Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1108: Deep in the vortex

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Just after Feng Yuexi finished speaking, Yue Mingsong waved his hands in succession and said, "I do know some of this. The people in your mouth, even the sub-gods of the source world, value them very much, so now they are * by those sub-gods themselves Look after it. "

"Really, this is normal."

Feng Yuexi nodded, then closed her eyes again in the beam of light.

The three Yue Mingsong glanced at these beams of light before quietly leaving from here.

Knowing that there is no way to rescue people at this moment, they can only go back and think about other methods.

Ning Xiaochuan had no idea what happened to Lao Houye and others.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan has been in the great vortex in **** for eight days.

In these eight days, Ning Xiaochuan drilled towards the center and bottom of the vortex almost every time. The closer to the center and bottom of the vortex, the more pressure Ning Xiaochuan received.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan not only had to bear the huge tearing force, but at the same time, he also had to bear the swallowing power of this great vortex.

As outside the Great Vortex, Ning Xiaochuan did not feel any power to devour this Great Vortex as he advanced.

However, if he wanted to take a step back, there would be an extremely powerful force instantly from within the whirlpool, and Ning Xiaochuan, who was pulling at all, could not retreat at all.

If you can't step back, you can only move forward.

Anyway, now Ning Xiaochuan has never thought of going back. In this huge vortex, Ning Xiaochuan has felt that kind of threat that is fatal enough.

The closer to the source of destruction, the faster Ning Xiaochuan's perception of the world's destruction.

In this extremely harsh environment at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's mind almost constantly appeared in the mind of the destruction of the world.

"The world is broken!"

"Dead Void Road!"

"Dark Road!"


In Ning Xiaochuan's mind, there have been more than a dozen kinds of perceptions of extinction.

He deeply imprinted this feeling in his mind, but did not immediately understand the existence of these ways of destruction.

Ning Xiaochuan's ambition is greater than understanding these ways of extinction.

At this moment, he wants to follow these extinctions he has learned, and to understand them.

If Ning Xiaochuan's plan is successful, his strength will grow much faster than simply realizing several ways of extinction.

Probably because the relationship between **** is still here, Ning Xiaochuan's first performance was still related to hell.

"The Origin of Destruction!"

This kind of annihilation, which is closely related to the annihilation of demons, began to be realized by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan's origins of extinction have almost completely borrowed from this great vortex around him at this moment. The root cause of the world he realized was to regard himself as a huge vortex and absorb the power of demons around him.

Of course, this sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan also only roughly realized the prototype of the root cause of the extinction. If he wants to fully understand it, he needs to break through countless difficulties.

In this huge vortex, Ning Xiaochuan began to cultivate in this way.

This seemingly horrifying vortex did not cause much damage to Ning Xiaochuan, which surprised Ning Xiaochuan himself.

"Well! What's going on?"

After continuing to practice in the vortex for more than three days, Ning Xiaochuan's face suddenly showed a stunned look.

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt that the powerful tearing force that had been hanging over him disappeared instantly.

Without that tearing power, Ning Xiaochuan felt much relieved.

But Ning Xiaochuan's heart became more vigilant.

In such a dangerous place, you cannot relax at any time.


In Ning Xiaochuan's ear, a loud roar suddenly came out at this moment. With this voice, Ning Xiaochuan felt an incredible scene that made him feel.

At the moment beside Ning Xiaochuan, countless huge beasts like mountains flew from the depths of the vortex.

The skeletal beasts flew past Ning Xiaochuan, shaking their heads, and they did not seem to feel Ning Xiaochuan at all.

After a long tea time, these skeletons disappeared completely.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan once again felt that powerful tearing force.

"Is this large vortex still intermittent? If those monsters appear, the devouring power of this large vortex will stop."

Ning Xiaochuan stopped practicing and frowned.

This situation is indeed weird, and Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that there would be life in this great vortex.

Actually, it wasn't just Ning Xiaochuan who was confused. In the great hell, he knew that the beasts were people who appeared from the **** vortex.

Ning Xiaochuan stayed in this vortex, and after waiting for a few days, the tearing force shrouded in him finally stopped again.

