Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1135: Blood melon

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Knowing everything about this meeting of mind trainers, Ning Xiaochuan did have some emotions.

He will also participate in this meeting of psychologists.

Apart from that, the ancient fat man just made it clear that in recent decades, the prize of the final winner of almost every session of the mind trainer conference contains a rare psychic medicine.

What is Ning Xiaochuan missing now? What is lacking is the psychic elixir for restoration.

If he can get a potion of elixir, relying on his means, in all likelihood * he can restore his injuries to seven or seven.

As for the identity breach, Ning Xiaochuan didn't care.

Now it ’s really possible to embarrass him, and there is also a Mu family, and although this Mu family ancestor is a sub-god, this Mu family ancestor retreats all year round and will not easily show up.

As long as Ning Xiaochuan seizes the opportunity, he will get the psychic medicine first, and when his strength recovers, the entire medicine king will have no deterrent effect on him.

"However, before that, try to restore your strength as much as possible."

Ning Xiaochuan murmured in his heart before looking up at the fat Ding in front of him.

This Ding Fat man found Ning Xiaochuan found a elixir merchant on Yao Wangxing after he left the medicine house.

Ding Fatzi's original cultivation was only one step away, and Ning Xiaochuan used a little trick to control him.

Afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan remained hidden in Ding Fat's elixir shop. This place was only a few tens of miles away from the Mu family. The Mu family went through the entire medicine king and wanted to find Ning Xiaochuan. It never occurred to them that Ning Xiaochuan was hiding under their eyelids.

Of course, the reason why the Mu family could not find Ning Xiaochuan was mainly because the medicine king was too chaotic. Although the Mu family's power in the medicine king was huge, it was far from reaching the point where it could cover the sky.

In this case, even if the Mu family wanted to search Ning Xiaochuan with great fanfare, there would surely be many people in the dark who would trip the Mu family.

As for why the Mu family is in trouble, does this still need a reason? For those who are hostile to the Mu family, it makes them uncomfortable.

In addition, since Ning Xiaochuan came here, he has never even visited the gate once. As a result, his chance of leaking is naturally even lower.

All kinds of reasons combined, so that Ning Xiaochuan completely disappeared under the eyelids of the Mu and pharmacists.

This Ding fat man was called Ding Wei. After being controlled by Ning Xiaochuan, with the use of the elixir in the Ding fat man's shop, Ning Xiaochuan just exposed his hands, which made Ding fat man's business close to failure.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan even made some tinctures for Ding Fatty who could make him perfect, and Ding Fatty's cultivation made him able to rise to the third level in a rocket-like fashion, reaching the fourth step ladder now. realm.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan has relaxed his control over Ding Fatty, but the more nourishing Ding Fatty who has lived in recent days has long been fully obedient to Ning Xiaochuan, and he dare not have the slightest rebellion.

After glancing at Ding Fatty, Ning Xiaochuan said calmly, "Is the batch of elixir you said last time now here?"

"It's already here today. I'm here to give it to the young master." Ding fat man reached out and handed a Qiankun cloth bag.

Feeling at random the contents of Qiankun's cloth bag, Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little disappointed.

Although the elixir in these Qiankun cloth bags is extremely precious, there is still a big gap with what Ning Xiaochuan imagined.

At least, with these elixir, Ning Xiaochuan's injury will not improve.

However, Ning Xiaochuan also knows that it is his limit to be able to obtain these elixir by means of Ding Fat.

Nodded, Ning Xiaochuan said casually: "Okay, you leave now, and I asked you to help me prepare things, are you ready?"

"I've been prepared for a long time." Fat Ding respectfully took out a thin mask and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan took this mask in his hands and put it on his face, his breath suddenly changed dramatically.

Such a mask can also be regarded as a kind of mystery, but the function of the mask is very simple. It is mainly to isolate the two functions of exploration and change of breath.

The reason why such a mask appears on Yao Wang is mainly because there are many elixir transactions on Yao Wang, which are not visible. At this time, the double convenience of trading will appear with this mask.

Therefore, even if you see such a masked person on the street of Yao Wang, everyone is not surprised.

Ning Xiaochuan also accidentally saw two such strange people appear in Ding Fat's guests, so he asked casually, who knows that he asked a surprise.

This mask is extremely useful to him at the moment.

With the mask, Ning Xiaochuan can walk out from here with a big swing.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's regret is that masks are not allowed at the meeting of the Yangzi Master. Otherwise, Ning Xiaochuan will save a lot of trouble by then.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan taking the mask, Ding Fat also guessed that Ning Xiaochuan was going out, but of course he did not dare to stop Ning Xiaochuan.

Half a day later, Ning Xiaochuan, wearing a mask, walked out directly from Ding Fat's shop.

