Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1170: The ever-changing Ruyi Divine Work

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The arrows shot by the magic incense, some become firebirds, some become flying dragons, some become roaring giants, and some even directly turn into a galloping meteorite ...

The starry sky around was originally lonely and cold, but immediately after the magic sky shot these arrows, the lonely starry sky added countless colorful colors.

Looking at the magnificent scenery in front of me, several women who had not shot Ning Xiaochuan before were arrogant, and their faces suddenly became obsessed.

"This is the ever-changing Ruyi Divine Power of Motianxiang. It is said that to successfully cultivate this Divine Power, it is necessary to understand more than one thousand rules, and each rule can be transformed into a beast attacking the opponent.

The ever-changing Ruyi magical powers can also be regarded as a very famous magical power in the demon world. Such magical powers are displayed in the hands of the magic heaven incense, and their power is almost infinite.

Ning Xiaochuan was holding the sword of extinction, one sword after another, and slashed at the arrows that came towards him.

The firebird was chopped by sparks, the flying dragon became two halves, the beast was torn, and the meteorites exploded directly ...

The two men attacked and defended as if they had cooperated countless times.

Those broken arrows exploded in the starry sky, making the sky even more brilliant.

Several starships sailing from a distance, wanting to shuttle through this star field, saw the bright starry sky here, and felt the passing aftermath of the battle a little. With a startled expression, he immediately turned around and flew away in a starship boat.

The battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang seemed brilliant, but there were countless dangers hidden in the brilliant.


Ning Xiaochuan slashed an arrow firebird, and the sparks shot from the firebird shot out, and several of them fell on nearby planets, and immediately caused these planets to ignite a raging fire.

"Sure enough, I can only resist, and I can't even fight back." Ning Xiaochuan stepped back continuously against the arrows that Mo Tianxiang shot.

The figure of the two flew across the starry sky, and the starry sky nearby suddenly became a mess.

Motianxiang's expression was cold, but he constantly pulled the bowstring of the short bow in his hand, and transformed every rule into arrows.

Her gaze passed through the splendid piece in front of her eyes, and finally fell on Ning Xiaochuan's face with the same calmness.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you've killed me so many days in Mogao Mountain. My master in Mogao Mountain will not let you go. Now you go back with me and confess your sins, maybe there is hope for life."

Mo Tianxiang's consciousness kept flowing into Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Ning Xiaochuan waved the extermination magic sword in his hand and dismissed this consciousness from the magic heaven incense at all.

Weak meat and strong food, this is the law of survival in the Shenhe civilization.

If Ning Xiaochuan really grabbed his hands today, pleaded guilty, and went to Moxun Mountain with Mo Tianxiang, he would definitely die in the end.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not mind a direct settlement with Mo Tianxiang today.

He has already seen the strength of Mo Tianxiang, it is indeed very strong, even stronger than Ning Xiaochuan, but the difference in strength between the two is very small. In this case, if the two fight hard, they will only lose both.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan directly passed on his consciousness to Motianxiang.

"Magic incense, you and I are of equal strength, and if you continue to fight, you will only lose both. It doesn't make any sense at all. I suggest we stop temporarily."

"Impossible." Mo Tianxiang was very resolute in his attitude. While pulling the bowstring in his hand, he coldly whispered: "Unless you capture it today, I will not let you go."

This attitude made Ning Xiaochuan also annoyed immediately: "Okay, since you want to consume it, then I will consume it with you to the end, and see who we can consume more energy in the end."

With a wave of his hand, an arrow shot by Mo Tianxiang was broken, and Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered towards Tian Jiao, the women who stood in the sky watching the battle.

The Mogao Mountain Tianjiao did not die because of the relationship that they had been keeping around Mo Tianxiang before.

But at this moment, when they saw Ning Xiaochuan killing them, their faces suddenly panicked.

Although these women Tianjiao are not bad, but their own strength is similar to the group of Tianjiao that was just beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan. When they met Ning Xiaochuan, they did not even have the power to fight back.

Looking at the pretty-looking, panicked women Tianjiao in front of them, Ning Xiaochuan did not show any sympathy, and after a few swords, they beheaded their exquisite bodies into several pieces.

Immediately, the virtual goddess in these female Tianjiao was also smashed by Ning Xiaochuan.

Although these women's Tianjiao strength is average, they are also sub-gods. After Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang have suffered a mixed defeat, they will definitely attack Ning Xiaochuan while Ning Xiaochuan is weak.

By that time, Ning Xiaochuan will not have any power to fight back.

Since Motianxiang chose to continue to consume it, Ning Xiaochuan must of course eliminate this threat in advance.

It took almost a blink of an eye to kill these women Tianjiao.

