Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1125: Vast starry sky

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Ning Xiaochuan stood in the void, and the feeling of getting into the bone marrow suddenly filled the whole body.

The cosmic void is like this. It is a forbidden area for all life. Except for the gods, most people spend too much time in the cosmic void, and may even become dead directly.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan has a broken boat in his hands. Otherwise, he would not even want to enter the void of the universe before breaking through the spiritual cultivation.

He waved his hand to take out the broken world boat, and this slap-shaped broken world boat quickly grew in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

After the boat broke into a few tens of meters in diameter, Ning Xiaochuan stepped up one step, the figure and the boat broke into a fusion.

After the disc-shaped boat broke, Ning Xiaochuan made a buzzing sound immediately after entering.

Immediately, the broken boat became a bit illusory.

The next moment, the broken boat has disappeared out of the wall of Dayan World.

Crossing the cosmic void is not simply a matter of crossing the terrible distance between the stars, but more importantly, breaking through the various spatial faults contained in the cosmic void.

If Ning Xiaochuan flew by himself, I'm afraid he would not be too far away from Dayan World after flying for one year.

It is even possible that Ning Xiaochuan was trapped in a certain spatial fault for hundreds of years at a time, but after coming out, the result remained unchanged.

The role of the broken boat is to break through these cosmic faults.

Ning Xiaochuan sat in the broken boat and immediately saw that there were waves of ripples around the broken boat, and the broken boat passed through these ripples.

Every time he passed through a circle of ripples, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that he had advanced a terrible distance of tens of thousands of miles.

With just one breathing effort, a huge star appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

This star is estimated to be as small as a light spot when viewed from the world of Dayan. But at the moment in front of Ning Xiaochuan, the star is huge, and its area is even larger than the world of Da Yan.

The broken boat flickered past the star, and then more and more stars began to appear in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally going to continue to practice in the broken boat, but at this moment, when he saw these magnificent cosmic stars, Ning Xiaochuan's attention was immediately attracted, and he had no intention to continue practicing.

Through the outer wall of the broken boat, Ning Xiaochuan can clearly see everything in the cosmic starry sky.

A huge tree the size of a world flashed in front of Ning Xiaochuan. Before Ning Xiaochuan was too surprised, he saw a monster that was larger than any star, and made a snoring sound of horror, while wandering in the cosmic starry sky while sleeping.

Even across a broken boat, Ning Xiaochuan can feel the powerful breath emanating from this giant monster.

A monster that can float and sleep in the cosmic starry sky is definitely more powerful than ordinary gods.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan was frightened, the giant monster suddenly turned over, and the huge stars that were originally floating around him were crushed immediately.

Fortunately, there is no life on these stars, so this monster did not cause any killing.

But that alone was enough to shock Ning Xiaochuan.

Now that he has not even reached the Shenhe civilization, he has seen so many incredible scenes. This shows how amazing the Shenhe civilization should be.

Continuously shocking pictures appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

But later, Ning Xiaochuan could not care about these anymore, because the energy in his body had begun to decline rapidly at this moment.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's estimation, this group of energy can support Zengcha Kung Fu at most.

"After Zhancha Kung Fu, if I still can't find a black hole, I can only sink the blood from the ring directly here."

Ning Xiaochuan sat cross-legged in the broken boat, carefully thinking.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in the hands of a false godhead and six receiving **** beads.

Although Ning Xiaochuan did not want to refine the pseudo-gods, for the sake of insurance, he still brought a pseudo-god with him. This kind of treasure that can make sub-gods is a precious treasure everywhere.

In addition to the godhead, Ning Xiaochuan also has six receiving **** beads.

Ten false beads can condense into a pseudo-god. Ning Xiaochuan now has only six in his hand, which cannot form a pseudo-god at all.

However, there are a lot of energy in these six beads, and Ning Xiaochuan can use the energy of these beads to practice in the starry sky of the universe.

After Zhancha Kung Fu, Ning Xiaochuan's breath weakened.

At this moment the powerful energy in his body had completely dissipated.

Almost at this moment, the speed of the broken boat quickly dropped.

Originally, the broken boat seemed to shuttle in a circle of ripples, and it was able to pass through numerous ripples in an instant. But now, the speed of breaking the boundary boat has been reduced countless times, and the shuttle in the void is like falling into a quagmire.

Although Ning Xiaochuan was still pushing the boat to break the ship at this moment, the speed of breaking the boat continued to slow down.

