Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1095: Enter the city

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The spirit of demons represents extreme evil and tyranny.

Only in a place like **** can such a breath be born.

If Ning Xiaochuan didn't happen to be in hell, I'm afraid he would have no way of comprehending the essence of the demons.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan beheaded and killed dozens of evil men, and immediately had a new understanding of the demons and demons.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan thought that the spirit of the demon refers to this strange atmosphere unique to hell, which is a unique energy. But at this moment, after fighting with these evil men, Ning Xiaochuan discovered that the spirit of the demons condensed by the demons of the world was far more than just an energy.

"The spirit of the demons condensed from the demise of the world seems to be the source of some evil. For these evil evil men, they are born with a suppressive function."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around, thinking secretly.

The Nie Xiaochuan was realized by chance by coincidence, and now he wants to cultivate this move to the realm of Dacheng, so he needs more understanding.

"It seems that I no longer need to stay in Alchemy Mountain. A place like Alchemy Mountain can only be regarded as a remote corner for hell. Only when I reach the cities in **** can I be considered to be a real hell."

After pondering for a while, Ning Xiaochuan left the Alchemy Mountain directly.

He is going to the nearest city.

The city in **** is not only the most prosperous place in hell, but also the place where the masters in **** gather. The whole hell, almost ninety-nine percent of the masters and cultivation resources, are concentrated in the city.

Ning Xiaochuan went to the nearby cities at this moment, and he wanted to find a way to save items such as **** shells in **** from these cities. If he had a **** shell, Ning Xiaochuan's practice speed would be much faster than now.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan needs to go to the city of **** to find a way to leave hell.

In a place like hell, Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to stay here for a lifetime.

After leaving the Alchemy Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan immediately chose a direction and flew over there.

He had previously absorbed the memory of the Skeleton Dragon, and he was no stranger to the location of the nearby city.

The existence of the lowest level of hell, such as the skull dragon, has a daily dream to enter the **** city to live.

However, if you want to enter the city, you must have at least the cultivation of Wangujing, and a low-level evil man such as Skeleton Dragon can hardly break through to Wangujing in a place with such a bad training environment.

After flying for two days in the dark, Ning Xiaochuan immediately appeared a magnificent city.

The reason why it is magnificent is that this **** city is exuded with cold and solitary white awns, and the whole city looks like a pile of phosphorous fire scattered from countless bones.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the city, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

But then he got excited, but this dim light kept on the city, which shows that **** has a way to keep the spiritual power from being swallowed by the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan flew to the city, paused slightly, and then flew towards the entrance to the city.

The entrance to the huge city looks like the mouth of an ancient beast. Ning Xiaochuan looked around in amazement before walking slowly to the entrance.

Just as he was about to enter the city, two bone spears snapped in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"Stop, do you qualify for the city?"

Ning Xiaochuan looked up and saw that at this moment two guards, who had been trained forever, were holding a spear in front of them.

Even the ordinary guards are masters of Wangujing, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help but admire it, and then shook his head with a grin: "No, but my cultivation has arrived in Wangujing. This time I came to get the certificate of admission. "

Ning Xiaochuan also understands the rules for entering the city. As long as the repair is to reach the ancient realm, then you can get the voucher from the city entrance, and you can enter and exit the city freely from then on.

"Cultivate to reach the eternal realm!"

In front of the two guards, Ning Xiaochuan glanced up and down several times, and one of them suddenly assassinated Ning Xiaochuan with a bone spear: "Let me test your strength."

Before the bone spear stabbed in front of him, Ning Xiaochuan shot directly, pinching the spear's tip in his own hand.

The two guards were the highest repairers in the world, but they were certainly vulnerable in the presence of Ning Xiaochuan.

"I even pinched my bone spear with my hand. This strength is much better than the average master of Wangujing."

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan, at the moment, the eyes of the two guards also had a strange look.

The rule in **** is respect for strength. As long as you have strength, you can do whatever you want.

Although the two of them were guards of the city, if Ning Xiaochuan killed them, no one would avenge them.

"What's your name? I want to report to you."

