Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1203: Order

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Seeing the shots of Ning Xiaochuan and the Tangan monk, the figures of Ning Xiaochuan surrounded them, but they retreated, giving up the place to the three of Ning Xiaochuan, the monk Tangan and Kong Mo.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's repairs are comparable, Kong Mo's energy index is as high as four, far exceeding that of Ning Xiaochuan and Dangan monk. Therefore, these people all looked relaxed and looked at Kong Mo's shots.

Kong Mo was also looking relaxed at the moment. The energy indices between the three of them were too different, which represented a huge gap in strength between them. Therefore, Kong Mo did not take Ning Xiaochuan and Dangan monk at all.


A layer of golden light emerged from the monk Tangan, and his body even faintly formed a statue of the Buddha. Almost all the statue of the Buddha is composed of laws. It is extremely powerful. If it is in a low-level civilization, it is enough to suppress everything. .

But at the moment facing Kong Mo, he just twitched it with a snap, and the Buddha's ghost image on the Tangan monk was completely shattered. Even the Tangan monk himself vomited blood from the drawn mouth and flew back.

After the monk Tangan, Ning Xiaochuan's figure also appeared immediately.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan and Dangan monk actually knew that they were not their opponents. In front of these people, they are cultivating here for many years. They have just arrived and their energy index is far worse than the other.

But in this case at this moment, knowing that he was not the opponent, Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan monks still shot decisively. If they are insulted like this, if they do n’t even have the courage to make a shot, then their martial art path may be over.

"Boy, your energy index is only 1.7, and my energy index is as high as 4. Although we have made the equivalent, your strength is nothing but scum in front of me." Kong Mo stared at Ning Xiaochuan, with the corners of his mouth showing. After a little sneer.

The words he said just now are not just for stimulating Ning Xiaochuan, but they are indeed prepared to do so, stepping on the soles of the monks Ning Xiaochuan and Tangan, and stepping out of their pride.

However, just as Kong Mo looked disdainfully preparing to fire against Ning Xiaochuan, the energy detector in his body suddenly reacted violently.

The energy index of Ning Xiaochuan actually jumped from 1.7 to 3:00 at this moment.

Although the three-point energy index is still inferior to Kong Mo's four-point energy index, the difference is not large.

Kong Mo's expression was startled and he didn't know what happened, but Ning Xiaochuan's cold look had already rushed in front of Kong Mo. A blast of sword gas shot from the palm of his hand, and instantly shot through Kong Mo's two arms.

Kong Mo was a little too embarrassed, and at this moment was surprised by the sudden change of the energy index in Ning Xiaochuan's body, so he immediately fell into the wind, his arm was shot through, a roar in his mouth, and a rule broke out in him The power, want to defeat Ning Xiaochuan in one fell swoop.

But it was a little late at this moment. Ning Xiaochuan appeared the sword of extinction in his hands, and swept past his neck.

Kong Mo's collar rolled down from his body.

Such a change made all the people in the surroundings look very different. Among them, a few people who responded quickly enough, and immediately shot, trying to kill Ning Xiaochuan.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flashed, but he had already held the virtual godhead in Kong Mo's body.

Taking the nine-fold cultivation of Kong Moci, although the physical body is destroyed, it is not difficult to resurrect. But if his virtual godhead is crushed, he wants to be born again, and the cost will be high.

"If you want him to die, you can come up." Ning Xiaochuan held Kong Mo's godhead in his hand, his voice was cold.

Such a threat suddenly made those around him hesitant and stopped, and they were obviously worried that their companions would be killed.

The little prince Ye Chaofan, who had been standing aside and had been too lazy to speak, suddenly looked at Ning Xiaochuan at this moment and grinned, "Haha, it's interesting. There is a bit of bone in these guys. I like who Do n’t even try, I have to deal with him myself. ”

Ning Xiaochuan held Kong Mo's virtual look in his hand and frowned, "We have agreed to try again after three months. It seems that you have violated the agreement when you come to your door at this time."

"Appointment!" Ye Chaofan's disdainful smile appeared on his face, glancing around: "Have you ever heard of any agreement? Why didn't I know what agreement we had with them before?"

"Of course there is no agreement, and we have never heard of it." The people around Ye Chaofan laughed together.

"Have you heard it? Since there is no agreement, then when do we want to come and bully you, then come here, do you care?" Ye Chaofan digs his ears with a boring finger, and the more ridiculous his face becomes, : "And, even if there is an agreement? What do I think? This agreement is unpleasant, so the agreement can be abolished, what can you do?"

With a playful look around, Ye Chaofan's eyes fell on a Tianjiao lying on the ground.

