Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1133: Half a year

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At the gate of the pharmacy, several little girls were hiding here quietly.

"This boy Ning Xiaochuan looks very good. He was beaten and said nothing. I didn't expect to be taken away by Mu Yunhe."

"No way. Who keeps our pharmacists from being more powerful than the Mujia?"

"At most we can only deliver here, and when Ning Gongzi leaves the pharmacy, we will go back and report the situation to the lady."


Several little girls were hiding in the doorway, constantly looking into the medicine house door.

These little girls are the same ones as Yao Siqi. Just now they saw Ning Xiaochuan being taken away by Mu Yunhe, but they were powerless. Don't mention them, even their young lady Yao Siqi can do nothing about it.

Therefore, these little girls can only come here, be regarded as a ride to Ning Xiaochuan.

Relying on the topography of the pharmacist, these little girls ran to the front of Mu Yunhe and Ning Xiaochuan. After a while, the figures of Mu Yunhe and Ning Xiaochuan appeared at the drugstore's door.

Mu Yunhe glanced at the place where these little girls were hiding. He had found the whereabouts of these girls, but he was too lazy to care about such a group of girls.

Looking back at Ning Xiaochuan who was behind him, Mu Yunhe dismissed: "You will follow me later, Ning Xiaochuan, what a **** name, if you want to join my Mu family in the future, change the name first, and later I Just call you Ning Datou. "

At this moment Mu Yunhe insulted Ning Xiaochuan so much that he showed it to those girls who were hiding aside.

He knew in his heart that what he had done to Ning Xiaochuan now, these little girls would definitely tell Siqi.

And at this moment Mu Yunhe has been completely certain that Ning Xiaochuan is indeed seriously injured at this moment and has almost no strength. In this case, Mu Yunhe became more and more brazen about Ning Xiaochuan.

Seeing that Ning Xiaochuan was insulted by Mu Yunhe, the little girls who had a good opinion of Ning Xiaochuan were all immediately angry.

Hiding in the dark, they didn't know how many times they scolded Mu Yunhe.

To everyone's expectations, Mu Yunhe's voice didn't fall, and Ning Xiaochuan walking behind him calmly said, "Ning Datou, this name is really inferior. It's better to use this name yourself, big wood, like this It sounds pleasing. "


Not only Mu Yunhe, but even those little girls who were hiding from the side were all caught.

How dare he say that? Isn't that trying to kill yourself?

"Fuck, what did you just say?" Mu Yunhe looked coldly at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan looked the same, and walked a few steps towards the side: "Nothing, I say you can get out."

"You let me go." Mu Yunhe looked instantly furious.

In his opinion, Ning Xiaochuan had become a slave to his men, and a slave dared to scold his master, even if he had done everything possible.

"You are trying to kill yourself. My Mu family's criminal law is famous on Medicine King. Wait for you to try it yourself." Staring at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, Mu Yunhe reached out and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan. .

However, just as Mu Yunhe's hand was about to catch Ning Xiaochuan, his movements were sluggish.

Immediately, Mu Yunhe started to wave his hands and slapped him.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped……

The crisp slaps came down, and Mu Yunhe's face became red and swollen almost instantly.

The little girls who were hiding in the dark had been completely dumbfounded at this moment, and they didn't know what disease Mu Yunhe had committed at the moment.

After slapping his countless slaps in a row, Mu Yunhe walked towards the distance dullly.

"Help me give your ladies to the individual, I will have a chance to see you later." Ning Xiaochuan smiled and waved at those little girls, then turned and left.

After the figures of Ning Xiaochuan and Mu Yunhe disappeared, these little girls reacted and rushed back to the drugstore one by one.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan has already been away from the drugstore.

The reason why Mu Yunhe just turned into that is naturally the ghost of Ning Xiaochuan. His physical power could not be used for the time being, but the power of the Seven Magical Demon Heart was still intact.

Relying on the power of the Seven Tricks and Demon Hearts, Ning Xiaochuan wants to control a real-life Mu Yunhe, which is naturally extremely simple.

Controlling Mu Yunhe to the distance, Ning Xiaochuan was not prepared to let Mu Yunhe go.

Now that he had lost strength, there must be such a slave around him to help him restore his strength. Although Mu Yunhe's strength is a little bit worse, but he is a child of the family of Yang Xinshi, he can definitely get a lot of medicine for restoring strength for Ning Xiaochuan.

As a young master of the Mu family, Mu Yunhe must have some powerful guards hidden around him.

However, these guards did not see the clue between Ning Xiaochuan and Mu Yunhe at this moment. It was just that the movement of Mu Yunhe felt strange at this moment.

Walking with Mu Yunhe, Ning Xiaochuan began to use the power of the Seven Magical Demon Heart, and wanted to turn Mu Yunhe into his own slave.

