Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1261: Hua Tianjin

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Master Fei, who is not a destiny, has very special personal preferences. He seems to like both men and women.

Ning Zilong, Nie Shisan and Hua Tianjin are actually the master's favorite of Master Fei.

However, despite being a male pet, Hua Tianjin was obviously not forced to become a male pet, but was forced. So now when Master Fei is not around, he will take advantage of these young girls right now, so he can vent well, so as not to get psychopathic when he gets along with Master Fei in the future.

Looking at Hua Tianjin, Ning Xiaochuan was a little sad for him.

With the strength of Hua Tianjin, it is more than enough to be a leader in other small worlds, but in the hands of Master Fei, it is only his life to become a male pet.

Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to follow Hua Tianjin and get close to the flying master, so at this moment he sat down cross-legged and sat beside Hua Tianjin.

Although the young girls felt poor, Ning Xiaochuan didn't try to save people.

He can still distinguish between right and wrong. If it is to save people at this time, his plan to sneak into Master Fei is estimated to be completely destroyed.

Hua Tianjin drank the blood from a young girl again, and saw Ning Xiaochuan still did nothing, grinning and grinning, "Nie Shisan, you are usually crazy about women. Why do you change your temper this time? You don't look down on these things in front of you. "

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Hua Tianjin's eyes were clearly suspicious.

When Ning Xiaochuan rushed into those stone lanterns before, Ning Xiaochuan, who felt Hua Tianjin, felt a bit weird. At this moment, this feeling became stronger.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, knowing that he had shown some flaws. With an eyebrow raised, Ning Xiaochuan grinned curtly: "Lao Tzu has just sucked too much into the indiscriminate fire, and now needs some time to digest it. I'll wait for Lao Tzu to dissipate all these indelible fires and enjoy these goods."

The suspicion in Hua Tianjin's eyes receded slightly, and he snorted coldly, reaching out and beckoning at the only woman in the group of girls in front of her who was wearing clothes.

These women seem to have been controlled by Hua Tianjin, so at this moment their eyes are a little confused, seeing the movement of Hua Tianjin, the woman slowly walked towards Hua Tianjin.

The young girls around were all indifferent. Only the woman in front of her was intact. This kind of differentiation made the woman full of mystery and temptation.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's eyes had been staring at this woman, but she had a familiar feeling in her heart.


Hua Tianjin called this woman in front of herself, then reached out and tore off the veil hanging from her face, turning her head to Ning Xiaochuan proudly: "Nie Shisan, this woman is the most beautiful of all women on this planet. An excellent one, when I enjoyed her, we immediately went to find Master Fei. "

The woman caught by Hua Tianjin at this moment is indeed a stunning beauty, with delicate skin, rosy lips, and a small chin.

It was only now that she looked at Hua Tianjin, but she was full of anger. Hua Tianjin controlled her body but did not control her mind, so she would have such a reaction at this moment.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the woman, and his body suddenly shook slightly.

"It turned out to be her!" Ning Xiaochuan was shocked.

The woman caught by Hua Tianjin at this moment turned out to be Ning Xiaochuan, who had just left Dayan World and was in distress in the starry sky, and rescued his young lady Yao Siqi.

At this moment, medicine Qiqi Xiu is much stronger than before, and his eyes are restrained, and there is a faint stream of light flowing under the white skin. Obviously, the realm has reached the peak of good fortune, and he can almost become a sub-god.

But even if she became a sub-god, she would not have any resistance in the hands of Hua Tianjin.

"Do you want to save her?" Ning Xiaochuan hesitated, staring at Yao Siqi in front of her.

If he had been replaced by another person, he would still be able to harden his heart, but after all, Yao Siqi was his life-saving benefactor, who had saved him once.

Pulling Qi Siqi into her arms, Hua Tianjin let go of her control, and Yao Siqi immediately cursed: "Evil thief, even if I am a ghost, I won't let you go."

"Hey, even a little beauty like you is a ghost, even if you are a ghost, just leave me alone, I also want to taste the beauty of beautiful ghosts." Hua Tianjin smiled and stretched out his hand to take the medicine Siqi Ripped off his clothes.


At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan finally could not help but shot. The figure was like electricity. Ning Xiaochuan's palm grabbed directly towards Hua Tianjin. He did not use any rules, but only used the power of the physical body to avoid being discovered by Hua Tianjin. .

Hua Tianjin seemed to have taken precautions. He pushed the medicine Siqi in his arms directly to Ning Xiaochuan. Huo Ran stood up and sneered, "Nie Shisan, since you are so interested in this woman, I will let you Okay, but the rest of the women are all mys. I find some place to enjoy myself. After a long time, I come to you. "

With a sleeve, Hua Tianjin rolled up all the dancers in front of him, and then the wind rushed out.