The two guards glanced at each other and put away the bone spear in their hands. They were polite to Ning Xiaochuan and didn't know how many times.

"Skull Dragon." Ning Xiaochuan casually said a name.

The two guards nodded and said, "Lord, wait a minute, you still need a little time to get the voucher for admission."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't mind this time, so he stood aside and waited silently.

As he waited, a large group of people appeared in front of them. These people stepped out of the city, one by one, looking horrified, as if some big bad luck was about to happen to them.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at these people, and suddenly found that most of them were very young, and their cultivation was not high.

Such a group of people, if they leave the blessing of the city, and enter into the harsh environment of hell, I am afraid they cannot adapt at all.

Sure enough, as Ning Xiaochuan expected, a short young man among these people had just stepped out of the city, and the alluring power of the moment in **** eroded him.

The young man's eyes flashed red, and then he turned madly towards those behind him and killed them.

"Ah, I want to kill ... kill everyone."

A stern roar came from the young man's mouth.

However, before he rushed to the young people, an old man who had always stood by these young people suddenly shot.

The old man's cultivation was of a level of good fortune, and the mad young man was turned into a meat sauce when he shot it, and then all the flesh and blood was collected in a big slap bottle.

"Come on, you are already eighteen years old this year, but you have n’t even reached the nine levels of real life. You can only go outside to survive on your own, and leave for me right away. If you do n’t go, you will be directly refined into meat.

The old man collected the flesh and blood from the ground with a bottle, and then yelled at the remaining young people.

Driven by this old man, these young people were frightened, but they gritted their teeth and walked out of the city.

Immediately, a few of these young people went mad and were beaten into flesh.

Most of the young people who resisted the charm of **** had a few surprises on their faces at the moment, and then, like toddlers, supported each other step by step toward the distant darkness.

The evil men in **** were originally born in the city.

However, once they turned eighteen, these evil men had to leave the city and go to other places in **** to survive.

Unless you attain the ninth level of real life before you are eighteen years old, all evil people will experience the experience of being driven out of the city.

Ning Xiaochuan is no stranger to this, because the skeleton dragons and others he encountered before have all gone through this process.

Although I had known about this for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help but be surprised at this moment.

This survival rule in **** is a bit too cold-blooded and a little cruel.

However, due to the terrible environment of hell, if these evil people in **** do not adopt this cruel rule, they will not be able to inherit it from generation to generation.

"Master Skull Dragon, I have reported your situation. Now the leader will see you in person. If you are strong enough, you can even become the soldier of the leader."

After the young people who were driven out of the city disappeared, Ning Xiaochuan heard the voices of the two guards immediately.

Command is just the most basic general in hell. Above the command, there are commanders of the generals and generals.

For example, Han Jin, who was killed by Ning Xiaochuan, was a general commander.

"No problem, take me to see the leader."

Ning Xiaochuan nodded, and followed a soldier into the city.

All the information about Ning Xiaochuan's mind about **** was learned from the memories of Han Jin and Skeleton Dragon.

Although Han Jin's repairs are good, as a general commander, he knows a lot about the information in the city. However, this is not the young emperor's department where Han Jin lives, so the information that Han Jin knows is not applicable here.

As for the Skeleton Dragon, due to his cultivation, he is not qualified to know the information in the city.

Therefore, after Ning Xiaochuan entered the city, he urgently needed to find someone who has a certain status and knows the information of this city.

At present, this leader who actively finds Ning Xiaochuan is undoubtedly the best target.

After entering the city, Ning Xiaochuan immediately discovered that the strange feeling that lingered on himself at this moment completely disappeared at this moment.

"It seems that the weird power in **** has been completely blocked here. It is no wonder that these evil men dream of entering the city to cultivate, and it is indeed much better than the outside environment to cultivate in such a place.

Ning Xiaochuan secretly calculated a few words, and then followed the soldier and entered a place in the city.

There are only some simple buildings here, which can be regarded as a barracks.

"Leader, the person you want is here." With the briefing of the guard, dozens of figures rushed out of these simple barracks around.

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