Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1206: Eight Kings

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Ye Chaofan originally came to make trouble today. At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was embarrassed by him one after another, but he couldn't help Ning Xiaochuan. Of course, he was not reconciled, so even in the presence of order, Ye Chaofan would desperately kill Ning directly. Ogawa.

However, just as Ye Chaofan was about to shoot, the man in the golden robe shot again to intercept Ye Chaofan.

"Little prince, I am also an order clerk. If I come here and things get worse, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the future. Look at my face today, let's just forget it. The man in the golden robe did not change his face, but secretly began to convey his voice to Ye Chaofan.

"Well, I don't kill this guy today, but he and the bald monk beside him must kneel down and scratch my head." Ye Chaofan said coldly.

In front of everyone, he and the man in Jinpao began to communicate in private in such a reckless manner. Anyway, with their strength, they were not afraid that anyone could eavesdrop.

The man in the gold robe looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and found that Ning Xiaochuan was calm and didn't even give a trace of surrender. He felt a little bit distressed at once: "Little prince, you're embarrassing me. This guy is obviously a hard bone, I'm afraid even kill After him, he will not kneel before that person. "

Ye Chaofan sneered coldly: "This is your business. It has nothing to do with me. I just want results."

Seeing Ye Chaofan's such attitude, the face of the man in the golden robe was also a bit ugly. As an order clerk, he was already a master of the **** level. Even if Ye Chaofan's status in the Kingdom of Truth is not ordinary, at the moment Ye Chaofan is only a sub-god, far from him.

If at this moment he is not facing Ye Chaofan, but is a master of other sub-gods, I am afraid that at this moment he would have shot directly and slapped the other side with a slap.

Therefore, at this moment he was also a little annoyed: "Little prince, I can hide it for you today, but if the matter continues, I am afraid I can do nothing but report this to the King Buddha. I see how the Golden Buddha will punish you. "

"King Buddha knows how it can be, and I tell you the truth, I came here today to make a big noise, but secretly got the consent of my father, who is one of the eight kings of the kingdom of truth. The strength is not much worse than the King of the Golden Buddha. The eight kings of the Kingdom of Truth, in addition to the King of Time and Space, have three of the other seven kings standing by my father's side. Only the two idiots will remain with the King of the Golden Buddha. If you are brave enough, go to the Golden Buddha King. "Ye Chaofan dismissed.

The look of the man in the gold robe was suddenly shocked. Although he was the next god, he did not have a high status in the kingdom of truth.

Therefore, he did not know anything about what Ye Chaofan said at the moment.

This is already a battle between the high levels of the kingdom of truth.

The man in Jinpao looked in shock and immediately asked carefully: "Little prince, the matter of recruiting geniuses from the Nether, but with the consent of the eight kings, how can Master Mu Yun now let you come to Tianjiao Palace to make trouble?"

"Whoever said that the eight kings all agreed to this strategy, in fact, the only one who really passed this strategy was the Golden Buddha King, but because the time and space king was also on their side, this strategy was implemented. Go on. Moreover, do you think the King of the Golden Buddha that they recruited these heavenly pride from the low-level civilization, did they really want to train them? "Ye Chaofan became even more dismissive.

"I didn't really want to train them, then what did the King of Golden Buddha do so hard to absorb these people from Bapin civilization." The man in the golden robe was puzzled.

"You were n’t qualified to know these things, but now I ’m telling you that it does n’t matter. In fact, King Buddha and others brought these guys over, but just wanted to use them to fight those rebels. You do n’t know Well, those rebels have now reappeared, and have begun to counterattack our Kingdom of Truth. This time, the other party is menacing. I am afraid that all low-level civilizations will be involved in the war. "

"What? If that's the case, wouldn't that mean the world was ruined." The man in the golden robe was dismayed.

Ye Chaofan pouted, "It's almost the same, but it has nothing to do with us. Our truth heaven has actually jumped to another time and space, even if those eight-pin civilizations are grouped together, it doesn't matter to us. As long as we Shut down the space-time channel of the Kingdom of Truth, and even those rebels will not be able to target us at that time, but the foolish kings of the King Buddha will insist on destroying those rebels, which is basically destroying our Kingdom of Truth. Since the emperor After Her Majesty and Queen Emperor's accident, the Kingdom of Truth has no power to suppress those rebels. From the current situation, only my Father and King will become the Emperor of the Kingdom of Truth in the future, will it be possible to keep our Kingdom of Truth. "

Although I knew that what Ye Chaofan said at the moment was a bit arrogant, but the man in the golden robe changed his face for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth: "Little prince, if there is any use for Lord Mu Yun in the future, I will not decline."

