Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1097: Bones

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As soon as the fortune-teller appeared, he immediately locked Ning Xiaochuan, which made Ning Xiaochuan very depressed.

Originally Ning Xiaochuan thought he could hide everything in his disguise, but now it seems that even the existence of a good fortune cannot be concealed.


Neither Xiaochuan shot ahead of the shot of the fortune-teller.

He wanted to capture the city master and figure out how he found himself.

This is hell. If Ning Xiaochuan's method of disguising his identity fails, his situation will immediately become extremely bad.

"There are enemies ..."

After discovering Ning Xiaochuan's anomaly, the fortune-maker of the realm had only had two words to say, without even completing a complete sentence, and he was pinched by the neck.

His cultivation is only twofold in creating a realm. In the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, he was completely vulnerable.

Seizing the city lord, Ning Xiaochuan immediately began to use the power of the Seven Tricks and Demon Heart to control the city lord.

His cultivation is only a dual nature, and Ning Xiaochuan is still very likely to control it.

What surprised Ning Xiaochuan, however, was that his Qiqiao Shenmoxin had just been injected into the main body of the Fortune City, and a peculiar force suddenly emerged from the main body of the city, resisting the power of Qiqiao Shenmoxin.

Moreover, this peculiar power was directly infused into this city master, so that this city master's cultivation seems to have soared in countless realms, and even directly controlled Ning Xiaochuan.

"You are a spy from the tribe, and you want to get rid of Yan Que in the city, you just don't know the heights and heights of the land." The landlord of Ning Xiaochuan broke away from the control of Ning Xiaochuan and stopped to a few feet in front of Ning Xiaochuan Yin Yin stared at Ning Xiaochuan and threatened.

His name is Yan Que, which is exactly in accordance with the style of Yan Quan tribe evil name.

An explosive force was uploaded from Yan Que at this moment, which swelled his self-confidence to the extreme.

However, anyone can feel that this power is not Yan Kuan's own, but the power he borrowed from other places.

Looking up at the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Que, Quan He and other evil men who have only been repaired by Wangu Realm have been frightened and frightened, hiding one by one and dare not show up. The same is true of the general commander.

The two powerful creatures are enough to sweep the city, not to mention that at the moment Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Que are obviously not the common good creatures.

"You can borrow the power of this city."

Ning Xiaochuan quickly discovered the clue. At this moment, Yan Kui's power seemed to be connected with the entire city. The strange power that had previously resisted the magical heart of Ning Xiaochuan's Qiqiao God was released from this city.

Ning Xiaochuan was quite surprised that a city could have such a strange power.

"In the end, you are the spy of that tribe. You don't even know that the owner of each city can borrow the power of the skeletal beast. Is it because you are not a life in **** at all?"

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Yan Que's face appeared suspicious.

Originally, he just thought that Ning Xiaochuan was a gap between other tribes who came to Yanquan. But now, he began to doubt the true identity of Ning Xiaochuan.

If it is life in hell, it is impossible not to know the special characteristics of the city in hell.

In fact, every city in **** is actually built with the bones of a **** aboriginal creature called a beast. Because the beast is born to resist the unique absorption power of hell, it uses the bones The created city can protect the people in the city from the atmosphere of hell.

Moreover, in addition to this unique role, the owners of each city can refine these bones, and if necessary, can extract the strength of the beasts from these bones.

This is now the case with Yan Que. The power of all the beasts that make up this city is concentrated on him, so he looks very powerful.

Ning Xiaochuan did not respond to Yan Que's question, but rushed towards him directly.

No matter how powerful Yan Que was, Ning Xiaochuan had to fight.

What's more, at this moment, his strength is only seemingly powerful. Borrowing the power of the skeleton, Yan Que's breath has indeed climbed to the peak of the realm of creation. Suddenly possessing the strength of the top of the realm of creation, he could not fully exert it.

"You're looking for death."

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan rushed towards himself without knowing a life or death, a roar uttered in Yan Gap.

With his roar, the entire city around him seemed to creak.

At this moment, Yan Que is the city, and the city is Yan Que, so Yan Que has some action, and the city also responds accordingly.


Yan Kui made a punch at Ning Xiaochuan, and the punch was powerful enough to make a six-level master of ordinary fortune into a mud.

However, Ning Xiaochuan is much stronger than the six strong players in the natural environment.

The power of Ning Xiaochuan's extinct demonic spirit spewed out, resisting Yan Que's fist.

