions and emotions of his appearance were almost never his heart.

But at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan can see that the irritability in the demon is really real at this moment.

"I don't know what the white cliff old man came over to talk to the demon. It turned out that the demon became so impatient, but this is exactly the right way. With the state of the demon at the moment, he can't exert his full strength.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the demon and murmured in his heart.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan nodded to the demon: "Okay, then we set out to find the ring sinkers. We can even arrange a trap nearby to attract the ring sinkers."

Ning Xiaochuan knew, however, that the demon couldn't go to Dayan world at this moment. If he really came to Dayan world, he would be greatly suppressed.

However, what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that as soon as his words fell, the demon hummed coldly: "There is no need, I will take you to the world of Da Yan immediately."

With a wave of the spirit demon's arm, a gray breath enveloped him and Ning Xiaochuan, and then the gray breath disappeared in the spirit demon city.

By the time Ning Xiaochuan and the Demon appeared from this grey breath, the two had already reached the periphery of Guihui.

"How is that possible? How could you be able to come to the periphery of Guihui so easily? You are not affected by the seal?" Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help but startled at the demon in front of him.

At this moment, the flayer apparently didn't want to do more entanglement on this issue, and snorted coldly: "The old man has already escaped the seal long ago, so naturally he is no longer affected by the seal."

Seems to be to verify his words, the spirit demon figure flew up again, and rushed out of Guihui with Ning Xiaochuan, and officially entered the world of Da Yan.

Ning Xiaochuan followed the demon obediently at this moment, but his eyes had already taken on a bit of strange light.

From the action of the demon at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan has guessed a terrible idea.

That is, I am afraid that the access restrictions before Guihui and Dayan World have weakened to the extreme at this moment. Those powerful gods in **** are afraid that they will soon be able to enter Dayan World.

Now occupying ninety-nine percent of the Dayan world, but the master of the Shenhe civilization.

If the powerful masters in **** rush out of hell, I am afraid that these masters of the Shenhe civilization are the first to face.

"This is a god-level battle." Ning Xiaochuan seemed to see the scene of countless powerful figures fighting each other in the world of Da Yan.

The war between the gods is much more cruel than the war against the gods.

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