Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 112: Who takes advantage of whom?

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You can only practice "Tian Di Xuan Qi", and you can no longer use Wu Zun's blood and golden silk purple wooden boxes, which is destined to slow down the cultivation speed of Ning Xiaochuan, and only step by step.

This is also good. In the recent period, Ning Xiaochuan's repair was too fast, looked impetuous, and his internal state was unstable. It is also a good thing to use this time to stabilize the ascension.

Furthermore, relying solely on the magic sword to promote cultivation, it is easy to embark on evil ways, and eventually lose self.

While Ning Xiaochuan was sitting on the stone bed to practice "Xian Qi Xuan Qi", a ghostly figure flew in from outside the door and picked up the cold jade bottle placed on the stone bed at lightning speed.

She opened the bottle cap directly and poured Wu Zun's blood into her mouth.

"Where is the thief, stealing my treasure?"

Ning Xiaochuan woke up, firing a golden light on his brows, hitting the figure.

The body of that figure was covered with a layer of scarlet blood, blocking the golden light for a moment, but still screamed and flew out.

The cold jade bottle pinched in her hands also flew up and spun in the air!

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's body moved, he caught the cold jade bottle in the air and checked it. He felt so distressed immediately that Wu Zun's blood in it was almost half, and there were only forty drops left.

This is nothing short of catastrophic, with heavy losses!

The thief was too dark. She drank seven or eighty drops of Wu Zun's blood in one breath, and she was not afraid of being killed.

Ning Xiaochuan lit the lamp, lying on the ground a beautiful young girl, rolled into a ball, her hands tightly covering her chest, her mouth groaned in pain!

This is the little thief!

Dozens of drops of Wu Zun's blood, do you know the pain now?

Ning Xiaochuan looked carefully and said, "Well! Isn't this Princess Lan Fei?"

Just now, the golden light shot by Ning Xiaochuan's brows just hit Princess Lan Fei's chest.

At this moment, her chest was still bleeding, and she dyed a large dress on her body.

"The ugly old lady is not saying that Princess Lan Fei has been resurrected into a real person, why did she still drink my blood from Wu Zun? Does it mean that Princess Lan Fei is still a half-slave, but just more human?

It is almost impossible to completely resurrect the dead.

Ning Xiaochuan lifted Princess Lan Fei from the ground and put it on the stone bed.

Gradually, she no longer felt so painful, and her chest injury healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. He soon healed completely, leaving no scars.

Princess Lan Fei's figure is beautiful, her skin is delicate and whitening, and the pair of Yufeng on her chest is naturally quite proud. .

This speed of recovery is completely unlike a person.

too fast!

"Princess Lan Fei was first conjoined by an ugly old woman to become a corpse slave, and then sacrificed in the ancient Danding to absorb ancient elixir. What kind of existence has she become now?"

"Who the **** is the ugly old woman? I knew I should go to Jin Peng's Yangxin Hall to see Huo Shi and ask who she is?"

Ning Xiaochuan called in clear water, unbuttoned Princess Lan Fei's robes, and wiped the blood on her chest with a cloth placket.

After wiping off the blood, a large piece of white flowers on Princess Lan Fei's chest was dazzling and beautiful, so that Ning Xiaochuan could not help but look at it.

When his gaze was on Princess Lan Fei's chest, Princess Lan Fei's eyes opened, opposite to Ning Xiaochuan's four eyes.

She froze at first, immediately feeling the coldness of her chest, and found that her clothes were messy and her body was lying on the bed.


Princess Lan Fei quickly wrapped her shirt and hid in the corner of the stone bed, showing a defensive posture. A white mysterious air appeared on the white palm of the palm, condensing into a mysterious sword.

With coldness in her eyes, she gritted her teeth tightly and cursed again: "Ning Xiaochuan, what method did you use to bring this princess here, and what did you do to me?"

It's over!

She forgot what happened previously!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very depressed, and it was clear that the person who suffered the most loss was him, and dozens of drops of Wu Zun's blood were swallowed by her.

It now seemed as if he had taken advantage.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, resisting the urge to princess Princess Lan Fei and put it back in the ding furnace to regenerate into Wu Zun's blood.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, without answering Princess Lan Fei's words, and put the blood-stained cloth in his hand into the water for washing.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan ignoring her, Princess Lan Fei was even more angry, bursting with strong blood in her arm, and slashing towards Ning Xiaochuan's back.


Sword Qi, turned into a white light, showing a half moon shape!

Ning Xiaochuan frowned, slap in the water basin with one palm, the water splashed, turned into water vapor, and condensed dozens of swords.


The entire stone house exploded, and Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Lan Fei flew from the rocks.

Princess Lan Fei still does not let Ning Xiaochuan count, and counts new hatred and old hatred together, especially the one on Huo Mo Shan, which has made her feel humiliated so far.

This time Ning Xiaochuan actually got her to bed again and let her break out completely.

