Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1106: Source Master

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The more the place where the power of destruction is strong, the faster the practice of extinction.

Ning Xiaochuan also felt this long ago. When the gates of humans and gods were not opened, and the world was peaceful, it would be harder for Ning Xiaochuan to understand one of the three thousand ways to destroy the world.

But then, the gate of man and **** was opened, and the world of Da Yan was in chaos. The whole world of Da Yan was turned upside down by the masters of the Shenhe civilization. In such a bad situation, Ning Xiaochuan's path of world extinction has been training fast.

After that, Ning Xiaochuan entered a **** environment like hell. Almost as soon as he entered hell, he realized the demons.

Therefore, this great vortex may be a desperate place for others, but for Ning Xiaochuan, it may indeed be a holy place for cultivation.

However, Ning Xiaochuan still has some concerns about this great vortex.

"The invisible swallowing power contained in this great vortex is too powerful. If I enter it, I am afraid I have no confidence to come out of it alive."

Ning Xiaochuan hesitated for a moment before turning to look in the direction where Yan Quan's ancestor was.

Although he was a little enthusiastic about entering the Great Vortex, before he entered, it was best to ask about the situation of the Great Vortex.

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a while, and then asked, "When can I come out of this big whirlpool?"

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's voice fell, Yan Quan's ancestor's voice came over: "I don't know. No one has ever come out of this great vortex."


The answer of Yan Quan's ancestor made Ning Xiaochuan laugh with anger, and he couldn't help but curse.

Feelings The situation you brought me to is a desperate situation. If you know you are going to die, then what are you going to practice? It is better to commit suicide directly here.

"Ning Xiaochuan, others ca n’t come out, but you are different. If you cultivate the World of Destruction, if you do n’t even have the courage to self-destruct, how can your World of Destruction be cultivated to a higher level. Now this great vortex is for you A challenge, if you can enter the vortex and then live out of it, your strength can definitely be strong enough to reverse the status quo of the entire Da Yan world. "

The humming voice of Yan Quan's ancestors came out from the darkness.

At this moment, Yan Quan's ancestor was like a teacher with a severe attitude, and he was admonishing severely at Ning Xiaochuan.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was still jealous of Yan Quan's ancestors, he couldn't help shaking his heart when he heard the words of Yan Quan's ancestors.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was constantly telling himself at this moment that he could not listen to him, Ning Xiaochuan still couldn't help betting on the place where the big whirlpool was.

"Okay, then I'll enter this great vortex."

Just a little hesitation, Ning Xiaochuan directly plunged into the big vortex in front of him.

In the darkness, a strange light flashed in Yan Quan's ancestor's eyes.

"I thought he didn't dare to enter it. I didn't expect that I underestimated him. This Ning Xiaochuan looks weak, but he is soft and soft outside. He has such a strong mentality at this moment. Not weak. "

Nana whispered a few words to her mouth, and Yan Quan's ancestors even shed two tears.

After being sealed in **** for so many years, Yan Quan's ancestors had long been left with resentment and revenge. And now, he seems to have seen the scenes of successful revenge and those people who have not known how many years have died.

Standing next to the big whirlpool and watching the big whirlpool silently for a moment, the ancestor of Yan Quan slowly disappeared.

In the great vortex at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's figure seemed to be wrapped and cut in the middle of countless sharp blades.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's physique was strong enough, so he was not torn into pieces by the tearing forces around him.

"Yan Quan's ancestors are right. Now I urgently need to strengthen my strength. If I follow the previous cultivation method, I don't even know how long it will take me to have the power of the second god."

The volley was floating in a large vortex, but Ning Xiaochuan's mood gradually calmed down.

He chose to jump into the great vortex this time and did lose a risky action. At this moment Ning Xiaochuan himself is not sure if he can get out from here.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not regret jumping in himself.

The appearance of Yan Quan's ancestors has made Ning Xiaochuan feel the urgency of time. The gods in these hells have awakened, which shows that hell's war on the world of Da Yan is about to begin.

If Ning Xiaochuan still can't have the sub-level strength, then he will not be able to intervene in the next war, and can only become a chess piece for others.

Rather than end up like that, Ning Xiaochuan would rather choose to fight here, even if he died here, Ning Xiaochuan was willing.

"Below, go down further."

After a while, Ning Xiaochuan had adapted to the tearing power around him.

Shocked, he immediately allowed himself to continue deep into the vortex.

The closer to the center and below the vortex, the stronger the tearing force on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan is now using this powerful tearing force to persecute himself.

For two consecutive days, Ning Xiaochuan advanced a little bit towards the depth of the vortex.

