Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 117: Rivalry

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Not only were the vice presidents of the Third Military Academy, Jinang Wuyuan, Wuxing Wuyuan, and Tianxiang Wuyuan all came in person and sat outside the martial arts court.

The four vice-presidents are all over 100 years old. Some children are Yan Yanhe, some look only four or fifty years old, and some have messy hair and shabby clothes.

The genius Junjie of the top ten of this year stood below and stood in a row. Everyone has a powerful martial arts mystery radiating out, and at a young age, it gives people a temperament to point to the mountains and pride.

Xue Gong served in front of ten Tianjiao, glanced at the ten people below, and said, "If you enter the top ten of this year, you will get a prize from Xue Gong. Of course, it depends on your next performance. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards. The number one leader will not only get rich rewards, but also be eligible to enter the Tiangong for seven days. "

Tiangong, known as the first sacred place for the Yulan Empire, cultivates in it for one day, which is comparable to training for one year outside.

One day in the sky, one year on the earth.

That's the place all martial artists dream of, even if they only practice one day in it, they can leave their opponents behind for a year.

Becoming the head of the current session, you can enter the Tiangong for seven days of cultivation, which is equivalent to throwing a warrior of the same age behind you for seven years.

This is a huge temptation, more attractive than any treasure!

Not only did the top ten talented talents in this year's talent surge, but even those students in the distance were so excited and envious.

The school palace minister brought out a bronze tray with ten jade **** in it, saying, "Now you come up to draw the number plates in order, and the next two numbers are your next opponents."

Ning Xiaochuan also went to draw the number plate. The bottom of the jade ball reads "No. 4". In other words, his opponent is number three.

Who will be Ning Xiaochuan's opponent in the first game?

Below, many people are looking forward to the early meeting of Ning Xiaochuan and Mingyang, because the famous sheep have already spoken to take Ning Xiaochuan's life, and Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation is not weak.

If the two men meet, there must be a good show.

The famous sheep also glanced at Ning Xiaochuan slightly, twisted the jade ball in his hands, and showed the bottom of the jade ball in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan also pinched the jade ball between his fingers and pointed the jade ball towards him.

The famous sheep clasped the jade ball with five fingers, closed it up, and said lightly, "You're lucky!"

At the bottom of the famous sheep's jade ball, "ten" is written!

"Ning Xiaochuan, your luck may not be very good." He Jia took out the jade ball in his hand, and pointed the bottom of the jade ball toward Ning Xiaochuan, which just said "No. 3".

He Jia's repair is very strong, but Ning Xiaochuan did not feel any pressure, and said lightly: "Is that? We will fight again on the battlefield."

The list of matches will soon be lined up.

First game: Royal enemy, Lu Qing.

Game 2: Ning Xiaochuan, He Jia.

Game 3: Yu Lanfei, Silver March.

Game 4: Xie Mengyao, Hu Han Ye Li.

The fifth game, the famous sheep, Nanshui one.

In the first battle, Royal Enemy and Lu Qing fought.

The imperial enemies wore gold armor, stepped on a Sanpin ice lizard beast, walked into the martial arts, holding Fangtian Huaji in his hands, the whole person was like a **** of war!

Lu Qing is the young genius of the Lu Family in the Mo Ling Yu. He has the title of the first ghost in the Mo Ling Yu. He has almost no defeat among his contemporaries, and has now entered the fourth level of the deity.

Lu Qing held a dragon-backed large knife in his hands. The knife was two meters long and was red in color. It was like a magic blade made by Yan Jing. It weighed 9,200 kilograms, but it was not very pinched in his hands. Struggling.

Lu Qing held the dragon-backed sword in both hands, and filled the blade with mysterious energy, and immediately caused the sword to rise with a length of three feet.

A slashing across, the yellow sand on the ground was shaken up by the earthquake, condensed into a huge salon, and made a low-pitched dragon chant.


The imperial enemy did not retreat, and the Fangtian Huaji in his hand burst out of golden mysterious light. He blasted to Sharon, crushing Sharon's head into sand.

In the yellow sand, Lu Qing slashed.

The blade of light is as fast as lightning.

A golden-colored mystery erupted on the palm of the Imperial Enemy. Nine palms were patted in succession, and they were bombarded on the dragonback sword, driving Lu Qing back.

The ice toad beast under the Royal Enemy screamed, and then rushed towards Landing Green in madness. The two fought again, and the martial arts filled the entire martial arts field, arousing the yellow sand of the sky.

"A month ago, the self-cultivation of the imperial enemies was only better than Xiner. Now, his cultivation has left Xiner far behind. In the Fire Devil Mountains, he must have got a great opportunity. .After returning from the Fire Devil Mountains, he must have been under the key training of the King's Palace, otherwise his cultivation would not be able to grow so much. "

This is not to say that Ning Xin'er's talents are weaker than that of Ning Xin'er, but that Ning Xin'er has more resources than Ning Xin'er, and the speed of practice is much larger than Ning Xin'er.