Ning Xiaochuan shot only halfway, and Hua Tianjin immediately retreated. This situation immediately made Ning Xiaochuan suspicious.

But immediately, he felt a fiery body entangled in his body.

Yao Siqi's body, like a snake, entangled Ning Xiaochuan, the pink arms around Ning Xiaochuan's neck, and the soft body constantly rubbed on Ning Xiaochuan.

In addition, Yao Siqi's gaze was already a little confused at the moment. On the red face, there were infinite *.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced down at Yao Siqi and immediately recognized it. At this moment, Yao Siqi was afraid that someone would plant something like Tianyi holy water, so he would burn himself at this moment. Almost lost.

However, if something happened to Ning Xiaochuan and Yao Siqi, I'm afraid that the venom on Yao Siqi would spread to Ning Xiaochuan.

"What the **** does Hua Tianjin want?" Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his medicine Siqi, frowning and groaning.

He didn't understand Hua Tianjin's idea, so he gave Yao Siqi to himself so easily, and arranged such an obvious trap on Yao Siqi.

Yao Siqi couldn't touch Ning Xiaochuan, and his body suddenly twisted and twisted. Even the clothes on his body were torn a lot, and a large part of his skin leaked out. Ning Xiaochuan looked a little hot.

Looking at Yao Siqi in front of her, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly moved.

"No matter what means Hua Tianjin puts on Yao Siqi, I can take this opportunity to turn Hua Tianjin in turn. Maybe this time I can directly control him and make him a slave to my mind. . "

Thinking of this, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly smiled on his face.

Waving his arms, Ning Xiaochuan directly blocked the surrounding space, so that what he did here was not discovered by Hua Tianjin.

Pulling Qi Siqi into his arms, Ning Xiaochuan's mental power intruded into the other party's consciousness, forcing Wu Qiqi from the edge of loss.

This time he wanted to conceal Hua Tianjin, and he needed to cooperate with Siqi.

"Wake up, wake up quickly."

Stimulated by Ning Xiaochuan's mental strength, Yao Siqi's consciousness suddenly broke away from the loss and was completely sober.

After a little confused, Yao Siqi's eyes were full of anger immediately, staring fiercely at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Drug girl, don't get me wrong, it's me." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and restored his original appearance.

Although it's been decades, Yao Siqi still clearly remembers the appearance of Ning Xiaochuan, so after seeing Ning Xiaochuan's true face at this moment, his face suddenly turned into a surprise look.

"Ning ... brother, it's you." Hesitated for a moment, Yao Siqi still called Ning Xiaochuan as the elder brother.

But immediately, Yao Siqi asked suspiciously, "Brother Ning, why are you here? Who is the evil thief outside?"

"This is a long story, but now I need you to cooperate with me to deal with him, depending on whether you are willing or not." Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and expressed his idea of ​​wanting to conceal Hua Tianjin.

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's need to deal with Hua Tianjin outside, Yao Siqi's pretty face instantly became excited.

"That evil thief has killed all the people on our elixir. Brother Ning, as long as he can kill him, I am willing to try any method."

Looking at the excitement of medicine Siqi, Ning Xiaochuan calmly said: "This method I said may be a bit harsh for you, so you better think clearly before making a decision."

Staring at Yao Siqi, Ning Xiaochuan slowly spoke out his specific plan.

Yao Siqi listened carefully to Ning Xiaochuan's speech, and then a little bitter smile appeared on his face: "Brother Ning, if you don't show up, it is estimated that even I have already died in the hands of the evil thief, so I still Then, as long as I can kill the evil thief, no matter what I do, I will be willing. "

Gently backed off his clothes, Yao Siqi stepped in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Outside the hall at this moment, Hua Tianjin was holding the body of a young girl in her arms.

All the dancers had been drained of blood by him at this moment, and fell around.

Hua Tianjin's ears were raised, but he was listening to the movement in the hall. After a while, the **** and restless sound came out from the hall, leaving Hua Tianjin's face with a little surprise.

"This stupid Nie Shisan dared to have a relationship with that woman in this state. Is my guess correct? He is not Nie Shisan at all, but a fake Nie Shisan."

Hua Tianjin's heart could not help secretly muttering.

This time he deliberately threw Yao Siqi out, but it was not as complicated as Ning Xiaochuan thought. The reason why he was willing to give up the medicine Siqi easily was actually intentionally disgusting Ning Xiaochuan's fake Nie Shisan.

It can be regarded as a tragedy if you can see whether you can eat this kind of thing, especially if the woman in her arms is still a stunner.

But he didn't expect that things didn't seem to develop as he planned.


When Hua Tianjin looked suspicious, there was a loud noise from inside the hall.

what's the situation?

Hua Tianjin suddenly stood up and rushed into the hall.

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