Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1102: Streamer

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Yan Quan's ancestor's title in **** is Yan Quan demon.

At this moment, this light and shadow is a consciousness of Yan Quan's demon. Although it is only a conscious body, part of the consciousness of the gods is still powerful.

Just pressing the palm of his hand on Yan Xue's head, Yan Xue's memory was continuously absorbed by Yan Quan's demon's consciousness.

This method is much smarter than Ning Xiaochuan's method of detecting people's memory.

You know, Yan Xue is a sub-god. Searching the memory of the sub-god, Ning Xiaochuan can't do it now.

Of course, if Ning Xiaochuan's realm breaks through to the sub-god realm, relying on the power of the Seven Magic Gods, he can certainly achieve this.

After feeling the memory in Yan Xue's mind, Yan Quan's demon's conscious body took a few steps back immediately, and seemed to be mourning.

Yan Wushuang and Yan Xue naturally carefully watched this part of the consciousness separated by the ancestors.

For them, the ancestor's consciousness woke up ahead of time, which is absolutely great news.

Under the gaze of Yan Xue and Yan Wushuang, this light and shadow suddenly waved their hands and pinched a weird curse.

As he moved, the bone mountain under his feet suddenly shook.

Yan Quancheng's people didn't know what was going on at all. When they saw this bone mountain shaking, many evil people suddenly screamed.

Even those sub-gods who were already busy in Skeleton Mountain rushed out of Skeleton Mountain one by one at this moment, and wanted to see what was happening to the ground.

"Don't panic, everyone. The ancestors have woke up. This is the ancestors casting spells."

Just when these evil men were terrified, Yan Wushuang's voice came out from the bone mountain and passed into every evil man's ear.

After hearing the news of the ancestors waking up, these wicked evil men were shocked for a moment, and then they sent out a loud cheering sound.

In the hearts of these evil men, waking up the ancestors meant that they could leave the ghost place of hell.

In the cheers of countless evil people, this bone mountain seems to have a constant wriggling of life.

This layer of bones on the outermost edge of Skeleton Mountain suddenly began to burst one by one. The bones on the entire surface of Skeleton Mountain turned into a layer of broken bones.

And at the moment, at the top of this bone mountain, in the cave where Yan Wushuang is located.

Yan Quan's body of consciousness was overflowing at the moment, and finally these streams of light condensed to form a bone-like substance.

And these bone jade materials have condensed into a new body.


Watching this whole body figure made of bone jade appeared in front of himself, Yan Wushuang couldn't help but screamed again.

What appeared to him now was already a clone of the ancestors of Yan Quanbei, and there was still a physical clone, not an illusionary clone.

"You continue to accumulate energy and strive to wake up my body as soon as possible. I'll go out."

After the bone jade body was condensed, the ancestor of the Yan Quan ancestor left a sentence lightly, and then disappeared directly in front of Yan Wushuang and Yan Xue.

Looking at the disappearance of the ancestor's avatar, Yan Wushuang's face showed a bit of helplessness.

He had already seen it. The ancestor's avatar this time was at best only a god-level strength, and might not even be as good as his own.

This kind of strength is still too dangerous in hell.

If Yan Quan's ancestors had lost this part of consciousness, it would certainly have caused great damage to Yan Quan's ancestors.

Now Yan Wushuang can only hope in his heart that this time the ancestors would not encounter any danger when going out as a lone.

"What exactly is the young man in the Qingdi Department, so that the ancestors did not hesitate to separate from the danger to find him?"

Yan Wushuang sighed and frowned.

Of course, he watched it for a long time. The ancestors must go out this time for the weird boy of the Qing Emperor Department in Yan Xuekou, but Yan Wushuang couldn't figure out what happened to the guy in the Qing Emperor Department.

Click! Click!

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the top of the skeletal beast, watching the skeletal beast with his mouth wide open, swallowing the thing in front of him, and chewing in his mouth.

For the appetite of this monster under the butt, Ning Xiaochuan was completely convinced at any time.

Along the way, this guy just eats everything. Ning Xiaochuan is now even worried that this guy will suddenly turn around and eat himself.

With such worries in mind, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation naturally cannot continue.

What's more, at this moment he is stuck at the bottleneck. If there is no other chance, he will not be able to realize the new way of extinction.

"If I can regain this guy, then I would be considered to have the sub-level strength temporarily." Ning Xiaochuan stood on the head of the skeletal animal, and once again got the idea of ​​the skeletal animal.

The power of Qiqiao Shenmo's heart couldn't control the skeletal beast at all, and Ning Xiaochuan tried to absorb it again by using Xuanshoujian.