At this moment he had forgotten everything, and only the things related to cultivation were left in his mind.

Dayan World.

In the court of heaven, countless disciples of the Divine God Palace are practicing.

"It's so cool. Is this the practice of the Shenhe civilization? I just learned a basic practice method from Brother Lu, and my strength broke through so much at once. I already predicted that I would soon break through the ancient realm Now. "

"Brother Zhao from Yuanjie gave me an elixir of Yuanjie. With this elixir, my cultivation is definitely able to climb."

"Come and come, who will discuss with me, I learned this set of martial arts from Brother Ye Ye, and its power is almost infinite."


Throughout the temple, countless disciples of the temple were extremely excited.

These disciples of the God's Palace have indeed gained a lot recently.

After the door of the eighth human **** opened, the masters of the source realm descended. To many people's surprise, these masters of the realm actually stood on the side of the world of Da Yan.

Countless masters of the source world began to settle in the heavenly courts. With the entry of these masters of the source world, the already at stake in the heavenly courts immediately stabilized the situation.

In the following days, these disciples of the Divine Reserve Palace naturally had to contact the Tianjiaomen of Yuanjie.

The source world is a powerful force in the Shenhe civilization, and the Tianjiao coming out of it is naturally not comparable to the genius and arrogance of the Da Yan world.

However, the Tianjiao of these origins are not hesitant. After coming to the heaven, they have allotted their peerless resources and resources.

In a short period of time, the strength of these disciples in the God's Palace were all greatly improved.

In particular, the truly talented disciples of the God's Crown Palace, such as Xue Lingxu, Yue Mingsong, and Ji Fan, and the repair of the Son of God, were even received by the sub-gods of the source world, and personally gave treasures.

Now that it is circulating in the God's Palace, after the outcome of this war, the masters of the source world will even bring the true genius of the God's Palace to the source world.

Entering the Shenhe civilization from the world of Da Yan, this is a great opportunity to step into the sky.

Even the ordinary disciples of the Shencun Palace, after hearing the news, couldn't help but feel agitated, and usually practiced actively and did not know how many times.

"These **** geniuses, it's not that Brother Ning is not here, that's why we bully us like this. If Brother Ning is here, one of them will be beaten."

In a large hall in Tianting, Yue Mingsong and Xue Lingxu walked out of it. Before getting out of the entrance of the hall, Yue Mingsong shouted loudly.

Yue Mingsong's gurgling voice passed into the ears of several others, and immediately made Xue Lingxu laugh a bitterly.

And at the end Ji Fan frowned, and persuaded Yue Mingsong in a low voice.

"Brother Yue, speak carefully and don't annoy Brother Zhao them."

"What about annoyance, isn't it just bullying me to cultivate without him being high? If I cultivate to the realm of virtual gods, I can definitely beat him. You are all the same, are you really convinced by the surname Zhao?" Yue Mingsong still shouted indifferently.

This time, even Ji Fan's face was a bit ugly, and no longer said anything.

In recent days, several of them have been discussing with the Tianjiao who came from Yuanjie.

In fact, if they talk about talents, the talents of some of them may not be much worse than those of Yuanyuan Tianjiao. But anyway, the cultivation of some of them is not as good as those of the heavenly pride of Yuanjie.

Therefore, in recent days' discussions, they naturally won less and lost more.

It would be nice if the source world Tianjiao was polite, but there is a Tianjiao called Zhao Wen in these source world Tianjiao, who is extremely proud. In these days, I don't know how many words they mocked.

In this way, even Yue Mingsong, who has the best temperament, has been suffocated with anger.

"Well, I do n’t know how Brother Ning is doing now, is n’t it just a way of destroying the world? The sub-gods from the source world, after hearing that Brother Ning is a preacher of the way of destroying the world, even ordered the brother Ning to be killed. The order is too **** fucking. "

When Yue Mingsong's words turned, even the source gods scolded.

When Ji Fan's face changed greatly, naturally he immediately reached out and covered Yue Mingsong's mouth.

They were really afraid that Yue Mingsong's big mouth would have no jealousy and say everything.

"No way, even all those who have a relationship with Ning Xiaochuan have now been arrested, waiting for Ning Xiaochuan to return to die. I would rather he never return to heaven."

Glancing at everyone, Xue Ling said indifferently.

Of course, several of them are aware of the recent changes in heaven, but no one can do anything about it. Regarding the results of Ning Xiaochuan's treatment, it was decided by the sub-gods from the source world. Even the Lord of Heaven could not change anything.

After several sighs, Yue Mingsong's group of talents separated.

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