Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1147: Rebirth

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Ning Xiaochuan's body was shrunk by an inch of heavy water pressure, and finally disappeared directly in front of everyone.

A big living person disappeared by the heavy water pressure of nine yuan.

Everything in Ning Xiaochuan disappeared into the heavy water of nine yuan, except for the godhead he had just coagulated.

This godhead is under the compression of the nine yuan heavy water. Instead of disappearing, it is more and more brilliant.

The Ning Xiaochuan's extinct fire before it also suddenly disappeared at this moment. The burning nine-day magical fire directly engulfed Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead.

"It's great that the preachers of the World Extinction did not carry the second scourge." Ding Kuisong breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was a little disappointed.

Originally, he was still looking forward to Ning Xiaochuan's reluctance to make a terrible disaster, but he was seriously injured, which made him a fisherman.

But now, all this is impossible.

However, after a moment's stun, Ding Kui immediately responded again: "No, this person is dead, should the virtual godhead disappear? Isn't it true that the preacher died?"

Not only Ding Kui, but the other gods around the moment were also shocked.

Water and fire are living together. Under the tempering of Jiuyuan Heavy Water and Jiutian Divine Fire, the virtual godhead left by Ning Xiaochuan seems more and more brilliant at the moment.

Here is the medicine king. Even if those sub-gods are not the mind-goers, the understanding of the mind-goers is far better than other sub-gods.

At this moment, looking at the virtual godhead surrounded by water and fire, a picture of the elixir of refining the elixir appeared in their minds.

That's right!

This virtual godhead at this moment is like a panacea, continually condensed.

Ning Xiaochuan's body is not disappearing, but is fully integrated into this virtual godhead.

All that he has, all that he has become the nutrients of the virtual godhead.

This virtual godhead, called the king of godheads, was still not enough after he had obtained all the essence of Ning Xiaochuan.

If the King of Godhead continues to absorb nutrients, then Ning Xiaochuan's soul will be absorbed by the King of Godhead.

But at this moment, the king of the gods encountered hard dregs, and the trace of the original power left in Ning Xiaochuan's body blocked the king's devour at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan's body of consciousness was fully preserved by the power of this primordial realm.

"Good danger! I did not expect that condensing the virtual godhead is so terrible. When I condense the real godhead, I must be careful and careful." Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness kept muttering.

Relying on the protection of the power of the original realm, Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness was temporarily free of any security issues.

Relying on the power of the King of Godhead, the Nine Yuan Heavy Water and Nine Heavens Fire summoned by the sub-God's calamity cannot help the King of Godhead for the time being, but instead become the energy of the King of Godhead.

It was such a weird stalemate.

For the next nine days in a row, Jiuyuan Heavy Water and Jiutian Shenhuo continued to drop from the sky and land on the King of Godhead.

Such a huge movement has long been a great spectacle on Yaowang. Many masters on Yaowang want to come over to see the situation, but most of these people were intercepted by masters of the major cultivators. live.

The only ones who can really get close to the edge of the King of Godhead are the masters and Tianjiao of the major mind-cultivators.

This awe-inspiring virtual godhead is not something you can often encounter.

Such a terrible secondary **** robbery is definitely the first time it has appeared in the **** world.

Therefore, the family of these mind trainers also wants to let the younger generations in the family come to see if they can learn something from it, then they will make a lot of money.

"This is Ning Xiaochuan condensing the virtual godhead? He, he, he ... is the second god?" Yao Siqi stared blankly at the nine yuan heavy water and nine heavenly fires, still unbelievable, and picked it up by himself. A person, first revealing the identity of the holy spirit cultivator, does not say, but now he has shown the cultivation of the sub-level.

Yao Huichun looked at his daughter and regretted: "It's not just as simple as the second god. Look at the power of this divine sacrifice. This Ning Xiaochuan should be a peerless Tianjiao cultivated by some great force. He The talent is definitely the scariest of the people I've met. "

Wen Min nodded aside. If she had held the minds of Siqi and Ning Xiaochuan before, she had completely lost the idea now.

If Ning Xiaochuan succeeded in condensing the virtual godhead, it would be a sub-god.

A deity who is both a sacred mind nurturer and a sublime with such a powerful virtual godhead is not something that their pharmacists can provoke.

Yao Siqi glanced back at his parents, and then turned his attention to the virtual godhead in front of him again.

Yao Siqi, who has always been confident in her own talent, really started to have a sense of inferiority at this moment.

On the other side opposite the medicine house, a group of people in the Mu house stood distantly.

In particular, Mu Yanxin, before that he continued to teach Mu Baishu, and he had to be overbearing in doing things for others.

However, he had just been overbearing once, and as a result, he had provoked such a pervert as Ning Xiaochuan. If Ning Xiaochuan had passed through the subpoison, judging by the power of this divine calamity, he would definitely be swept by the subgod Ning Xiaochuan. The strength of the Mujia.

As for Mu Yunhe, who initially offended Ning Xiaochuan, he was hiding a long time ago, shivering.