But what made Ning Xiaochuan speechless was that the monster's body didn't know what the stuff was, even if it was cut in half, there was no drop of blood.

Without flesh and blood, you can only refine it with Yang Xin Ding.

After Ning Xiaochuan walked around this monster, he finally gave up the idea decisively.

Not to mention whether there will be any accidents when Yang Xinding is called out in a place like hell. Based on the strength of this monster's body, Ning Xiaochuan has no confidence to bring it into Yang Xinding.

After thinking about so many ways in succession, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help this skeleton. At this point, he was totally disheartened to recover the skeleton.

Although this result disappointed Ning Xiaochuan, he quickly adjusted his mood.

After returning to the top of the skeletal body and practicing for two days, Ning Xiaochuan decided to separate from the skeletal body.

Now enough evil spirits have accumulated in his body, even if he follows this skeleton, there will be no breakthrough.

And the point is that the beast is not under the control of Ning Xiaochuan, and now even Ning Xiaochuan himself does not know where he was taken by this skeleton.

Jumping from the top of the skeleton, Ning Xiaochuan turned back and patted the body of the skeleton.

"Big guy, goodbye."

Although he knew that the skeletal beast did not have his own wisdom, Ning Xiaochuan waved at him and told him individually.

After spending so many days with this silly big guy, Ning Xiaochuan was born with a little affection for him.

Skeletons do not have their own wisdom, so they cannot appreciate Ning Xiaochuan's mood at this moment.

Shaking his tail, the skeletal beast left distantly.

With the vastness of hell, Ning Xiaochuan is unlikely to see this skeleton again in the future.

The beast disappeared, and Ning Xiaochuan rose into the air and flew away.

He was going to find a city again and enter it.

In a place like Hell, if you do n’t enter the city, you wo n’t be able to relax even if you practice, unless Ning Xiaochuan can get more bones.

Although Ning Xiaochuan also knows that he is likely to reveal his identity when he enters the city, but with the experience of entering the city last time, Ning Xiaochuan believes that he can still hide his identity by being careful.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was obviously out of luck this time. After flying for several days in the dark, he did not even encounter a city.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan could only hold back his temper, and continued to search in hell.

"Well, what's that?"

On this day, Ning Xiaochuan was still on his way, but suddenly he saw a stream of light flashing from his head.

In an environment like hell, no streamer can appear at all.

At least Ning Xiaochuan spent so many days in hell, and now this is the first time I have seen something like streamer.

So after seeing this streamer, he became curious immediately.

Along the place where the streamer appeared, Ning Xiaochuan searched all the way.

The streamer descended from the sky, and Ning Xiaochuan could only roughly determine where the streamer might fall.

"If there is no accident, it should be in this area." Ning Xiaochuan's figure slowed down after rushing forward thousands of miles in succession.

The location of the streamer he estimated was in the area where he is now.

It's no different from other places in Hell, it's still dark, and there are occasional bare hills.

After Ning Xiaochuan appeared here, he searched along these hills.

Just looking over a mountain, Ning Xiaochuan looked strange.

At the moment, on the other side of Ning Xiaochuan's hill, at least dozens of emaciated villains were surrounded by a slender woman with long blue hair, but her face was extremely beautiful.

Although this woman is also an evil person, the blood on her body is very powerful, and her cultivation has reached the dual level of the good fortune.

Such a woman should be quite good in hell.

But now, she was unconscious, fell to the ground, and her white thighs were barely aware.

And the evil men surrounding this woman, although jealous of the woman's high-level cultivation, but they even more coveted the beauty of this woman.

Most of these evil people's cultivation is just real life. Maybe in this life they are not qualified to enter the city, and of course they are not qualified to reproduce.

Therefore, this opportunity may be the only opportunity in their life to meet women.

"Boss, this is a beautiful woman, and the blood on her body is so powerful. If she is eaten, our cultivation may be able to break through the eternal realm."

At this moment, all these evil men in the group are almost greedy. Looking at the woman in the middle, they did not feel the arrival of Ning Xiaochuan at all.

Ning Xiaochuan stood not far away, and his gaze continued to glance at the woman.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan sighed, and the figure flashed next to the woman.

He reached out and hugged it, and Ning Xiaochuan waved it with a hand, a spirit of demons beat out, and immediately smashed all the evil men around him.

The qi and blood on these evil men are almost absorbed, so after the body is broken, there is not much flesh and blood.

Looking down at the flirtatious woman in her arms, Ning Xiaochuan smiled bitterly again.

Now he can understand what happened to the streamer just now.

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