In order not to divulge his identity, Ning Xiaochuan did not use other tricks, but used the power of the annihilating demons to deal with Yan Que.

But now the spirit of the demon accumulated in Ning Xiaochuan is not very powerful, but the characteristic of restraining the demon contained in the extermination demon road makes Ning Xiaochuan easily block Yan Que.

Yan Que was quite surprised by Ning Xiaochuan's strength. She glanced at Ning Xiaochuan with a dreadful glance, and Yan Quan's expression suddenly became a bit cold.


A word came out of Yan Quan's mouth.

Suddenly, the half of the city under his feet shook suddenly. Countless cold-sounding bone mules pierced from the ground, piercing all the evil men in this half of the city.

Before the surviving evil men escape, these bone mules squeeze each other like a grinding disc.

Half of the villains in the city are now turned into flesh.

The meat sludge stained the bone mules and was immediately absorbed by the bone mules.

Half of the city's bones flew into the air, and then gathered around Yan Que, and buried Yan Que's figure.

Soon, a giant beast with bones appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

This giant beast is made up entirely of cold bones and cripples.

"This is a puppet made up of bones of a beast. Anyone caught by the puppet will be drained of power and flesh." Yan Kui's voice came from the mouth of the skull beast.

Immediately after that, the skull giant appeared next to Ning Xiaochuan.

"So fast."

Ning Xiaochuan was too late to respond, and was surrounded by numerous bone mules on the skull monster.

Immediately, a strong suction covered Ning Xiaochuan's whole body. What surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that this suction wanted to absorb the power of the demon that Ning Xiaochuan had hardly survived.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally will not let the power of the demon in his body be absorbed, driven by the magic pills in his body, and a similar suction will be transmitted from Ning Xiaochuan. He will, in turn, absorb the strength of this skeleton monster.

A steady stream of demonic power was uploaded from this skeletal beast, and was finally absorbed into the body by Ning Xiaochuan.

After Ning Xiaochuan used the way of extinct demons, the suction of demons' power was much stronger than that of the skeleton monster.

"This is impossible……"

Yan Que's voice came from the skeleton beast, and his voice was full of terror.

Skeletons have a special status in hell, and skeletons are used to restrain all evil people, but now, Ning Xiaochuan turned them back and restrained them.

This situation made Yan Que extremely panic. He had never encountered such a situation.

Feeling the constant loss of power on his body, Yan Que's roaring sound appeared again.

"Blast it for me, and it all turns into my strength."

With Yan Que's roar, the remaining half of the city exploded at this moment, and all the evil people and their bodies burst into blood mist.

You must know that these evil people who survive now are all masters, especially those evil people who are concentrated in front of the city's main government.

Such a group of people burst into blood mist and was absorbed by the bones, which made Yan Que have almost the power of a sub-god.


Ning Xiaochuan's figure was forced out of the skeleton monster by Yan Kui.

Standing remotely in the air, at the moment Ning Xiaochuan's face was not flustered, but with a bit of surprise: "These bones contain pure demon gas. It turns out that there are really items storing demon gas in Hell. "

Just now Ning Xiaochuan was wrapped in the skeleton monster, but he just absorbed the demonic spirit of the skeleton monster, and Ning Xiaochuan felt that there was a huge progress in the demons and demons in his body.

This situation made Ning Xiaochuan smile.

He didn't even expect that the evil spirits that he had been worrying about were now contained in these bone mules.

Staring at the skeletal monster in front of her eyes, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes had even been a little greedy.

With the spirit of the demon in front of this skeletal beast, Ning Xiaochuan can definitely cultivate the demons and demons to the end.

"Magic pill, **** me."

There is still a long way to go before the skeleton beast, Ning Xiaochuan has controlled the demon pill to start to absorb the evil spirit from above.

The spirit of the demon contained in this skeletal monster is too strong, so Ning Xiaochuan absorbed it at a rapid speed at the moment, and even formed a huge suction between him and the skeletal monster.

"You are a beast, this is impossible."

The frightened voice of Yan Kui came from the skeleton beast, and then, he didn't even have the courage to continue fighting with Ning Xiaochuan, and the skeleton beast had to escape.

Of course Ning Xiaochuan couldn't let go of the big meal in front of him, and after a flash of his figure, he chased in the direction of Yan Que.

After the disappearance of the two figures, the place where the original city was located has now recovered to a darkness and has become a common place in hell.

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