When Mo Tianxiang discovered these, only Ning Xiaochuan and Mo Tianxiang were left in the starry sky.

Seeing that the remaining Tianjiao were also beheaded by Ning Xiaochuan, Mo Tianxiang was already shaking with qi, and the beautiful face also began to show an angry flush.


With a wave of the palm of Motianxiang, all the splendor of the sky suddenly disappeared, Motianxiang stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, and the short bow in her hand was almost pulled into a round shape.

Obviously, under the anger, Mo Tianxiang finally performed her trick.

A gorgeous arrow shot out from the short bow in the hands of Mo Tianxiang.

This arrow is completely different from the arrow that Mo Tianxiang shot before. The arrow that Mo Tian Xiang shot before will leave her short bow and change into various forms immediately.

However, at this moment, this arrow has kept the shape of the arrow and shot towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"Dangerous! Dangerous! Extremely dangerous!"

Looking at the arrow that shot towards him in the distance, Ning Xiaochuan's heart suddenly felt a feeling of extreme danger.

As soon as the figure flashed, Ning Xiaochuan's figure crossed half of the starry sky and landed on a star.

But what surprised him was that the arrow turned in the air and shot at Ning Xiaochuan.

At the same time, the figure of Mo Tianxiang also passed by the starry sky and landed towards the star.

Ning Xiaochuan held the sword of extinction, aimed at this arrow, and suddenly chopped down.

However, this arrow turned out to be illusive, and passed directly through the sword of extinction and shot into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

"Ning Xiaochuan, my ever-changing Desolate Arrow is a secret method that directly attacks the godhead. Your godhead is only 36 aspects, which is the lowest godhead. You ca n’t bear my arrow at all. Let it die." The figure flashed across the air, and at the same time a cold consciousness came.

Turns out to be a direct attack on the godhead!

As soon as the voice of Mo Tianxiang came, Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that the arrow had hit the Wanfa Godhead in his body.


Almost instantly, cracks appeared on the surface of the Wanfa Godhead.

The godhead was damaged, and Ning Xiaochuankou spit a blood directly, while his eyes were dark, and his consciousness seemed almost unconscious.

After training to the sub-god, the godhead is fundamental. If the godhead collapses, Ning Xiaochuan will never survive.

Fortunately, the godhead in his body has just been refined into seventy-two aspects, which is much stronger than before. The arrow of magic sky incense obviously only has the power to kill the thirty-six aspects of the godhead. Therefore, this arrow It just hurts Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan resisted the arrow of magical incense, the icy magical incense had fallen directly from the sky.

At the moment, Mo Tianxiang's face was also pale, apparently the arrow just had a considerable burden on her.

In fact, Mo Tianxiang's current situation is already pretty good, but her trick was originally used to deal with her rivals, which is a kind of unique trick that both loses.

Because of knowing the level of Ning Xiaochuan's body, Mo Tianxiang's arrow just didn't exert its full power. It is because of this that Mo Tianxiang's state at this moment does not look very bad.

"The law that this man just cast should be the legendary way of extinction, but he clearly didn't condense the **** of extinction. Why can he continue to practice the way of extinction ... there must be some secret in him. I took his body back, good. Research, maybe what can be researched. "

With a pale face, Motianxiang reached out and grabbed Ning Xiaochuan.

She had long discerned that Ning Xiaochuan's law seemed to be the legendary way of extinction, but the more she did, the more confused she became.

The way of annihilating the world with the demise of the world is almost a well-known thing in Shenhe civilization, but Ning Xiaochuan broke this iron rule.

Reaching out to catch Ning Xiaochuan, Mo Tianxiang held Ning Xiaochuan directly in front of him.

When Mo Tianxiang was about to collect Ning Xiaochuan's body and flew away, Ning Xiaochuan, who was regarded as a corpse by Mo Tianxiang, suddenly opened his eyes.

With both hands quickly grabbing Mo Tianxiang's arms, Ning Xiaochuan made a little effort and immediately took the initiative and pressed Mo Tianxiang under him.

Mo Tianxiang didn't seem to believe the fact that Ning Xiaochuan was not dead. After Ning Xiaochuan was under his body, he suddenly changed his look and immediately began to struggle.

Both are Jiuzongjiu and their strengths are almost equal, but in terms of strength, Mo Tianxiang is a lot worse than Ning Xiaochuan.

So for a moment, Mo Tianxiang couldn't escape Ning Xiaochuan's control at all.

On the contrary, because of the relationship of struggling and resisting, Ning Xiaochuan pressed almost the entire body on Mo Tianxiang's body, and barely controlled it.

The bodies of the two were entangled with each other, and then rolled on this desolate planet.

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