If Ning Xin'er was trained in the sword pagoda, then Ning Xin'er's current combat strength can also compete with the natural enemy.

"Taking the battle with mysterious beast pets, will this be unfair to other students?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

A woman standing next to him said, "Theoretically, this is not against the rules. After all, mystic beast pets are also part of the warrior's power. Like dragon elephant warriors, dragon elephants are part of their force. If there is no dragon elephant, Their combat effectiveness will drop a big step. "

Ning Xiaochuan glanced slightly at the woman next to him, and couldn't help but feel amazing.

This woman is also one of the top ten. She is very beautiful. Although she is only fifteen or six years old, she is more mature than other girls. Her **** are very protruding and extremely plump, while her waist is very slender and uneven. It is chic, yet it looks very symmetrical and full of beauty.

Her figure is very tall, just half a head shorter than Ning Xiaochuan, especially the legs under her skirt, white and slender, full of flexibility.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't deliberately go to see it. It just swept away casually, but it felt amazing, especially the pair of slim and delicate *, even a bit like a acquaintance.

How could this feel?

"Yunmengwufu, Xie Mengyao!" The woman's mouth slightly ticked, her red lips were **** and feminine, and her eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a slight smile.

"Ning Xiaochuan." Ning Xiaochuan hadn't been shunned by a woman's eyes for a long time, quickly turned his head, converged, and stared at the battle above the battlefield.

The battle between Imperial Enemy and Lu Qing has entered into a fierce heat.

"Across the world."

Lu Qing's long hair was reversed, his gaze was soaring, his body soared, and he slashed down with a knife, splitting a huge sword of more than 20 meters in length, condensed into a huge knife shape, and bombarded the top of the Imperial enemy.

This sword seems to have a groundbreaking power, and the sword is flying all over the martial arts ground.

The imperial enemy encroached Fang Tianhua's halberd, and his whole body was covered with golden light, forming a large golden ball with a diameter of three meters.


Fang Tianhua's halberd and dragonback sword expanded.

An inflated force was introduced into the body of the Royal Enemy, and then uploaded from the body of the Royal Enemy to the Ice Toad Beast, and immediately pressed the Ice Toad Beast to the ground, with a painful scream in his mouth.

The imperial enemy was furious, and a roar rang out from his mouth. The ghost of a golden unicorn rose behind him and became as big as a small hill. With the imperial enemy, he went to the landing and killed him.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The strength of the Imperial Enemy has become extremely huge, with overwhelming power, and Lu Qing can escape a few steps with each blow.

"The Yutian enemy actually cultivated into Qilin's war spirit, and he hid the cultivation." Xie Mengyao's mouth showed a smile.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said: "The martial arts of the Imperial Enemy should have entered the fifth weight of the deity, but he was deliberately suppressing his own power and did not completely erupt the combat power."

Xie Mengyao said: "In order to cultivate Qilin warfare, you must achieve at least the fifth level of the deity."

"Do you seem to know the King of Kirin?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Every powerful opponent, I know their data in mind. Knowing oneself and knowing one another can be a hundred battles." Xie Mengyao stared with a smokey smile.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. Where did this sentence seem to be heard?

The battle between the Royal Enemy and Lu Qing has ended. In the end, the Royal Enemy used Qilin's fighting spirit to defeat Lu Qing strongly. Fang Tianhua's halberd penetrated Lu Qing's chest and severely injured Lu Qing.

Next came the battle between Ning Xiaochuan and He Jia.

This was also a battle that attracted much attention, one from "Jiangehouhou" and one from "Yuanyuan Sect", the head of Wanzong.

If there is no such genius as famous sheep, He Jia has the strength to compete for the current leader.

He Jia's face was as white as a piece of paper, his body was thin, and he showed a sickness, but no one dared to look down on him, because he would be sick, which was related to his martial arts secrets.

He practiced the Ancient Classic of Yin, which transformed the yang in the body into martial arts, and only yin remained in the body. In the case of yin and yang, he looked like a chronic disease. people.

But in fact, the more serious the warriors who practiced the "True Yin Classic", the stronger they became, but they did not die.

This is a very vicious martial art. It hurts people first and hurts itself. The yin in the body will become heavier and stronger, and eventually it will approach the undead creatures. At the same time, it has lost a lot of things that normal people should have.

He Jia was standing in the middle of the battlefield, his body was thin, but with a arrogance that did not put the world in his eyes, "Ning Xiaochuan, you should thank me."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Why?"

"Because of this martial arts battle, you will be defeated in my hands, and you will be eliminated. This is a good thing for you, at least you don't have to die under the sword of a famous sheep." He Jiadao.

Ning Xiaochuan looked calm and said, "A lot of people say you are strong, and I want to see how strong you are?"

"If I'm strong enough to kill you, I will never relent."

He Jia's palm condensed a cloud of mysterious air. There were dozens of small ice swords in the palm of the palm, and each small sword was the size of an embroidery needle.

A thick layer of pale blue ice formed on the ground under his feet, covering a 10-meter-long sandy land. On the ice, a blade-like ice spike appeared.

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