However, after a little trial, Ning Xiaochuan was helpless.

This Mu Yunhe deserves to be a family member of the Mu family. He has a unique power to guard his mind, and he is trying to repel Ning Xiaochuan's magical power of the Seven Skills.

If the strength is intact, Ning Xiaochuan is not a problem to break through this force.

However, in this case, Ning Xiaochuan is struggling to achieve this.

After knowing that it was impossible for Mu Yunhe to become his own slave, although he felt a bit pity, Ning Xiaochuan gave up Mu Yunhe decisively, and gathered next to Mu Yunhe, pretending to whisper to Mu Yunhe However, Ning Xiaochuan left Mu Yunhe's side in a big swing.

After Ning Xiaochuan left for tea, Mu Yunhe suddenly woke up.

I glanced around a little at a loss, and all the previous things suddenly appeared in Mu Yunhe's mind.

"I was actually controlled." Recalling the situation just now, Mu Yunhe's expression suddenly appeared a little frightened.

The person who can completely control him without a word is conceivable.

After glancing around, after finding that Ning Xiaochuan's traces had disappeared, Mu Yunhe's face was frightened, and he immediately speeded up and rushed towards the Mu family.

As for Ning Xiaochuan, Mu Yunhe did not dare to provoke Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

At this moment he just wanted to quickly return to the Mu family, and then use the power of the Mu family to deal with Ning Xiaochuan.

Just half a day after Mu Yunhe returned to the Mu family, a group of masters rushed out of the Mu family and began searching for the whereabouts of Ning Xiaochuan on the entire medicine king.

However, such a search naturally did not yield any results. Except for a storm on Yaowang, Ning Xiaochuan's trail seemed to disappear completely on Yaowang.


Six months later, the medicine king.

"Ancient board, your business is booming these days."

"Haha, that's right, don't look at the quality of the elixir that I've recently entered."

"Old man, is it that you have found a great spiritual master to make elixir for you. If there is such a good thing, don't forget the brother, let the brother and me also visit this great spiritual master. "

"Get out of here, even if I find a big cultivator, I won't let him know you as a white-eyed wolf."


On a prosperous street of Yaowangxing, a big fat man with a total of three hundred pounds was walking and joking with people around him while walking along the street.

It can be seen from this fat man's talking and manners that he is quite popular in this street.

After walking half a circle along the street, the fat man appeared in front of a hall with a quaint signboard.

Pushing the door open, the fat man went in.

Walking down the stairs to the second floor of the palace, the fat man looked a lot respectfully, arranged his clothes, and then the fat man pushed in the door and walked in.

"Master Ning, how are you today?"

With a smile, the fat man walked into the room in front of him while talking.

"OK." A soft voice came from the room.

The fat man entered the room, closed the door, and then continued with a smile: "Master Ning, I have sold the refined elixir, but this time it is not a spirit stone, but a The batch of drugs, some of which are high-grade drugs, we definitely do not lose on this sale. "

"You can do the business yourself. Have you found the elixir I asked for?" The indifferent voice hardly changed, and it passed into the fat man's ear again.

At this moment the bright light flashed in the room, only to light this quiet figure.

This so-called Ning Gongzi is naturally the Ning Xiaochuan that the Mu family was searching for recently.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's face was still slightly pale, showing that his condition was not too good.

The fat man nodded, respectfully said: "I have found it, but the elixir you want, Ningzi, is either too expensive or too rare. It is basically a good thing that you can't meet, but you can't ask for it until I finish this business , I should be able to lay down a spiritual stone, and then I will go to Yaowang Pavilion to buy an elixir. "

Yaowangge is the largest elixir trading place on Yaowang. Even psychic elixir can be bought in Yaowangge.

Of course, the price of psychic elixir is really too outrageous, and it is either affordable for the average person.

"Well, this is an elixir that can help you, take it." Ning Xiaochuan's look remained unchanged, and he threw out an elixir, and then sat cross-legged again.

The fat man took the elixir that Ning Xiaochuan had thrown away, and his face suddenly became excited.

Thanks to Ning Xiaochuan many times, the fat man carefully turned and went out, and closed the door again.

When the fat man left, Ning Xiaochuan, who was sitting in the room, suddenly appeared a **** shell, and he entered the **** shell directly.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's condition is not good now, it is obviously much better than half a year ago.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's strength has not been restored at this moment, his physical strength has already recovered to the level of heaven and earth.

However, at this time, Ning Xiaochuan has become more and more difficult to continue to restore his strength. If there is no corresponding elixir to treat the injury, Ning Xiaochuan wants to completely recover from the injury. I am afraid that he must sit in the shell for hundreds of years. Only can.

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