The mysterious sword in the hands of Princess Lan Fei has been broken in the confrontation just now, but her arm is even more terrifying than the mysterious sword. With each arm wave, the mysterious waves induced are even more terrifying than the sword gas.

Ning Xiaochuan collided with her arm for a moment, and suddenly felt a huge force overwhelming the sea, so Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength now had a sense of resistance.

Quickly use the martial arts of "Star Wars", draw circles with both hands, and disperse and resolve the power of Princess Lan Fei's blow. However, the strength of her blow was too strong. Ning Xiaochuan could not give back the strength, but only resolved the strength.

How could it be so strong?

correct! It must be why she swallowed dozens of drops of Wu Zun's blood.

After these Wu Zun blood was absorbed by her, I don't know how far to promote her cultivation?

Princess Lan Fei also felt surprised, and suddenly her power reached another level, she could not control it.

How can strength suddenly become so much?

In the distance, the warriors on the edge of ten martial arts fields saw Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Lan Fei rushing out of the stone house.

The two of them fought and caught the attention of many people.

"Why did Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Lan Fei rush out of the stone house? The two of them seemed to have a life-and-death feud, and they fought too fiercely."

"Look, Princess Lan Fei's clothes are messy and damaged in many places. She was forcibly wrapped by her hands, and she didn't know where she went."

This is a matter of testing the imagination of many people. Many people have imaginations in their minds, and many vivid and fragrant pictures emerge.

A genius girl said: "No! Ning Xiaochuan is called the world's first love lover. For the sake of Yu Ningsheng, but the marriage with the Lord Sissi County has been rejected, how can it be to Princess Li Lanfei?

"The world's first love idiot won't mess with a woman? I definitely don't believe it. Unless it is the world's first eunuch, it's possible to really defend itself."

The battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Lan Fei was fierce, flying sand and stones, rolling up the yellow sand.

The teachers of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace also noticed them.

In the shade not far away, there were two old men standing, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Lan Fei in the confrontation.

Jun Weisheng has a three-foot-long white beard, his face is wrinkled, and he is 120 years old. He sighs: "All are geniuses with great physical strength. Ning Xiaochuan should use Jiangehou The unique skills of the government can dissolve Princess Lan Fei's power invisible every time, so as to consume Princess Lan Fei's physical energy. "

Yan Benjue is also over a hundred years old, but looks like a middle-aged man in his forties, with dark hair and thick eyebrows, saying: "The old man thought that the talent of the famous sheep was the highest in this year, but he did not expect to return There is a wizard like Princess Lan Fei. Princess Lan Fei's physical strength alone is not much weaker than famous sheep. "

Jun Weisheng shook his head and said, "Princess Lan Fei's realm is still too weak to be an opponent of famous sheep. The most kendo of famous sheep is that there are almost no rivals in the same realm. Among the younger generation of warriors, they can take over Not many people live with him. "

Yan Ben absolutely said: "I think Princess Lan Fei is more malleable and challenges the strength of famous sheep."

Jun Weisheng did not refute this time, saying: "This session did have several amazing geniuses. In normal times, only one was estimated for each session, but there were several in this session. The most Kendo monk was born, so This era has become more prosperous. "

"When a king is born, there will naturally be several kings to sharpen the king, but in the end only the king can shine and become a symbol of this era. Those kings are only competitors on the road of the king's growth. Eventually Will be left behind by the emperor, obviously the famous sheep is that emperor. "

Princess Lan Fei is getting stronger and stronger, just like having endless power.

Ning Xiaochuan was heartbroken, and she was swallowed by dozens of drops of Wu Zun's blood, which made her cultivation progress rapidly.

This is simply unfair!

If there were not many warriors gathered here, Ning Xiaochuan would like to sacrifice the magic sword and insert it into her head to devour all her blood.

It is not that Ning Xiaochuan is too stingy, but that the value of Wu Zun's blood is too great, and the value of each drop of blood is comparable to a precious mysterious medicine.

"Princess Lan Fei's fighting power is too strong, forcing Ning Xiaochuan to passively defend, you said, why was she undressed by Ning Xiaochuan? This is illogical!"

"How do you know she was undressed by Ning Xiaochuan?"

"Ning Xiaochuan didn't take off her clothes. Why did she kill Ning Xiaochuan?"

"It sounds reasonable ... Ah!"

Before the warrior's voice fell, Princess Lan Fei, who was rushed up, was blown out with one palm, fell on the yellow sand more than ten meters away, rolled down the dunes, and spit blood in her mouth.

Murong Wushuang ran over from a distance and stood next to Ning Xiaochuan, condensing a mysterious sword, staring at Princess Lan Fei with a jealous look, asking, "Chuan Brother, Princess Lan Fei wants to strike you again?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently, with an angry look in his eyes, "This time I lost a lot, and she took advantage!"

Those martial arts in the distance became weird when they heard this. This time it makes sense.

A genius girl whispered in the mouth, "I said that Ning Xiaochuan was very affectionate and would not be rude to other women. You do n’t believe it, now you understand! It turned out that Princess Lan Fei wanted to rude him! "

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