Tianjiao's bruised nose and swollen face lay on the ground at this moment, staring angrily at Ye Chaofan.

Ye Chaofan and the Tianjiao glanced at each other, suddenly reached out, sucked each other directly into his own hand, and held the other hand, Ye Chaofan grinned: "Looking at you as if angry, I will be compassionate, give You have a chance to speak, if you are not convinced, just say it. "

The Tianjiao's complexion was so insulted by Ye Chaofan, but he didn't have the power to fight back, staring at Ye Chaofan. He yelled, "We didn't know you before, and there was no resentment between each other. Why are you dealing with us like this? "

The heavenly pride around all indeed felt sad and angry at this moment.

They and Ye Chaofan didn't even know each other. Today, the other party suddenly came to the door and insulted them so much. For these Tianjiao people, it is simply a disaster. Many people don't even know what Ye Chaofan and others want.

"Yeah, we don't know each other, and we don't hate each other. Why do we come here to insult you?" Ye Chaofan's look of teasing on his face became more and more obvious, and he held Tian Tian in his hands in front of himself, and looked slowly at his eyes. Slowly: "The reason we are here today is very simple. It is because you are not pleasing to the eye and want to teach you something. You are still satisfied with this answer."

Ye Chaofan's answer made Tianjiao's eyes wide, and a look of sadness and indignation appeared on his face, because everyone could hear it. At this moment, Ye Chaofan was not really communicating with him, but was teasing him.


Ye Chaofan teased the Tianjiao for a moment, and even took out the virtual godhead of Tianjiao and took the virtual godhead in his hand. Ye Chaofan turned and looked at Ning Xiaochuan and said, "One for one, now I have There is also a godhead, how about we hand in. "

Before Ning Xiaochuan agreed, Ye Chaofan grabbed the palms around him, and even caught the goddess in Tianjiao's body one after another.

"Now I have more than one godhead in my hand. If you want to change it, I'm afraid I'm not qualified, then I will destroy a few." Ye Chaofan laughed and crushed two virtual godheads.

Two top heavenly pride from eight civilizations, before they rose in the kingdom of truth, they fell completely.

Such a scene saw the arrogance and anger in the hearts of the Tianjiao who fell on the ground around them, but at the same time they were a little bit timid.

This Ye Chaofan is simply a little devil, and he has no worries at all, even for killing here.

"Here is Tianjiao Palace. Isn't there any rules? Even those who kill casually will not be punished?" Tianjiao, who almost looked disintegrated, roared.

"Rules! Here is my rules." Ye Chaofan looked coldly at this Tianjiao, and smashed his body with a wave of his palm.

Glancing at the heavenly pride on the ground, Ye Chaofan sneered: "Who dares to oppose me, kill them all."

Looking at Ye Chaofan who was so fierce and overbearing, not only were these heavenly pride on the ground calmed down, but even these people who came with Ye Chaofan also looked dignified at this moment, seeming to be a little worried.

These people are all young people who are born and raised in the Kingdom of Truth. They were the masters of this place before the heavens of Bapin civilization came here.

The original name here is not the Temple of Heavenly Pride, but the Palace of Learning, where the Kingdom of Truth cultivates the younger generation. It was only in this generation that there were problems within the Kingdom of Truth, so it was necessary to absorb heavenly pride from the Bapin civilization, and to supplement the population defects of the Kingdom of Truth.

Such a population replenishment strategy is absolutely vital to the inheritance of the Kingdom of Truth.

But for these young people who are still in the school, their eyes are not so long-term. In their opinion, these guys from low-level civilizations are simply the dove's nest, and they are robbing them of resources. And in their hearts, they are really downright to these arrogances from Bapin civilization. This is also a common problem when people with higher civilizations treat people with lower civilizations.

He looked down on the other side, and was also worried that the other party would **** the resources he possessed. These ordinary young people who were born in the Kingdom of Truth naturally did not have a good opinion of these Tianjiao in Tianjiao Palace.

Before that, Kong Mo and others proactively provoked that, too. This time Ye Chaofan brought them here to cause trouble, for the same reason.

It is just that the courage of these ordinary young people is obviously inferior to Ye Chaofan. Before they came here, they just wanted to make a big fight and blow the pride of these Tianjiao people in Tianjiao Palace.

As for killing, they dare not, because after killing, they will definitely be severely punished.

So at this moment, when seeing Ye Chaofan's unscrupulous killings, even these young people in the Kingdom of Truth are worried one by one. One of them came to Ye Chaofan and whispered, "Little prince, are we doing too much now Now, killing people now, I'm afraid we have no accountability in the face of order. "

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