Sitting in a broken boat, watching a huge star around him slowly passing by himself, in addition to being stunned, Ning Xiaochuan could only curse Yue Mingsong in his heart.

Lieutenant General Yue Mingsong said so easily through the void that even Ning Xiaochuan was misled into thinking that it would be very easy to cross the void this time.

However, based on the current situation, if there is no other way, Ning Xiaochuan will be trapped in this void.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what is this place? Hey, why are you here in the void?"

As Ning Xiaochuan frowned, he suddenly screamed in his ears.

At the same time, a figure emerged from Ning Xiaochuan's wrist.

This figure is truly the shadow sage who was previously banned by Ning Xiaochuan.

Now the energy that Ning Xiaochuan used to ban the Shadow Lord has disappeared, so the Shadow Lord naturally reappears in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

After distinguishing Ning Xiaochuan's situation at this moment, the shadow prince was also surprised.

You know, even the second **** has no ability to cross the void, and only Ning Xiaochuan, who created the realm, entered the void of the universe, and he was simply trying to die.

"Breaking the boat, you have found such a treasure. No wonder you have the courage to enter the cosmic void."

After the shadow prince emerged, he only glanced around once and shouted the name of the broken boat.

Although it is only the breath of others, in terms of knowledge, the shadow prince is more knowledgeable than ordinary gods.

"I almost forgot this guy."

Looking at the shadow prince emerging from his wrist, Ning Xiaochuan's face showed a little joy.

In this situation, Ning Xiaochuan has no way at all, but with the knowledge of the shadow prince, he may be able to find a way.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan did not conceal the shadow prince, and told the shadow prince about his situation at the moment.

Although the Lord of Shadows was still annoyed that Ning Xiaochuan did not listen to his persuasion, he consumed the original energy of the group. But he and Ning Xiaochuan are already living together. In this situation, he immediately forgot all the previous things and began to devote himself to Ning Xiaochuan.

"If you want to spur the boat, you need at least sub-level strength. Your strength is still a little bit worse ... well, the energy of these beads around you is very pure and can be used to spur the boat."

The shadow monarch's attention has now focused on the false godhead that Ning Xiaochuan had taken out before.

Pseudo-gods are treasures that can make sub-gods, and the energy contained in them is naturally sub-gods.

It is possible that Ning Xiaochuan did not think of using the pseudo-god to promote the breaking of the boat. However, apart from refining the pseudo-god, Ning Xiaochuan had no other idea of ​​using the pseudo-god.

So at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan immediately asked this question.

The Lord of Shadows was rude, and he put on a teacher's gesture and said, "You don't even know how to use the power of the pseudo-god, Ning Xiaochuan, it seems that I have to give you some common sense."

"common sense!"

Ning Xiaochuan raised her eyebrows.

He could feel that what the Lord of the Shadows said next must be very important to him, so instead of talking nonsense at this moment, he listened silently to the Lord of the Shadows.

Shadow Lord nodded his head and said, "You are now a master of the realm of creation, and you are going to cultivate to the sub-god, and you should know why the warrior must seize the creation to be a sub-god."

Ning Xiaochuan frowned and said: Because the sub-god will start to condense the godhead, only if he seizes the good fortune can he be qualified to condense the godhead. "

What is good fortune? Fortune is actually a trace of true meaning between heaven and earth.

Only by comprehending this true meaning is equal to the first mass of energy that condenses the godhead.

Although everyone understands creation in different ways, the essence of creation is the same.

"The crux of the problem lies on this godhead. What is the godhead? Have you thought about this?" Shadow Lord asked again.

This time, Ning Xiaochuan groaned for a moment and said, "The godhead should be a group of higher energy."

Ning Xiaochuan also had a godhead in his hands before, so the nature of the godhead is relatively clear.

When Ning Xiaochuan grabbed the godhead, he really felt that the godhead was a pure energy composition. When I felt this, Ning Xiaochuan was quite surprised, because the gods seemed to be beginning to understand the existence of the law, and there was no trace of the law in the godhead.

"Yes, the godhead is a mass of high-level energy, but you can become a **** just by refining a mass of high-level energy. Don't you think this is too simple?"

The shadow prince stared at Ning Xiaochuan and saw a bit of contemplative expression on Ning Xiaochuan's face before he continued: "In fact, this involves two ways of becoming a god, from sub-god cultivation to deities. At present, a total of There are two ways. One is the energy of refining the godhead, and the other is the realization of the law, which is called the law of God. "

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