Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1168: greedy

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A large group of gods flew over Ning Xiaochuan's head, and everyone carried that proud breath, as if to tell everyone at all times that their identity was good.

Such a group of people are undoubtedly those gods who have gone to listen to the lectures of the superior **** of Zhushan before.

"It's over, why didn't Blood Residue come to me?"

Ning Xiaochuan was confused, and put away the sword of extinction, and his figure flew up and rushed towards the palace where the superior **** Zhushan lived.

Before reaching the palace, Ning Xiaochuan saw countless figures flying out of the palace. Many of them even took out the starry boat and flew away in the starry boat.

Seeing this scene, the breath of Ning Xiaochuan was released without any concealment.

In this way, as long as the blood remains out of this palace, the trace of Ning Xiaochuan can be found immediately.

Groups of Tianjiao walked out of the palace where the superior **** of Zhushan was located, including blood residues and others.

"Haha, Zhushan is indeed a superior god. After listening to him for a month, I seem to be quite impressed and I can break through immediately."

"Me too, unfortunately, the next time Zhushan seniors will give lectures ten years later, I will definitely come back if I have the chance."

"Well, Brother Xueren, that person seems to be Ning Xiaochuan, he should be waiting for you."

"Blood residue, don't care about him, you are the Tianjiao of our Moxu Mountain. If we walk with such garbage, our face will be lost."

"That ’s also true. Now Ning Xiaochuan is a laughingstock. You did n’t hear it just now. Many people are still talking about him, saying that he is one of the lowest level of garbage, and he wants to mix with the superior **** of Zhushan to listen to the class. Life and death. "


A group of Tianjiao gathered around Mo Tianxiang and pointed at Ning Xiaochuan, who was ridiculing constantly.

Knowing that the deity in Ning Xiaochuan's body is only the lowest one this time, their attitude towards Ning Xiaochuan has changed dramatically.

The blood is the same. At this moment, his face is staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and he even resents why he knew Ning Xiaochuan.

If he didn't know Ning Xiaochuan, he wouldn't be laughed at by other Tianjiao now.

Although I had previously agreed to meet with Ning Xiaochuan in private, but at this moment, blood residues could not avoid Ning Xiaochuan. Of course, he refused to meet with Ning Xiaochuan in private.

"Let's just leave, and go back to Moxu Mountain first." Ning Xiaochuan stared at him in the distance, and the blood residue began.

Mo Tianxiang frowned, glanced at Ning Xiaochuan in the distance, but said nothing, took out the starry boat directly, and rushed into the starry sky with these arrogance.

Looking at the departing star boat, Ning Xiaochuan frowned suddenly.

He had already found the blood residue just now. Originally, Ning Xiaochuan thought that the blood residue would come to meet him. Who knew that he left without saying a word.

However, Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to know the information of Emperor Zijin and others from the blood residue mouth, so of course he would not let the blood residue leave.

He took out the high starry sky boat extorted from Ding Kui, and Ning Xiaochuan drove the starry sky boat towards the sky.

Two starry boats rushed into the starry sky.

In the starry boat in front, this group of Tianjiao has switched off the topic and no longer talks about Ning Xiaochuan.

After all, in their opinion, they are the pride of the sky, and they will definitely become gods in the future, so it is not worth it to waste time on Ning Xiaochuan.

Suddenly, a Tianjiao turned and looked behind him and exclaimed, "Well, how can we be followed by a starry boat? Is it possible that Tianjiao of that star field wants to come and be close to us."

Hearing the sound of Tianjiao's exclamation, all the blood scum and others turned to look, one by one looking confused.

In the vast starry sky, the probability of two starry sky boats taking the same route is too small, so when you see the starry sky boat in the back, these days will immediately determine that the starry sky boat is following them.

"Stop to see who it is? How dare you follow us."

"Maybe it's Princess Tianxiang's suitor."

"Will it be that Ning Xiaochuan? He was left on the mainland of Zhushan by us, and now he has followed."

"Don't talk nonsense, the value of a high-level starry sky boat is still quite high. How can he get such a high-level starry sky boat if he is the lowest sub-god."


A group of Tianjiao casually discussed a few words, and Mo Tianxiang waved and put away the starry sky boat, quietly waiting for the starry sky boat to approach.

The starry boat rushed away only a few miles away from Mo Tianxiang and others before disappearing suddenly. Ning Xiaochuan's figure appeared in front of these Tianjiao.

"Well, it's really Ning Xiaochuan."

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's figure, several Tianjiao were almost shocked to swallow their tongues.

The value of a high-level star boat is quite amazing. Although these young Tianjiao are very talented, they are too young, and most of the resources they get are used for cultivation, so it is difficult to get such a high-level star boat.