I haven't left the upper room for half a year, and now I see the sky again, Ning Xiaochuan's mood suddenly became quite happy.

The climate of Yaowang is a bit different from that of Dayan World.

In the world of Dayan, the four seasons are distinct, but there is no such thing as the four seasons on Yaowang. At any time, there is a spring in Yaowang.

Fortunately, apart from this, in other respects, there is not much difference between the medicine king and Dayan World, and the sun is overhead.

Of course, the sun in Dayan World is definitely not the same as the sun on Yaowang, but this difference, Ning Xiaochuan doesn't want to waste time on it.

After walking along the street towards the front, Ning Xiaochuan has begun to browse in each store very familiarly.

Although he didn't go out much, but the situation in the neighborhood, Ning Xiaochuan already knew from Ding Fatzi's mouth.

At the moment Ning Xiaochuan entered these stores, most of them are similar to Ding Fat's pharmacy, Ning Xiaochuan casually visited a few, and was not interested in this.

Leaving these blocks, Ning Xiaochuan rushed directly to the largest heart-raising hall nearby, the Mujia Yangxin hall.

Most of the famous yangxin halls on Yaowang are opened by the family of yangxin masters such as the Mujia or pharmacists.

The Mujia Yangxin Hall, as the name suggests, can be distinguished. This Xinyang Hall is opened by the Mujia.

As the family of the most powerful psychologists on Yaowang, the Mujia Yangxindian is also the strongest presence on the entire pharmacy.

Almost every kind of elixir Ning Xiaochuan wanted to find was extremely rare, so at this moment he naturally ran directly to the largest heart-cultivating hall on Yao Wang.

When he came to the door of the Mujia Yangxin Hall, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help but sigh.

Simply talking about the scale of the Yangxin Hall, the scale of the Mujia Yangxin Hall is larger than that of any house that Ning Xiaochuan has seen before.

However, this is also normal. The entire medicine king star has been developed into a city. As the core of medicine king star line, the pattern of these temples can not be too small.

Stepping into the Mujia Yangxin Hall from the main entrance, a waiter from heaven and humanity greeted him immediately.

Although the mask on Ning Xiaochuan's face can change a person's breath and isolate others from investigation, he cannot hide his strength.

At this moment, the breath emanating from Ning Xiaochuan was almost at the level of heaven and earth, so he who came out to entertain him at the moment was also the waiter of heaven and earth.

The waiters of the Mujia Yangxin Hall are divided into several levels.

The lowest level is the waiter on this day. Above the realm of heaven and earth, there are the stewards of the real world, the elders of the eternal realm, and the elders of the good fortune.

The waiters at each level are responsible for entertaining guests at each level.

As for those martial arts below Heaven and Human Realm who came to the Yangxin Hall, unless there is a special status, no waiters will be sent in the Yangxin Hall to entertain them.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't mind what kind of waiter he was at the moment.

He followed the waiter from heaven and earth into the Yangxin Hall, and Ning Xiaochuan said directly: "I have a few elixir here, and I want to exchange elixir from your Yangxin Hall, you can help me estimate the price . "

The trade of elixir for elixir is obviously extremely rare in Yang Xin Dian.

Therefore, the waiter in the heavenly world showed a little surprise on his face, and then began to ask what kind of elixir Ning Xiaochuan wanted to exchange.

"Tianxincao, the thousand-year blood bodhi ... the main kind of elixir called blood melon, the better the longer the year." Ning Xiaochan's mouth immediately said a series of elixir names.

At the beginning, the waiter in the heavenly realm also knew what Ning Xiaochuan said was the elixir.

But after that, he was at a loss, except that he had not remembered the names of these elixir, but he had no idea what they were.

This situation surprised the waiter long ago.

You know, although these waiters are not psychologists, they have been trained in this area and are most familiar with the elixir needed by psychologists.

But at the moment Ning Xiaochuan said the name of the elixir, many of which he had never heard of.

After listening carefully to Ning Xiaochuan's explanation of all the elixir, the waiter in heaven and human body suddenly showed a look of astonishment, and then he did not dare to give way: "This guest, you have come here at such a coincidence. Now There is a guest in the Yangxin Hall consignment of a blood melon that has reached 2,000 years. "

"What? Really have blood melon?" Ning Xiaochuan Huo Ran stood up.

This time he came to the Mujia Yangxin Hall, in fact, he was more holding on to the stone and asking for directions. He wanted to first see if there were any elixir in the Mujia Yangxin Hall that he needed urgently.

Of the elixir he mentioned before, most of them are actually useless to him, but they are quite rare. This is the main reason why the waiter has not even heard of many elixir names.

But this blood melon is indeed an elixir that Ning Xiaochuan urgently needs at this moment.

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