Countless heads of beasts reappeared, dashing over the vortex.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan grabbed a skeleton beast, and then ran up the vortex along the skeleton beast.

Just a few moments later, Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared outside this large vortex.

"Come out so easily?"

Ning Xiaochuan flew over the Great Vortex, some incredibly sensing the Great Vortex below.

As for the skeletal beasts that came out with him, at this moment he shook his head and plunged into the darkness around him.

Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that the method of leaving this big whirlpool would be so simple. As long as the swallowing power of the whirlpool disappeared, anyone could come out of the whirlpool.

Frightened Ning Xiaochuan at this moment completely ignored the fact that these skeletons would not be as friendly to others as others. If anyone enters the vortex and encounters so many skeletal creatures, I am afraid that he will not wait for him to leave the vortex. They will be swallowed by these skeletons, which is the main reason why no one can leave this great vortex.

"Since the way to leave the vortex is so simple, I don't have any worries. I can go directly to the deepest part of the vortex."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate, and the figure was thrown into this great vortex again.

For Ning Xiaochuan, this great vortex is a holy land for cultivation.

Now that it is determined that this great vortex is not dangerous to himself, Ning Xiaochuan naturally will not leave here easily.

Within the next half month, Ning Xiaochuan had almost grasped the frequency of this large vortex.

Every few days, this large whirlpool pauses, releases countless skeletons, and then erupts again.

Knowing this law, when the vortex erupted, Ning Xiaochuan easily did not move his position. But when the whirlpool stopped and the skeletal beasts began to release, he would suddenly speed up and rush towards the bottom of the whirlpool.

Although he can only move once every few days, Ning Xiaochuan is advancing countless times faster than before.

Originally, Ning Xiaochuan entered the depths of the vortex just to sharpen himself and improve his strength.

But later, Ning Xiaochuan was a little curious about this big vortex, and wanted to go deep into the vortex to see what happened.

Click! Click!

After moving on a few times, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes appeared in a scene that surprised him.

Around this large vortex, countless energies are gathering, and as these energies come together, a living skeleton is born.

The creatures were created out of nothing, and they were still living creatures. Although these skeletons were dumb and did not have their own wisdom, this method was amazing enough.

Ning Xiaochuan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

If all these beasts were only tadpoles, but Ning Xiaochuan had spent a long time with a beast. According to his knowledge of these beasts, although these beasts are not yet complete lives, they are The flesh and blood life has been approached indefinitely.

Even Shennong-level mind-groomers are only pursuing the resurrection of the dead.

But here, life is created out of thin air.

This method is definitely not comparable to Shennong.

"Underneath, there are definitely huge secrets."

Ning Xiaochuan stood beside these constantly-generating beasts, but looked down at them.

When these skeletal beasts were born, they would bring some faint light. It was by virtue of these faint lights that Ning Xiaochuan could see that the bottom of these skeletal beasts was still black and deep.

Obviously, the place where these skeletons appear at this moment is not the bottom of this great vortex.

Could this great vortex be divided into several parts? Would you like to continue your exploration now?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the place like abyss under his feet and groaned.

He didn't think about it for too long, just after a few breaths of effort, Ning Xiaochuan's figure plunged directly into the darkness below.

"Now that you are here, wouldn't it be a loss if you didn't go down and explore it."

Ning Xiaochuan's figure fell directly into the dark abyss below.

That's right!

Just fall.

Because when entering under these newly-born beasts, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to be blocked at once, and even the flying force completely disappeared.

So he fell down so directly.

Whistling wind was constantly heard in the ear, and Ning Xiaochuan's falling speed became faster and faster.

If it were replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that the speed of this fall alone would have torn his body.

Ning Xiaochuan is physically strong and doesn't care about this speed.


Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground.

The violent impact almost knocked Ning Xiaochuan into the gray-headed earthen brain almost instantaneously, and his entire body was deeply embedded below the ground, and a large human figure was printed on the ground here.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan's body was strong enough, so he was not injured. If he was replaced by a strong creature who was not strong enough, he would have fallen on the ground like he had just fallen.

"Where is this?"

Ning Xiaochuan got up from the ground and began to look around.


One more chapter!

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