At the moment, in this group of Tianjiao, there is only such a high star sky boat in the magic sky incense, and the quality of the star sky boat in other Tianjiao hands is much worse.

So these Tianjiao people were so surprised when they saw that Ning Xiaochuan even owned a high-level starry sky boat.

They did not know that Ning Xiaochuan's starry sky boat was extorted from others. At the beginning, Ding Kui also got such a high star sky boat because of his relationship as a messenger of Tenjin.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan in the distance, Mo Tianxiang's indifferent voice passed the past.

"Ning Xiaochuan, our fate is exhausted, what have you been doing with us?"

Ning Xiaochuan stepped in front of Mo Tianxiang and others, glanced over them, then stayed on the blood residue, calmly said: "I'm not here for you, I'm here for him, just wait for him to answer I have a few questions and you can go. "

When these days of arrogance heard Ning Xiaochuan's indifferent tone, they just felt cool.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan's tone in these days sounds a little bit piercing.

Blood residue glanced at the arrogant look around these days, knowing that Ning Xiaochuan had caused dissatisfaction.

In this case, he had a great opportunity to restore his image in the hearts of other Tianjiao.

He stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, and the blood residue directly said coldly, "Ning Xiaochuan, what kind of thing do you dare to talk to us like this?"

The words of Blood Residue obviously immediately resonated with other Tianjiao, so even Blood Residual felt that the other Tianjiao around him looked much softer.

When he was proud of the blood-stained heart, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Master Xueren, what is your relationship with this Ning Xiaochuan?"

Blood residue glanced around and immediately saw a male Tianjiao blinking at him.

This male Tianjiao Xiu has already reached the sixth level of the sixth god, and he is also regarded as a great figure among the young and big Tianjiao in Moju Mountain. Compared with the blood residue, it is obviously much worse. Usually when in the Moyao Mountain, the blood residue has to nod the brother.

At this moment when I heard this brother asking himself this way, Blood Residual thought for a moment, thinking that he and Ning Xiaochuan, one of the lowest-level sub-gods, had already caused this brother to be dissatisfied.

Therefore, the cold blood on his face immediately began to secretly communicate to the male Tianjiao: "Brother, I have nothing to do with this Ning Xiaochuan."

Hearing the response of Blood Residual, the male Tianjiao smiled suddenly at the corner of his mouth, and continued to secretly say: "Haha, this is just right, Brother Xue Residual, wait for you to cooperate with us and take a shot at this Ning Xiaochuan. Let's grab With the high starry sky boat in his hands, your benefit will be inevitable. "

"What? You want to grab the high-level starry boat in his hand." Blood Can's face suddenly showed this surprised look.

Although it is known that Ning Xiaochuan has only condensed a lowest-level godhead at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is after all the second **** of the gods.

And more importantly, the image of Ning Xiaochuan's blasting the gate of the gods and gods was very impressed by the blood residue, so that when the blood residue was facing Ning Xiaochuan, he was always lacking in anger.

"Why? Is n’t the blood-scared master unwilling to join us, if that's the case, then it's okay for the teacher to watch the excitement on the side." The cold voice passed into the blood-scarred mind.

The blood was suddenly shocked and eagerly said, "No, no, my brother has misunderstood. Of course, I have to shoot with my brother and others. Otherwise, can I still be regarded as a disciple of Moya Mountain?"

Compared with Ning Xiaochuan, blood remnants at this moment care more about this group of Mogao Mountain Tianjiao.

A few words were whispered in private, and Xue Ren and others looked at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes and began to take on murderous spirits.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan stood in the starry sky, but his face was covered with coldness.

With Qiqiao God's demon heart, he has already heard the blood remnants and the voices of several others clearly with the help of Qiqiao God's demon heart.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't find it strange that Tianjiao wanted to secretly kill him, but the blood was actually involved in the incident, which made Ning Xiaochuan angry.

Originally, he thought that these geniuses who came out of the Dayan World could hold a group in the Shenhe civilization and break out of the world together.

However, judging by the current performance of blood residuals, Ning Xiaochuan knew that his thoughts were just delusions.

"Kill, kill this boy, **** the starry boat in his hand."

"The sword he had held before seemed to be an artifact, and he must not let it go."

"Brothers, let me do it alone. Although this guy has cultivated himself to reach Nine Gods, but his condensed godhead has only 36 aspects, which shows that the rules he comprehend are not too strong. People are enough to kill him. "

After a moment of transmission, the group talked for a while, and the blood was waiting for a group of Tianjiao to kill them. They surrounded Ning Xiaochuan from all directions.

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