Knowing that the Kingdom of Truth has already fought to such an extent, even if the man in the golden robe is a god, he can only rely on one side.

Ye Chaofan said so much. What he wanted was the effect. He nodded with satisfaction before he continued: "My father sent me here this time, mainly to abolish these guys and let the King Buddha's plan start. It failed. In this way, the King Buddha also had to surrender to my father, now you still have to stop me from dealing with this guy in front of me? "

"Dare not." The man in the golden robe seemed to have completely yielded at this moment, and shook his head before saying: "Little prince, but this time you have abolished most of these guys. Even the two guys in front of you are already innocent. It ’s better to leave now. After a few days, there will be the next batch of people here. At that time, the little prince will take another shot, and no one will stop you. ”

"In this case ... Yeah." Ye Chaofan groaned for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Although he knew that the man in the golden robe wanted to shirk responsibility at this moment, the next time he came here to make trouble again, the man in the golden robe would definitely hide away and avoid being affected.

But now the man in the golden robe has taken refuge in his own side, so Ye Chaofan doesn't mind giving the other side a convenience.

With a cold glance at Ning Xiaochuan and the monk Dangan, Ye Chaofan waved his arm and left with the arrogant people of this kingdom of truth.

The man in the golden robe glanced around coldly and left immediately.

Although Ye Chaofan and others have disappeared, the Tianjiao Palace at this moment is still silent.

In this case, no one wants to speak, especially those who are arrogant around them. Today, they are miserably bullied by Ye Chaofan, but they have no strength to resist.

To them, it feels like they are the princes of the imperial palace, and they have turned into beggars on the road. The humiliation is only clear to them.

Ning Xiaochuan raised the monk Tangan, sighed, and the figure disappeared here.

There are countless separate spaces in this Tianjiao Palace. As long as Ning Xiaochuan and others have a single idea, they can appear in a separate space, and then rest and practice there.

"Ning Xiaochuan, why you have so many 2,000 **** coins on your body, this is simply impossible." Just entering this separate space, the monk Tangan beamed his face.

The injury he suffered just now is not serious. At this moment, he has recovered most of it, so his energy is immediately put on the **** coin again.

"Master, your performance this time surprised me, but she was willing to stand up for me and was willing to take out five hundred **** coins." Ning Xiaochuan laughed as he looked at the monk Tangan.

The performance of the monk Tan Gan just now really surprised Ning Xiaochuan. Rather, it was the indifferent reactions of the Tianjiao people around, and Ning Xiaochuan was not surprised.

"Yeah! The poor monk also felt a little surprised just now, but the poor monk was originally a compassionate monk. It is not unusual to be able to do such a self-denial. Ning Xiaochuan, if you really appreciate me Just send me a few thousand, hundreds of **** coins. "The monk Tangan grinned.

As soon as the injury recovered, he immediately recovered his nature.

However, to his surprise, his voice had not yet fallen, and he immediately heard a prompt, and Ning Xiaochuan gave him a thousand **** coins.

"There really are so many **** coins." The monk Tangan was shocked first, and then laughed with flowers on his face.

You know, the monk Tangan had only five hundred divine coins before, and now tripled.

Jumping with joy, the monk Tangan looked at Ning Xiaochuan more strangely: "No, Ning Xiaochuan, how did you get this **** coin?"

"I don't know." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

Ning Xiaochuan did not know how these **** coins came. When he was about to leave with the man in the golden robe, he suddenly received a prompt and someone gave him 10,000 **** coins.

Godcoin is just a series of data. If the other party can conceal the identity and just transfer the Godcoin, then Ning Xiaochuan is unlikely to know the identity of the other party.

It was with this pantheon that Ning Xiaochuan would stop at that time and pull the skin with the man in the golden robe.

In the end, he completely got away with only two thousand divine coins. The remaining eight thousand divine coins were saved like this. Now he gave the Tangan monk one thousand divine coins and the remaining divine coins. There are still more than 7,000.

With more than 7,000 **** coins, Ning Xiaochuan's strength can definitely be improved rapidly.

But compared to this, what really surprised Ning Xiaochuan was the dialogue between Ye Chaofan and the man in Jinpao.

When Ye Chaofan talked to the man in Jinpao before, he was almost unscrupulous, but he didn't know it at all, and Ning Xiaochuan listened to their conversation very clearly.

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