He is now only in the real world. He is not even an ant in the presence of a sub-god.

So at this moment, Mu Yunhe can only stare at the virtual godhead in front of him, constantly praying in his heart for Ning Xiaochuan's failure.

Nine days later, under everyone's attention, the nine yuan heavy water flowing continuously from the void disappeared first, and then the nine-day magical fire disappeared immediately.

At the place where Ning Xiaochuan crossed the robbery, only a glorious virtual godhead was left at this moment.

This godhead has three thousand facets, and it is infinitely close to perfection.


After Jiuyuan Heavy Water and Jiutian Divine Fire disappeared, as if spitting impurities, several things were ejected from this god.

Extermination Sword, Heavenly Emperor Blade, White Bone Bead, Xuanshou Jian.

In addition to these, the elixir Ning Xiaochuan collected recently has disappeared.

Just after being ejected from the virtual godhead, Tiandi Blade screamed first.

"Grass, what happened just now, I almost drained."

Among the four babies, the sword of extinction is already a real artifact, and although the white bone beads and the mysterious beasts do not know the quality, they have a mysterious origin and possess mysterious power, not much worse than the Emperor Blade.

Therefore, just now, under the crazy absorption of the virtual godhead, even the Heavenly Emperor Blade was almost decomposed and absorbed by this virtual godhead.

Although he tried his best to prevent the absorption of the virtual godhead, the Heavenly Emperor Blade had obviously been damaged, and even the quality of the sub-god seemed unable to maintain it.

Therefore, after being spit out by the virtual god, the Heavenly Emperor Blade went directly towards the Xuanshoujian and re-entered the Xuanshoujian.

The space in the Xuanshoujian allows him to repair the damage inside.

"Successfully completed the robbery?"

At the moment, Ding Kui suddenly felt a shock in her whole body, and she could not believe the look in her eyes.

But immediately, a bit of coldness appeared on his face, and the cold voice spread to all the sub-gods on the medicine king.

"You all listen to me. The person in front of us is a peerless demon who destroyed our Shenhe civilization. While he hasn't recovered yet, let's take a shot together and kill him."

The deterrence of the Temple of Heaven is still very strong, so after hearing Ding Kui's voice at this moment, there were many times that he was tempted to move.

In addition to courting the Tenjin Temple, these sub-gods also want to grab the spit of these virtual gods.

Treasures that can be left under the tempering of Jiuyuan Heavy Water and Jiutian Divine Fire are definitely not ordinary products.

At the moment, Mu Yanxin was still worried that Ning Xiaochuan would deal with their Mu family after his successful crossing. At this moment, after hearing Ding Kui's words, the worry on his face suddenly dissipated, and he turned into a bit of joy: "Let's listen to Ding's messenger, we will kill this demon together."

Taking out a supreme imperial lance, Mu Yanxin took the lead to assassinate the past toward the virtual goddess left by Ning Xiaochuan.

A spear pierced the void, and the tip of the gun collided with the virtual godhead.


A violent wind escaped, and then Mu Yanxin's figure flew out.

Instead of causing damage to the virtual godhead, his shot was shocked by himself.

"Great fictitious godhead, if this demon is to be reborn, then we will all die here." Ding Kui looked cold, took out a golden spell in his hand, and threw it towards the virtual godhead.

Before the spell flies to the virtual godhead, the spell will burn automatically, and the aura of powerful aura will be released from the spell.

As this aura fluctuated, a spirit giant made entirely of aura appeared, and his head growled loudly, and the spirit giant slammed a punch into the virtual godhead.

Such a powerful blow almost has the power of the gods to shoot.

In fact, the spell itself is a hole card of Ding Kui. The sprite summon summoned by the spell emits a blow that is equivalent to ordinary gods. However, this sprite can only give a blow. After this blow, the spell The spiritual avatar will also disappear.

Under the blow equivalent to the god, the virtual godhead was finally shaken constantly.

Such a scene made those hesitant secondary gods calm down, immediately took out their own tricks, and blasted towards the virtual godhead in front of them.

The virtual godhead is not a real godhead. The real godhead is one of the most solid substances in the world and cannot be destroyed at all.

However, this virtual godhead is only equivalent to a layer of skin of the real godhead, and there are ways to destroy it.

Under the joint bombardment of these two gods, the virtual godhead trembled more and more.

Finally, a beam of white light emerged from the virtual godhead.

Under this beam of light, countless blood vessels of different thicknesses appeared out of thin air, followed by bones, then flesh.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was once again coagulated.


Such a thing cannot be done even by Shennong. Shennong can resurrect the dead, but it is also necessary to save people's vitality shortly after they die, with the help of their essence.

Moreover, without the physical body, even Shennong would not be able to resurrect people.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan's body had disappeared, but at this moment it was condensed again.

Facing the attacks of the gods around him, Ning Xiaochuan, who had just been reborn, opened his eyes fearfully.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in front of everyone.

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